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Nightmare Outcomes
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Well, first I wanna welcome you to your NIGHTMARE. I along with my colleague Mistress Ruth will try and keep this updated as much as possible so that you may be in a constant nightmare. 
I wrestled at the Hideaway Flea Market in San Antonio, TX for the ACW (American Championship Wrestling) owned by The Prince where a lot of wrestlers were running their mouths off so I had to put them in their place. 

1st match was against American Eagle who was bad mouthing all of the past veterans and all Americans on our Memorial Day. 

After he jumped me from behind I turned things on him and splashed him in the corner followed by a tremendous power slam. 

Unfortunately I missed a moonsault giving him a brief comeback. But he underestimated the Nightmare and fell to the Deathdrop. 

Score one for the Nightmare! 

Later in the card The UK Kid was having problems with The Phantom Lords (Spiro and Slayer) so he asked for the Nightmare's help.

He would face Slayer in a singles match and I took on the loud mouthed Spiro. 

2nd Match Spiro started off by smacking me so I knocked the spit out of his mouth. 

Spiro then tried to out wrestle me but that wasn't happening. So he went to the outside - again I gained control and threw him back in the ring.

Unfortunately for Your Hero (that's me) I was caught on the top ropes and thrown to the mat. 

Spiro started pounding on me and things looked hopeless for Your Hero.  But Spiro got cocky and out of no where was hit with the deathdrop. 

Being to tired I was unable to pin him, however when we got back to our feet I pounded the paint off of his face.

Just when things were going my way once again, Nightmare missed that damn moonsault (have to work on that) so Spiro gave me a pumphandle slam.  I kicked out but now I was pissed so I traded blows with him and hit the ref, then he hit the ref, and then we both hit the ref. 

Then the ref double dq'd both of us. 

So Nightmare went 1-0-1 not bad for a night's work.

Riddick's Entrance...
Cheer me dammit...
Waiting for Eagle
I'll get him now...
The BIG Splash!!

Slayer's watching Your Hero.
See..  I do have fans!
He's got me in the Chin Lock.
Returning the favor...


If you ever go to the Hideaway Flea Market and are interested in Weapons there is a guy who sells knives and swords for really low (and I mean really low) prices and this isn't any cheap imitation this is high quality. 
Anyway check him out. 

AC Riddick