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  Journal   3/14/2002


Welcome Loyal Subjects, Your Hero wants to apologize for not updating recently .The web builder that was being used was lost and Your Hero has had to get a new.  In addition, as you’ll find out on a future journal, Your Hero was seriously injured and has not been up to par.

On Wed. 3/14/02 Your Hero went to work for ETW in San Antonio.  Your Hero would face Masada, again in a title for title match.  For the Loyal Subjects that were there, Your Hero apologizes for such a crappy match.  Your Hero was going to do a journal for this match, then decided because of events that recently happened, Masada does not deserve to be represented in anymore of Your Hero’s journals.  If you’re wondering why, look for the journal on 3/27.  As far as the outcome this crappy match in which your Hero was involved ended in a double DQ as usual.  Therefore, Your Hero would have to face off against this loser again, and the events of that day would change Your Hero’s life.

On a side note Your Hero did have the pleasure of meeting one of the great Mexican Legends Konnan.  While in America he is mainly known for being on WCW and being a member of the Wolfpack or the Filthy Animals, in Mexico he is on the same level as El Canek, El Santo, Perro Aguayo, Gory Guerrero, and Mil Mscaras.  It was nice to get some advice from here and hear some of his stories.




A.C. Riddick