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Nightmare Outcomes
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Journal 10/21/2001

Hello Loyal Subjects, Your Hero will once again relive the exciting moments from the mat wars, so as to better your lives. Your Hero traveled to San Antonio, the hotbed of pro-wrestling, to compete for the PWI. For those Loyal Subjects who missed this event, SHAME ON YOU! For Your Hero was teamed up with the most educated man in professional wrestling………..the great one………the next Shawn Michaels …… Harvard’s prodigy of pro wrestling terror ……and Your Hero’s 1st ever tag partner …..  JEROMY SAGE!!!

And Your Hero knows that you may be wondering who would have the guts, nay the balls to face such a devious combo as Your Hero and Jeromy Sage, well none other than Rob Summers and Kid Soulja. OK Your Hero will wait till you finish laughing ……. Anytime Now!……..Ok, well Your Hero will begin anyways.

The Beach Bum and Carlton Banks walked out and immediately started kissing up to the crowd (they must have been looking for sympathy, for the ass kicking that was in store for them). Your Hero and Jeromy walked out to a less than respectful crowd, Your Hero will let this slide seeing as how they were a bunch of foulmouthed, inbreed, donkey turd kids. Next the 2 Butt kissers jumped on the 2nd turnbuckle and tried to out do Your Hero and Sage. Well not standing for this Your Hero and Sage also climbed the 2nd turnbuckle, to a less than arousing applause. Well then the Butt kissers did it again.

This time ………….  BAMM!!!!!

Forearms to the back. They are taken to the ropes and thrown off.  Reversal, Your Hero and Sage duck a clothesline, Butt kissers leapfrog Sage and Your Hero, then BOOM!!!

Dropkicks! Sage and Your Hero roll to the outside and BAMM!!! The Butt kissers splash Sage and Your Hero on the outside!

Carlton (Kid Soulja) throws Sage back in the ring. Luckily for Carlton, Sage was still disoriented, because Carlton was able to hit a Hurricanrana, a spinning heel kick, followed by an armdrag. Sage quickly tagged out.

Your Hero charges at Carlton and is arm dragged. The Bum (Rob Summers) tags in and both of the Butt kissing Duo shoot of Your Hero and kick Your Hero’s midsection, then a double suplex into a facebuster. 1…. 2… kickout by Your Hero. The Bum shoots off Your Hero, reversal and BOOM!!! The Bum hits an elbow 1…2…kickout!  Your Hero is taken to the corner, The Bum shoots of Your Hero, reversal, Your Hero charges in and…….  MISSES!!! Your Hero turns around and is hit by The Bum’s version of a Downward Spiral..1…. 2…. Sage makes the save!

Your Hero is double teamed with punches from the Butt kissers. Carlton comes in the ring and shoots off Your Hero, he goes for a backdrop but ……….  Thud!!!!!!!!!!! KICK TO THE CHEST…. BOOM!!! SUPERKICK!!!!

1……………………………2………………………….kickout!!!! Dammit who the hell is reffing…OH NO IT'S THAT DAMN RICK “THE SLOW COUNTING” REF!!!!!!

Your hero tags out to Sage, who educates Carlton’s ass. Carlton feels a slam, followed by a knee from the 2nd rope and 1………………2………………….freakin slow count. Carlton is shot off and receives a Samoan drop 1……………….2…………….another damn slow count! The Bum must have said something dirty to Sage, because Sage punched The Bum in the face. The ref finally does his job and stops The Bum, while your Hero and Sage double team on Carlton (stop thinking those freaky thoughts you perverts!). The ref turns around and doesn’t believe that Your Hero and Sage have tagged out. After a bit of arguing, Sage resumes Carlton’s education with a suplex 1……………..2…………….kickout!

Sage tags Your Hero in as Carlton is shot off and feels a double backdrop!

1…………………………..2…………………………..kickout!!! WHAT!!

1…………………………..2…………………………….KICKOUT!!!! STOP COUNTING SLOW REF!!!!

Your Hero forearms Carlton’s back, then Your Hero sets up Carlton and WHAM!!!! Down across Carlton’s back. WHAM!!! A second time across Carlton’s back. And then THUD!!! KNEES TO YOUR HERO’S JEWELS!

Schoolboy 1…2…. kickout!

Clothesline that turns Carlton inside out. And now a tag to Sage.  Sage takes Carton and hangs him on the ropes.  Your Hero comes over and chokes Carlton, while Sage distracts the ref and The Bum.

Sage runs over for the cover, the ref takes his time getting over, we get a 1………………..2…………..another damn slow count!

Sage takes Carlton to the corner and SLAP!! 1 chop! SMACK!!! 2 chops! REVERSAL!!!

1 chop, 2 chops, 3chops, eyerake!!  Tag to Your Hero. An Abdominal Stretch is applied. Your Hero seemed to lose his balance so Sage offered a hand. The ref comes over to look, the ref asked Sage if he cheated. Stupid question, of course not!  Ref checks on Carlton, who is screaming like a baby, again Your Hero slips, Sage gives a helping hand, and the ref comes over to see if we are cheating! Of course not! Again Carlton screaming, again Your Hero slips, Sage with the assist, and BAMM!  The ref kicked our hands! Carlton takes the moment to hiptoss Your Hero, but Your Hero is quickly up and..

BAMM!!!! Clothesline From San Antonio!!! Tag to Sage.

Sage, already upset that the ref has accused him of cheating takes this time to openly choke Carlton with his foot 1..2..3..4..He lets go.

1..2..3..4. Again just in time he let’s go. your face ref. Tag to Your Hero.


1………………………………….2……………………………..SLOW COUNT!! Let’s try that again.

1………………………………….2………………………………ref is biased that has to be it!

Tag Your Hero and Sage shoot off Carlton, go for another double backdrop and BAMM!!!

Double DDT!!!

Carlton is about to make the tag and BOOM!!!

Sage makes the save! Your Hero chokes Carlton in the corner while Sage distracts The Bum and the ref.  Sage finally comes over and picks up Carlton shoots Carlton off and REVERSAL!!

Kick to Sage’s midsection as Carlton goes for a Stunner! Your Hero rushes in and is met with a boot to the stomach. Carlton grabs Your Hero’s head while still holding on to Sage and KER-SPLAT!!!!!

DDT to Your Hero, Stunner to Sage!!!!!

Carlton makes the tag!!!!!! In comes The Bum, punch to Your Hero, punch to Sage, clothesline to Your Hero, Clothesline to Sage, bodyslam to Your Hero, bodyslam to Sage. Carlton comes in and takes Your hero to one corner, The Bum takes Sage to the opposite corner and THUD!!

 They shoot Your Hero and Sage into each other!!!!

The Butt kissers take your Hero and Sage to the ropes, shoot off, Your Hero and Sage hold onto the ropes!!!

The Butt kissers charge, Your Hero is clotheslined over by The Bum, Sage ducks, out goes Carlton, The Bum takes Sage to the corner and starts pounding on Sage.

Your Hero hits Carlton with the cast on Your Hero’s arm (broken thumb from last week Loyal Subjects!), down goes Carlton, the ref is checking on Carlton, Your Hero gets on the apron and WHACK!!!!!

Forearm with the cast to The Beach Bum’s head!!!!

Sage rolls up The Bum!!! Sage places his feet on the ropes for leverage, the ref comes in and counts…


YES!!!! We are the winners!  HAHAHA!!!! To all the brats that booed us!!!!!

Celebration time for all of The Loyal Subjects!!!!!

The tag team of Jeromy Sage and A.C. Riddick has proven dominant!!!

Loyal Subjects, till next time have and EDUCATED NIGHTMARE!!!!




A.C. Riddick