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Nightmare Outcomes


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Hello Loyal Subjects,

Your Hero once again tells of his adventures in wrestling.

This time Your Hero made his presence felt in STEW (still think that's a stupid joke).  Ace Cage, the Mohawk Midget, felt the fury of The Nightmare! 

Well Your Hero walked to the ring only the way Your Hero can. Then the MM (Mohawk Midget) walked down and proceeded to say something, which no one could understand (he must have took the Tito Sanchez class of promos).  MM finally shut his mouth and faced off against Your Hero.

Your Hero grabbed a headlock and was quickly shot to the ropes.  MM felt a shoulder tackle and then tried to hip toss Your Hero.  All of the loyal Subjects know that Their Hero is too smart for that, so a reverse hiptoss followed by a clothesline and Your Hero was standing tall (especially compared to MM).

Your Hero picked up MM and took the midget to the corner and SMACK....deadly chop across the chest.  MM is then shot off and ducks the elbow, he ducked the clothesline, and ran right into a powerslam.


Then a clothesline 1.............2...............SLOW COUNT!!!!!

Your Hero then plants MM and Yes all Loyal Subjects know what comes next MOONSAULT!!!! 


I missed. Damn! That sucks! 

Ace hits a splash off the top 


Your Hero tries to comeback. Your Hero is cut off and taken to the corner, MM hits a splash, then a bulldog,1..2..kickout! 

MM throws Your Hero yet again, no Your Hero reverses and monkey flip 1..............2..........kickout! 

Your Hero throws MM out of the ring. Your Hero proceeded to kick the Mohawk out of MM.  MM finally catches Your Hero with a shot to the throat.  Then a dropkick and Your Hero hits (NOT GETS YOU PERVERTS!!!) hard on the concrete floor. Your Hero gets up slowly and ducks a forearm.  MM is hit by a deadly clothesline and hits hard on the floor. 

Your Hero takes it back in the ring and double clothesline.1...2..3...4...5..6..7..

Your Hero is up...1 clothesline....2 clotheslines...backdrop...1............2...........kickout!!! 

Your Hero goes for a 2nd backdrop and is hit with a ddt. MM goes to get a chair.  Some big crossbred thing between Hillbilly Jim and El Santo distracts MM. 

Your Hero rolls up MM and 1.....................2...................3. 


Your Hero has shown the Mohawk Midget who is the better wrestler. For all of my Loyal Subjects till next time...

Welcome To Your Nightmare!!! 

A.C. Riddick