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Nightmare Outcomes
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Well Loyal Subjects Your Hero had an odd weekend. Your Hero traveled down to GCWA being told that he was in a match against Dapper Dan, but Diaper Dan wimped out once he found out that he was facing Your Hero. Well Your Hero was given a title shot against the short, robust, butterball Prestigious, for the GCWA Hardcore title. 

Your Hero gladly accepted the challenge.  The crowd reaction for Your Hero was less than welcome, but never fear A.C. Riddick is still Your Hero.  Butterball (Prestigious) knowing he couldn't beat Your Hero brought along the string bean wannabe, U.K. Kid, and the rather hot Delicious Candy Whitmyer.  Even with all this backup the Butterball stalled until Your Hero just attacked him. 

But a cheap shot down south caught Your Hero off guard. After a couple of stiff shots the Butterball felt the wrath of Your Hero's forearms. Feel the Forearms
Down the Butterball goes kissing the mat, begging , pleading for mercy.  Finally he rolled out of the ring and Your Hero gave chase. 

As Your Hero chased the Butterball, the String Bean (U.K. Kid) got in Your Hero's way, so he was thrown into the crowd. 

Butterball hit Your Hero with the bell and then proceeded to throw Your Hero into the ring post.  This was followed by a chair to the throat.  However a quick receipt back to his groin and the Butterball was on the ground. 

Your Hero then choked his ass on the ring barrier and that is when Your Hero noticed The Most Educated Man In Wrestling - Jeromy Sage sitting in the crowd. You want some?

Well, Your Hero was happy to perform for such a great wrestler.  Butterball was thrown back into the ring and that's when the String Bean distracted Your Hero letting the Butterball hit him with a chair.  After a few moments of being choked the action went back outside.  Double teaming was the only way that these two pathetic wrestlers could even hold an advantage over Your Hero. 

She Slapped Me!!!!Once the action went back inside Your Hero hit the Deathdrop and dedicated it to Candy.  Unfortunately she mistook this as a time to come in the ring and get a piece of Her Hero.  So Your Hero planted a big one on her and she planted one back.  Except hers was a slap to Your Hero's face (the Bitch).  This gave the fat Butterball enough time to hit a superkick and stun Your Hero for a 3 count. 

This totally sucked and Your Hero had it out with the ref.  Also, once in the back, Candy repeatedly tried to apologize to Your Hero but even after begging Your Hero said No! 

You see Your Hero doesn't take Ring Rats.  HaHaHa!! Pleasant Nightmares My Loyal Subjects.

Hero's Intro
You got a problem???

A.C. Riddick