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"Well ya know something Mean Gene?" - TV Talk

With The Heats close link to the NHBC, here will be poingant, funny or just out right outrageous comments made by the characters on the NHBC shows. This section is obviously for regular readers of NHBC shows.

Recent Raze quotes -

Khalid Fatim El Hazarad - For the first time ever, John McCrate is speaking some sense!

Recent X - Rated quotes -

Nick - What are these idiots doing here?...On the arrival of Bling Blingas.

Greg Salmon - Hex and Walt seem to have NO problem whipping each other like dogs!...After Hex and Walt were forced into a match.

Greg Salmon - Lunatik living up to his name!...Lunatik up to some of his out-of-his-mind stunts.

Rob Powell - LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!...The Chairmans response to the actions of others on the previous show - booking ALL of the roster into difficult scenarios.

Rob Powell - The lumberjacks will be men of great integrity...The Chairman commenting on the men selected to be lumberjacks

Rob Powell - I was also pissed off by Lunatik...The list that RP is annoyed with, grows.

Greg Salmon - ...on Raze, we saw what we never thought we would, when NHBC World Champion, Khalid Fatim El Hazarad, pinned number one contender, John McCrate

Nick Blakeway - Yeah! And ya know what?…IT WAS CLEAN…...The commentary team deliberating over John McCrates loss to Khalid inside a Hell In A Cell.

Recent Anarchy quotes -

Rob Powell - Just so you know John…WE DON'T TOLERATE CRIMINALS!!...The Chairman exercising his athority after calling the cops on John McCrate.

Oz - A ha! John's being arrested!!...Oz laughing at his brothers misfortunes, as guest announcer.

John McCrate - Hey KC…this IS Kansas City street fight, do let's take it to the streets of Kansas…BITCH!...McCrate, laying down the law.

Brody - Has John bailed, Oz?

Oz - Look I'm not particularly happy with that son of a bitch right now, but he'll show up....Oz acknowledging his brothers guts.

Alex Column - I AM "Mr. Canada"…I AM WRESTLING!! I was born to wrestle…BRED to win!…...Alex Column taking a page from Lance Storms book.

Carter - Look…I'm not coming to that ring for an ass kicking for nothing! You think I'm an idiot?

Lunatik - You're smarter than you look Carter...I OWE you an ass kicking...Carter responding to Lunatik's challenge, and the then Toughman Champ giving as good as he gets in the verbal stakes.

Oz - You have the pleasure of sitting next to the man who this past Sunday at Fate was SCREWED...Oz feeling down about his loss at Fate.

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