*Mobile's Molly*

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  • Real Name: Nora Greenwald

  • Height: 5 ft, 4 in

  • Weight: 135 lbs

  • Born: 1977 (or 1978, not sure), Forest Lake, Minnesota

  • Trademark Moves: "Molly-Go-Round" (Somersault Splash), "Mollycanrana" (Hurracanrana), Crossbody, Missle Drop-Kick, Hitting someone over the head with a trash can lid :)

  • AKA: Molly Holly (00, WWF)

  • PKA: Starla Saxton (97-98, Indies, WWF, WCW); Miss Madness (99, WCW); Mona (99, WCW); Lady Ophelia (00, MCW, WWF).

  • Has Managed: Randy Savage (WCW, 1999, as Ms. Madness), Chuck Palumbo (NWA, 1999, as Mona), Steven William Regal (MCW, 2000, as Lady Ophelia), Hardcore + Crash Holly (WWF, 2000-01 as Molly Holly)

  • Where you can see Molly today: On WWF TV, also occasionally wrestling at IPW (FL) and MCW (TN)

  • Career Highlights: Being captain of Forest Lake High School's gymastics team twice, being able to bench press 160 lbs at age 14, Being the women's champ of several Indy feds, including being WPWF Women's Champ (Won 8/8/97), and being NDW Ladies' World Champ (Won 8/24/98).

  • Debuts: Wrestling debut: 1997, where she wrestled in various Indy feds as "Starla Saxton"; WWF Debut: 11/6/00 where she helped her cousin by attacking Trish Stratus.

  • Was Trained at: Forest Lake High School for Gymnastics Training; Independent Professional Wrestling for Wrestling Training (St. Petersburg, FL), Memphis Championship Wrestling for Wrestling Training (Memphis, Tennessee).

  • Feuded with: Malia Hosaka (WCW, 98), Madusa (WCW, 99), Bobcat (MCW, 00), Trish Stratus (WWF, 00), Kaientai (WWF, 00)

  • Feuding with: Ivory (WWF, 01)

  • Video Games she's in: WCW Backstage Assault (As Mona, 2000)

  • WWF PPVs Molly has been in: Survivor Series (11/00), Armageddon (12/00)

    *Credit goes to Liz for sending me a lot of this info and "The Mighty Mo!" for the title & feuding info*

    Send any accurate info you want to add by clicking here!