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Nightmare Outcomes
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Journal 11/10/2001 - Part B

Even though things started on the wrong foot for Your Hero, Loyal Subjects everywhere know that Your Hero bounces back every time adversity strikes. Your Hero was matched against IWA Champ Masada in a title verses title match as only Your Hero’s ETW Texas Heavyweight Title was on the line (Your Hero isn’t dumb enough to put both the ETW Texas Title and the ACW Hardcore Title on the line). Well earlier in the evening Masada, or as Your Hero likes to call him Masucka, faced off against fellow STP member and tag team partner of Your Hero, The Most Educated Man In Wrestling, The Iatola Of Harvardola, The Man Who Once He Started Wrestling Shawn Michaels Retired (Coincidence?  I think Not!) …….Jeromy Sage! And yes Loyal Subjects, Masucka was educated in wrestling and wound up looking at the ceiling in defeat. Anyways Your Hero asked Sage to accompany him to the ring not only help with Masucka’s weaknesses (and Masucka has a lot!) but to also keep The Conspiracy Ref, Ric Porter in line!

Your Hero and Sage walked to the ring and were not greeted with the respect that tag team of The Educated Nightmare deserve, so Sage decided to educate the very rude Loyal Subjects. After a most thrilling speech Masucka was introduced, now Jeromy Sage was only gonna stand on the outside, however Masucka decided to attack both members of The Educated Nightmare and wound up getting a beating from hell. For whatever reason Rudy Boy Gonzales (Yes the man who trained both Your Hero and Jeromy Sage) comes to the ring swinging at The Educated Nightmare. And then Loyal Subjects, Your Hero could have swore that hell froze over, as for the first time in history Rudy Boy Gonzales was cheered! Then to both Your Hero and Jeromy Sage’s amazement, RBG challenged The Educated Nightmare to a tag match. Well Loyal Subjects everywhere know what the answer was…………YES!!

Your Hero entered the ring and squared off against RBG and locked up. RBG grabbed a headlock. Your Hero shoots off RBG and………..SMACK!!!!!

Shoulder tackle. RBG hits the ropes and Your Hero goes for a hiptoss, reversal………SLAM!!!

Your Hero hits the mat hard and rolls out. Jeromy comes over and consoles with Your Hero on the next plan of attack. Jeromy decides to tag in.

Sage locks up with RBG who grabs a headlock. Sage shoots off RBG and…………….SMACK!!

Shoulder tackle. RBG hits the ropes and Sage goes for a hiptoss, reversal…………..SLAM!!!

Sage hits the mat hard and rolls out. Your Hero goes over and discusses a new plan of attack with Sage. Sage reenters the ring and calls out Masucka. Masucka tags in and locks up with Sage. Masucka grabs a headlock. Sage shoots off Masucka and……….SMACK!!!

Another shoulder tackle. Masucka hits the ropes and Sage goes for a hiptoss, reversal…….SLAM!!!!
Sage hits hard again, and again rolls out of the ring. Your Hero tags in to face Masucka.

Your Hero locks up with Masucka and Masucka grabs a wristlock, then turns it to an armdrag. Your Hero is trying to tell Ric “I Can’t See A Damn Thing” The Ref that Masucka pulled Your Hero’s hair and for whatever reason he turns his back and RBG comes in and takes control of the arm! What does Ric do….NOT A DAMN THING!! Your Hero knew it freakin conspiracy!

Sage tries to explain what happened, but is yelled at for his trouble.

Your Hero is able to get up and take RBG to the ropes. Your Hero shoots off RBG and WHAM!!!

Another freakin shoulder tackle! RBG hits the ropes, Your hero drops down, gets up, turns, and is arm dragged to the mat. Once again Ric ”The Retarded” Ref turns his back and this time Masucka changes places with RBG. Sage once again tries to tell Ric what happened and again Ric did NOTHING!!

Your Hero is able to power up and take Masucka to the ropes and shoot Masucka off. Masucka hits the ropes and…………..WHAM!!

Another damn shoulder tackle! Masucka hits the ropes, Your Hero goes for a backdrop. Masucka turns it into a sunset flip 1..2..kickout. RIC THE REF IS COUNTING WAY TO FAST!!!!

Your Hero gets up and is arm dragged to the mat. For what ever reason Ric has this thing for Jeromy Sage because once again he turned his back on Your Hero and went and yelled at Sage, and once again RBG switched places with Masucka. Once again Sage told Ric what happened and once again Ric The Ref did NOTHING!! DAMMIT RIC DO SOMETHING YOU USELESS REF!!!!

Your Hero having been pushed around long enough finally thought of a plan to change the tide. Your Hero took RBG to the corner and……………BOOM!!!

Punch to the gut! Your Hero shoots off RBG, who hits the opposite corner and climbs the 2nd ropes. RBG goes for a flying crossbody……………..THUUUUDDDD!!!

Your Hero moves out of the way as RBG hits the mat hard!!

Sage tags in and takes RBG to the corner, shoots RBG off and………..SLLLLLLLAAAAAAMMMM!!!

RBG bounces off the turnbuckles to the mat. Sage introduces RBG eyes to the ropes as Sage racks them across. Your Hero tags in and shoots RBG off and…………BOOM!!

Back elbow.

1………………………………2…………………………….kickout. WHAT THE HELL RIC COUNT FASTER!!!

1……………………………….2…is it just Your Hero or does Ric hate Your Hero……..kickout!!!

Your Hero grabs a chinlock to wear out RBG. RBG starts to power out and………..THUD!!!

1 elbow to the gut! …………..THUD!!

A 2nd elbow to the gut!!!

RBG hits the ropes and ………………..THWAAAAAACCCKKK!!!!!

Knee to the midsection!!

Your Hero tags Sage. Double suplex.

1…………………………………2………………………….kickout!!!! DAMN CONSPIRACY!!!

Sage brings RBG to the corner and distracts Ric The Ref (Like that’s hard!!). Your hero chokes RBG over the top rope and the slams RBG to the mat. Sage picks up and then shoots off RBG and……….BOOOOOMMM!!!!!


Sage hits RBG so hard, that RBG flies through the ropes to the floor. Sage once again distracts Ric The Ref, while Your hero goes over and chokes RBG over the top of the railing. RBG grabs a towel from one of the Loyal Subjects and throws it in the eyes of Your Hero. Your Hero is only temporarily blinded, grabs the towel and chokes RBG with it. Sage calls for RBG and Your Hero rolls RBG back in the ring. The Loyal Subject wants his towel back, so Your Hero takes the towel wipes Your Hero’s rear end and gives it back to the Loyal Subject.

Sage meanwhile grabs a front face lock on RBG. RBG is gradually working towards Masucka, Your Hero enters the ring and Ric The Ref comes over to stop Your Hero and misses Masucka tagging RBG. When Ric The Ref turns around Masucka is told to go back to corner. Finally Ric The Ref makes a good call!!

Sage tags in Your Hero, RBG is shot off and receives a double elbow from Your Hero and Sage.

1……………………..2……………………..kickout!!! Back to the slow counting again!!!

Your Hero grabs RBG and puts RBG in the abdominal stretch. Ric The Ref is checking on RBG. Your Hero grabs Sage’s hand for more leverage. Ric The Ref kicks Your Hero and Sage’s hands. Your Hero quickly tags Sage who takes over.

Sage grabs a chinlock on RBG. RBG starts coming back……BOOM!!!

1 elbow!! ………..BOOM!!!
A 2nd elbow!!!

 RBG hits the ropes and both RBG and Sage clothesline each other. Sage is slow to tag Your hero , but as Your hero tags in Masucka tags in as well.

Down goes Your Hero!!! Down goes Sage!!!

RBG enters and takes over on Sage in the corner. In the opposite corner Masucka is working on Your Hero. RBG and Masucka shoot off both Sage and Your Hero, REVERSAL!!


Masucka hits RBG. Your Hero and Sage celebrate. Masucka attacks from behind. Both Your Hero and Sage go down. But wait what’s this?

RBG attacks Masucka from behind!!! Forget RVD, start chanting RBG!!!! RBG!!!! RBG!!!


VanRudinator to Masucka!!!!!!

Your Hero, Sage, and RBG start stomping Masucka into the mat!!! Masucka’s fellow IWA wrestlers Perry Douglas and Mack Johnson hit the ring to save Masucka.

That doesn’t really matter as Loyal Subjects are cheering  The Educated Nightmare and RBG have set aside differences and put The Beaumont Buttplugs in their places. Ric The Ref calls the match a NO CONTEST!!

Well Your Hero disagrees. Both Your hero and Jeromy Sage walked away, while Masucka had to be helped back. Your Hero would say that makes The Educated Nightmare still the winners and still undefeated. Not only that, but Masucka couldn’t even keep his tag partner as RBG saw the greatness that RBG trained and went with winners.

To all the Loyal Subjects across the land have a Rude and Educated Nightmare!!!!



A.C. Riddick