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Nightmare Outcomes
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Journal 10/31/2001

Hello Loyal Subjects, yes this has been a very busy month for Your Hero. Your Hero won the ACW Hardcore Title, won the ETW Texas Heavyweight Title, teamed with Jeromy Sage to win his 1st ever tag match, won his 1st ever battle royal/royal rumble, wrestled for one of his trainers Rudy Boy Gonzales, took care of a shooter, and to end the month had his 1st ever ETW Texas Heavyweight Title defense. Who would be good enough to except the challenge, well all of the top contenders had injuries (supposedly!) that kept them away from the card, so Your Hero being the fighting champion he is made a battle royal with the winner getting a shot at the title. The winner and lucky wrestler was The Big Dogg.

More like the Big Dump, but hey at least he was game enough to step through the ropes with Your Hero. Your Hero walked out only the way Your Hero can. The crowd luckily was dressed up (it was Halloween) so Your Hero didn’t have to see their god awful faces.

Your Hero locks up with the Big Dump and grabs a headlock. Your Hero squeezes The Big Dumps cranium. But The Big Dump surprised Your Hero by powering out and placing Your Hero in a headlock.

Your Hero attempts to power out, but to no avail. A 2nd attempt and still no use. #rd try and Your Hero decides it’s time to change the game plan.

 Your Hero takes the Big Dump to the ropes shot The big Dump off and BOOOOMMMM!!!!

Shoulder tackle on Your Hero!

Your Hero is a little taken aback by this. Another lock up, the Big Dump grabs a headlock. Your Hero pushes the Big Dump to the corner. Gut shot, a second gut shot, SMMMMAAAACCCKKK!!!

Chop to the chest!!

Your Hero shoots off the Big Dump, reversal, The Big Dump comes running in and THUD!!!

Boot to the face. Your Hero attempts a slam….no use…..a 2nd time…..again no use!!!!

Big Dump slams Your Hero. Big Dump takes Your Hero to the ropes, The Big Dump goes for a backdrop and BOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!

Kick to the Big Dumps chest!!


Superkick to his face!!!

1………………….2……………..kickout!?! Who’s the damn ref? OH NO!!! IT’S RIC “ I COUNT SLOWER THAN BRANDON McGRATH” PORTER!!!!! Your Hero is sensing conspiracy!!!

Big Dump is shot off….BOOM!! Elbow…1…………………2……………….KICKOUT!!!!

Clothesline ………1……………..2……………..KICKOUT!!!!! Dammit Ric count faster!!!!!

Your Hero grabs a chinlock. The Big Dump starts to comeback! 1 elbow a 2nd elbow, The Big Dump hits the ropes and BOOOOOMMM!!!!

Knee to the midsection!!! 1……………..2……………kickout!!!

Suplex!!! 1………………..2………………..kickout!!!!

2nd rope elbow…1……………………2…………………kickout!!!


Your Hero puts the Big Dump in a sleeper. The Big Dump goes down, the ref checks, 1 time the hand falls, a 2nd time the hand falls, there goes the 3rd , no wait the ref is saying NO!!! The Big Dump is coming back!!!

Elbow to the midsection!!! A 2nd elbow!!! The Big Dump hits the ropes!!! Right back into the sleeper!! Wait no BOOOMM!!!! Your Hero’s chin slams into The Big Dump’s cranium!!!

The ref starts counting. Your Hero is up. The Big Dump is up.

Punch from Your Hero.

Punch from the Big Dump.

2nd from Your Hero!!

2nd from The Big Bump!!

Big Dump blocks Your Hero’s next punch. Big Dump punches Your Hero! A 2nd punch! A 3rd punch. The Big Dump shoots Your Hero off the ropes! SSSSLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAMMMM!!!!!!


Your Hero is kicked in the gut and shot off again and BOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!



Your Hero gets up slow, Your Hero turns, The Big Dump charges, and BOOOOOOOMMM!!!!


Your Hero attacks , Your Hero shoots off the Big Dump, reversal, BBBBBBBBOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!

 Big Spear on Your Hero!!!!

Brandon The Ref comes in the ring  1.2.3!!!

WHAT THE @#@!!!!!!

Your Hero is robbed!!!

But wait Ric The Ref is getting up and taking the belt?

Ric The Ref says that the Big Dogg is DQ’d for hitting the ref!!!

YES!!! YES!!!! Your Hero is still champion!!!!!

All is still bad in the world! Your Hero wishes the Loyal Subjects a haunting Nightmare!!!!!




A.C. Riddick