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Nightmare Outcomes




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Journal 10/13/2001

Hello once again Loyal Subjects, Your Hero is back with a vengeance to brighten your day. 

Your Hero traveled to San Antonio to wrestle for the ACW in it’s new indoor home. This night Your Hero would deal with a wanna-be shooter, compete for over 20 minutes, win the GCWA Hardcore Title, challenge Eurocane yet again, destroy Cobra yet again, and help strip Eurocane of his ACW Title. All in one night! So let Your Hero begin……

Your Hero was introduced 1st in a Hardcore Royal Rumble, in which the winner would get the vacant GCWA Hardcore Title. Next came a wanna-be wrestler and wanna-be shooter known as Flaming Rose. 

Your Hero would like to talk serious just for this paragraph to get some things off my chest. Rose is a piece of shit. Rose you tried to shoot on me because you have no clue as to how to work. You’re a pussy who doesn’t deserve to be in the same ring as me or anyone else that I know. I had plenty of opportunities during our scuffle to hurt you very seriously, but I remained a professional. If you ever try to shoot on me or any wrestler I know while I’m around, I will not hold back. Get out of the business, because as you found out in the ring with me and in the back with the rest of the boys, you’re not in the same league as me fat boy. 

Sorry about that now that that’s over with let’s get back to the match….

Cobra comes out he is pushed by Your Hero, then again, he pushes back, Your Hero punches him, he punches back, then again.  He shoots Your Hero off and BAM!! Dropkick, Your Hero backs to the corner Cobra stalks in slowly … THUD!! Kick to Cobra’s jewels. 

(This is where Shithead Rose attacked me with a guitar and shot on me for the last time. After repeatedly trying he grew frustrated at not being able to hurt me.  He took off from the match because of me and therefore eliminated himself out of the contest.)

Then in a matter of seconds Jeff Galvon, Spiro, and Slayer all raced to the ring. Cobra was clotheslined out by Spiro. Your Hero knocked down Slayer then went after Spiro with a bulldog. Then Jeff and Your Hero squared off against both Spiro and Slayer to try and even things up.

All of the sudden the UK Kid appears in the ring. Spiro attacks Your Hero but is outsmarted, for when Spiro went for a clothesline, Your Hero ducked and watched as Spiro was eliminated. The Kid also found himself on the outside thanks to Slayer.

For the next few minutes the ring was full of WHAPPS, BAMMS, and BOOMS! While all that was going on the ring was filling up as Specter, Shellshock, and Cowboy Shane Cody all entered the ring. Also Cowboy Shane Cody, Specter, and Shellshock were all eliminated by Your Hero, when Your Hero went on a warpath and eliminated them all within a few seconds of each other.

The Renegade ran into the ring and was met by Jeff Galvon as Your Hero choked out Slayer. Then Kid Soulja (Carlton) enters the ring and is met by a tennis racket to the midsection. Then Your Hero took Carlton’s do-rag and choked his scrawny neck with it. 

A few minutes later Jason Gunn stumbled into the ring. He was met by Slayer and Slayer’s bat, to bad for Jason.

 After a few more minutes the surfer Rob Summers ran down and BAMM! Surfboard to Your Hero’s head! BAMM! On Renegade! BAMM! On Kid Soulja! BAMM! On Slayer! BAMM! On Galvon! BAMM! On Gunn! Summers throws his surfboard out. Your Hero throws Rob Summers out thus eliminating him. Kid Soulja is thrown into the front row by Slayer!

Then Your Hero watched as Stephen Putski, son of Ivan Putski, comes to the ring and quickly eliminates Jeff Galvon. Then is quickly taken out by Your Hero and Jason Gunn. 

Next T–Money (A-Train/Mr. Freeze) made his way into the ring. T-Money and Slayer went at it so hard they eliminated each other.  During this Scott E. Charms (THE MAN WITH A MILLION ROBES) walked down as the last participant, he looked around and probably made the smartest move of the night.  He walked to the back.

It came down to Your Hero, Stephen Putski, and Jason Gunn.  Your Hero and Gunn teamed up on Putski, the Your Hero shook Gunn’s hand and BOOM!!!!!!!! Kick to his gut and BAMM!!!!!! DDT!

As Putski got up he found himself flying over the ropes thanks to Your Hero.  Gunn was then thrown over, only he hooked the ropes. Your Hero took him to the corner and SMACK!!! Chop across the chest. Your Hero took a chain and SMACK!!!! Across the head. Jason Gunn then found himself eliminated by Your Hero. 

Your Hero had began the match and ended it 20 minutes later. Your Hero was then awarded the GCWA Hardcore Title!  

Yet even though Your Hero was exhausted, Your Hero still had enough to challenge Eurofag! It took a few minutes but Eurocane finally made his way to the ring with his lackey Cobra. Eurocane was to chicken to except Your Hero and ran to the back. Cobra once again attacked Your Hero from behind. Cobra also once again found himself looking up at the ceiling as Your Hero quickly took care of him in an unofficial match.

Yet even after all that Your Hero’s night wasn’t quite over yet. During Eurocane’s title defense against Prestigious, Your Hero came down and knocked out Eurocane costing him his prized belt. 

Life could not get any better for Your Hero. 2 – 0, won the GCWA Hardcore Title, destroyed Cobra again, cost Eurocane his title, and last but not least taught a piece of crap a lesson he won’t soon forget (how to be a real PROFESSIONAL wrestler!).

Till next time Loyal Subjects have a NAUGHTY NIGHTMARE!!!!!

Order Of Entry

1.”The Nightmare’ A.C.Riddick

2.Flaming Rose


4.Jeff Galvon



7.UK Kid


9.Shell Shock

10.Cowboy Shane Cody


12.Kid Soulja

13.Jason Gunn

14.Rob Summers

15.Stephan Putski


17.Scott E. Charms


Order Of Elimination And By Whom

1.Flaming Rose by A.C.Riddick (Your Hero punked his fat ass out)

2.Cobra by Spiro

3.Spiro by A.C.Riddick

4.UK Kid by Slayer

5.Cowboy Shane Cody by A.C.Riddick

6.Spectar by A.C.Riddick

7.Shell Shock by A.C.Riddick

8.Rob Summers by A.C.Riddick

9.Kid Soulja by Slayer

10.Jeff Galvon by Stephan Putski

11.Scott E. Charms went back to the lockeroom rather than enter the ring

12.Renegade by Jason Gunn

13.T-Money by Slayer

14.Slayer by T-Money

15.Stephan Putski by A.C.Riddick

16.Jason Gunn by A.C.Riddick

Winner : “The Nightmare A.C.Riddick


A.C. Riddick