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Nightmare Outcomes
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Journal 10/27/2001

Hello Loyal Subjects, and welcome to the exciting life that is Your Hero! Well Your Hero traveled to Austin, TX to do battle in Battle Ground Zero against a former foe Mr. Freeze (A-Train/E Z Money) or as Your Hero likes to call him Manila The Dumb Ass Gorilla!

Your Hero walked out the only way that Your Hero can. Loyal Subjects traveled from around state to see the greatness that is Your Hero, and they were not disappointed. Manila stumbled out and did his usual “clap your hands with me so I feel better” routine. Well Your Hero didn’t get involved and grabbed a headlock. Manila was able to power out of the headlock and reverse it on Your Hero. Your Hero tried in vain to reverse the move but Manila proved too strong even for your Hero.

Your Hero took Manila to the ropes and shot Manila off.

BOOM!!!! Manila ran through Your Hero with a shoulder tackle.

Your Hero once again locked up with Manila, who grabbed a headlock. Your Hero powered the big Manila to the corner and SMACK!!!!

Chop to the chest! Your Hero shoots off Manila who tries to reverse but is met with a hero like clothesline. This is followed by a snapmare and then a chinlock. Manila catches Your Hero off guard when Manila takes Your Hero’s head and slams Your Hero’s chin to Manila's top part of head. Manila gets up and BOOM!!

Punch to Your Hero’s face! Your Hero falls back to the corner. SMACK!!!

1 chop! SMACK!!!

2 chops! Your Hero is thrown to the other corner. BOOM!!!!

Big splash on Your Hero!

Thrown to the other corner! Your Hero moves as Manila hits the corner! Schoolboy! Feet on the ropes!!


Yes! Yes! Yes! Your Hero is the winner!!!

Loyal Subjects of all ages keep the nightmares a rolling, for Your Hero has left the building!!!


A.C. Riddick