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Nightmare Outcomes
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Once again Loyal Subjects you are graced with Your Hero's presence.

This week Your Hero ventured once again to Taylor, TX to compete in BGZ.  

Ivan Putski, WWF Hall of Famer and former WWF tag champion (w/Tito Santana) was on hand to receive a plaque commemorating his accomplishments.  Also, he wanted to see greatness, like only Your Hero can do, in action. 

The competition this week is Mr. Freeze (no - not the Batman character!).  You may remember this overgrown gorilla as A-Train over in PCW. 

Anyway, Your Hero walked to the ring only as Your Hero can and was asked about the unbelievable performance he did last time in BGZ.  Your Hero is always happy to talk about his favorite subject.... A.C. Riddick.  Well, after a brief interview, Manila The Gorilla made his way to the ring.  

He flexed...........  he posed.........  he shouted something.........  he clapped his hands...........  he sucked! 

Your Hero finally locked up with Manila and Manila grabbed a headlock.  Your Hero, always thinking, put Manila into a head scissors but Manila was able to escape and recapture the headlock.  Then Manila went after Your Hero in a frenzy as he shoulder blocked and shoulder tackled Your Hero to the ground.  

Repeatedly Your Hero kicked out looking for an advantage. That moment came when Your Hero came off the ropes and kicked Manila as he attempted a backdrop.  This was followed by a superkick and a very slow 2 count.  

Seeing an opening Your Hero unleashed the ever deadly ................FOREARMS. 

Bam.........Bam............Bam.......Bam Manila was eating the floor.  

Your Hero stood over the fallen Gorilla and knocked him down.........  again he raised up and again Manila was knocked down.........  yet again he raised up and rolled to his stomach as Your Hero came down and low-blowed Your Hero. 

Down goes Your Hero clutching his prized possession.  Manila picks up Your Hero and goes for a clothesline....  so does Your Hero.............  

BOOM!!!! Double clothesline. 

Your Hero gets to his feet and has his punch blocked and then is nailed, This happens a second time followed by a elbow.  Your Hero gets to his feet and is Albert Bombed.

1..........2...........kickout!!!!  Yes Your Hero is still in it. 

Next a scissors kick and again 1................2............kickout!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes!!!!!!!!! 

Manila scoops up Your Hero for a power slam and BANG!!!!!!!!!!!  DEATHDROP!!!!!!!!!! 


What!!!!!!!!!??????!!!! Slow count dammit!   

So Your Hero climbs the turnbuckle and Loyal Subjects everywhere know what comes up next......  


Damn - another freakin'' miss. Manila climbs the ropes and hits a flying elbow! 1..2..3................. 


NO!!! ROBBED yet again. 

Well being the good sport that Your Hero is he reached over and shook Manila's hand.  As Your Hero was leaving Manila put out his hand to rub it in. 

Boom kick to the stomach.....  THUD DDT.....  Finally the Cobra Clutch..  and then Your Hero walked back to the dressing room once again cheated out of a victory.  

But never fear Your Hero is still here, telling you to have a NIGHTMARISH NIGHT!!!! 

A.C. Riddick