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1. MX attackes Baby Doll with Magnum TA and Dusty Rhodes + TBS Interview afterwards** This is a ***** angle
2. MX/James Cornette vs. Magnum TA/Dusty Rhodes/*Baby Doll* (cage - Great American Bash '86)
4. MX and Cornette accept their award from Pro Wrestling Illustrated as Tag Team of the Year (1987)
5. Jim Cornette complains as the NWA shows the scaffold being constructed at high speed
6. MX vs. Rock-n-Roll Express THE SCAFFOLD MATCH (Starrcade'87)

7. MX v. The Superpowers (Dusty Rhodes/Nikita Koloff)
8. The BUNKHOUSE STAMPEDE WILDCARD match STEEL CAGE! EXTREMELY RARE FOOTAGE! 30 seconds Bobby Eaton and Dusty Rhodes are the last to be in the ring This type of match is different than a WWF match In the WWF the first to exit the cage wins In the NWA, the first to exit the cage loses The winner must be in the ring **VERY RARE**
9. Nikita Koloff (TV Champ) defends vs. Dick Murdock (VERY GOOD MATCH! It literally turns into a lumberjack match with Several wrestlers coming out from the lockerroom coming out to ringside.)
10. MX v. Dusty Rhodes/Nikita Koloff (Steel Cage match - Last 90 seconds)
11. Misty Blue drop kicks Jim Cornette! (Just after drop kick)
12. Bobby Eaton vs. Dusty Rhodes (US Championship -Great match)
13. Bobby Eaton vs. Dusty Rhodes (US Championship - NO DQ From Greensboro, NC. Another good one.)
14. MX vs. Jimmy/Ronnie Garvin (ending)
15. DUSTY RHODES (US Champ) vs. Bobby Eaton (CAGE - Yes a full *unedited* dark match only broadcast once on NWA Worldwide No breaks for commercials and fully unedited)

"Please welcome Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton.....The Fantastics"
16. MX vs. The Fantastics (Their first meeting in the new feud - Last 30 seconds )
17. MX vs. The Fantastics (CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS #1)
18. Crockett Cup '88 *raw* promo
19. MX vs. The Fantastics (last 30%. Good Match ! The US Belts are on the line and Jim Cornette is doing the commentary from the Atlanta studio as he watches this "Fiasco" as he calls it! See what happened **US TITLE CHANGE**)
20. THE MIDNIGHT EXPRESS FIRST ANNIVERSARY PARTY! EXTREMELY RARE from NWA SATURDAY NIGHT. Stan, Bobby & Cornette are out there in party hats, throwing confetti around and blowing party favors, and enjoying a birthday cake. WAIT! JIM CORNETTE AND A BIRTHDAY CAKE? Well, we know what happens anytime Cornette caught anywhere NEAR a birthday cake don't we? Pretty funny.
21. Bobby Eaton vs. Lex Luger (ending)
22. Fantastics vs. The WARLORD/Ivan Koloff (last 2 minutes - This match has Jim Cornette at ring side doing commentary GREAT FINISH as the Fantastics really clean house.)
23. Jim Cornette confronts the Fantastics on NWA Sat. Morn! Cornnete announces he and the MX are out of here.
24. The Fantastics demonstrate a Straight jacket! (**RECORDED *LIVE* AS IT HAPPENED** This *was* the original "Chair shot heard around TBS".)
25. Bobby Eaton vs. Tommy Rogers (ending)
26. Stan Lane vs. STING (At this point in Sting's career after facing the Horsemen at Clash #2 with Dusty Rhodes, I wouldn't want to be in the ring with him! IS HE PUMPED **THIS IS THE REAL STING**)
27. MX & The Fantastics go at it (2 minutes + Fantastics interview. Watch someone's gum go into Bobby Fulton's mouth as he's speaking into the mic. Ewwwww!)
28. MX vs. Nikita Koloff/Dr. Death, Steve Williams (last 2 minutes. Williams RULES at the end! NWA Main Event )
29. MX vs. Sting/Steve Williams (last 90 seconds) 30. MX vs. Lightning Expess (ending - This happened just before the Bash '88)
31. MX vs. The Fantastics (GREAT AMERICAN BASH '88)
32. MX with JIM Cornette vs. FANTASTICS (Bunkhouse match. TV time expried, but the match continued)
33. MX with JIM Cornette vs. FANTASTICS (Bunkhouse match - ending.)

The Midnight Express got *real* lucky in the feud scene A chance to win the NWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP while still being the US Tag Team Champs Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard were the champs and no one knew they were leaving. The match took place in Philadelphia and was *never* professionally recorded! Fortunately we have all the TV build-up and the MATCH ITSELF!
34. CONFRONTATION - MX face Arn/Tully and JJ Dillon
35. Horsemen responce (NWA Sat. Night) 36. Jim Cornette and JJ Dillon square off in an unscheduled debate. The best line, "4 Horsemen, 4 Titles"
37. Cornette summons Stan Lane to the back, Eaton has been attacked!
38. Horsemen response
39. MX vs. Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard (*NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH* From Philadelphia, **HANDHELD** This is the match *never shown on TV* where the MX win the NWA Tag Titles.)
40. MX vs. The Road Warriors (The Road Warriors defeat the Midnight Express to win the NWA Tag Team Titles!)

After losing the NWA World Tag Team Titles to the LOD, the MX had a new feud, Dennis Condrey, Paul E. Dangerously, and Randy Rose, now known as the ORIGINAL MIDNIGHT EXPRESS!
41. Stan Lane vs. Jobber (Cornette is commentating the match when he actually has to take a phone call! The call turns out to be. From Paul E Dangerously as Rose & Condrey attack and TOTALLY DESTROY LANE, EATON & CORNETTE! Cornette is BUSTED WIDE OPEN! **BLOODY!** EXCELLENT intro for the Original Midnight Express)
42. MX vs. Ric Flair/Barry Windham (Clash #4 )
43. Louisville Slugger And Jim Cornette's guest is Paul E Dangerously (CORNETTE BEATS UP PAUL E! Both Midnight Expresses run out and brawl all over the arena!)
44. Original MX v. Fantastics (Paul E. lends a helping hand. Cornette comes out to protest, and gets triple teamed.)
45. OMX vs. Fantastics (ending. Paul E attempts to interfere like in the previous match, but Cornette and the tennis raquet help The Fantastics get the win.)
46. MX vs. OMX (Starrcade '88/TV broadcast)
47. Bobby Eaton vs. Randy Rose
48. MX vs. OMX
49. OMX vs. FX (ending - Cornette attacked)
50. Paul E. Dangerously interview
51. MX Confront OMX
52. MX/Cornette vs. Randy Rose, Jack Victory & Paul E Dangerously (According to Jim Cornette in a shoot interview, Dennis Condrey dropped off Cornette & Bobby Eaton at the airport one day, and that was literally the last time that Cornette had ever Heard from him. As a result, the Original Midnight Express was abruptly left up in the air. Victory was called to fill in at the Last minute, and the angle had to be dropped. They stipulation in this match would be that the loser of the fall must leave the NWA. Obviously with Condrey gone, Randy Rose would wind up having to take the fall here to close out the feud. Chi-Town Rumble '89)

The last match between the MX and Cornette and the OMX and Dangerously was at Chi-Town Rumble '89 The next feud for the MX was Paul E. Dangerously's Samoan Swat Team (SST) Included: the continuation of what happened with Randy Rose....It's classic TV.
53. The Midnights are attacked by the Samoan Swat team.(Samu and Fatu) Paul E. Dangerously
54. THE DANGER ZONE Paul E.'s guest is Cougar J, but guess who shows up? It's Randy Rose! Btw, That's Secret Service Jack Victory with Paul E.
55. MX vs. SST
56. Jim Cornette Announcement The MX is leaving.
57. MX vs. Butch Reed & Bob Orton (First Orton is attacked Dick Murdoch and Reed has to take some masked jobber as Orton's replacement. Teddy Long had just recently started managing Cornette first calls Long (who was managing Reed) a "Peanut Head" during *this* match (A label that would stick for the next 3 years). This match was also in a a Tag Team tournament for the World Belts as The Varsity Club forfieted the belts thanks to Steve Williams in Japan, recorded but never broadcast in the US.
58. MX vs SST (Semi-Finals f the NWA World Tag team Tournament. The Road Warriors lend a helping hand to the Midnight Express Clash 7 )
59. Midnight Express, Road Warriors and Steve Dr. Death Williams v. The Freebirds [Hayes, Gordy and Garvin] & the Samoan Swat Team. (WAR GAMES '89!! INCREDIBLE MATCH!! The LOD score the win for their team, but Animal is destroyed in a post match attack, while the rest of his team is locked outside the cage.)
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