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Nightmare Outcomes
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  Journal   11/29/2001

Welcome Loyal Subjects once again to the exciting life that is Your Hero. This week Your Hero traveled to Bandera, TX to defend the ETW Texas Heavyweight Title. Your Hero was originally scheduled to face off against OZ, however The Wiz remembered the butt kicking that was given by Your Hero, and chose to skip the show all together. Now here’s where it gets ugly Loyal Subjects, the promoters knowing how dominant The Educated Nightmare is, decided to try and cause some tension between The Educated Nightmare by having Jeromy Sage and Your Hero face each other for the ETW Title. Obviously they don’t know The Educated Nightmare to well, no way would The Educated Nightmare face each other. Then it happened Loyal Subjects, Jeromy Sage that Judas, accepted the match. Well if The Jerky wants a match then that’s what The Jerky will get.

Jerky ran to the ring kissing the fans asses, and to the unbelief of Your Hero, the Podunk Fans cheered Jerky. Well Your Hero walked out and expected the same reaction only to be disrespected with boo’s. Jerky turned, and felt the forearms. Your Hero shoots off Jerky, but Jerky reverses and BOOOMMM!!!

Flying clothesline by Jerky. Jerky shoots off Your Hero and SMAAACK!!!

Elbow by Jerky. BOOOMMM!!!!

Dropkick by Jerky. Your Hero rolls out to take a breather. However Jerky was relentless as Your Hero was hit with a plancha from the top turnbuckle to the floor. Your Hero finally gets back into the ring and asks Jerky for a test of strength. Your Hero and Jerky locked up and THHUUUUDDD!!!

Kick to Jerky’s midsection as Jerky goes to the ground. Jerky tries to power back and TTHHHUUDDD!!! Another kick to the midsection. Once again Jerky is coming back, however Jerky catches Your Hero off guard TTTHHHUUUDDD!!!!! Kicks to Your Hero’s midsection. Jerky places Your Hero’s fingers on the ground and STOMP!! Smashes Your Hero’s fingers.

Your Hero gets up and turns right into a headlock. Your Hero takes Jerky to the ropes and shoots off Jerky and BOOOMMM!!! Shouldertackle 1…2..kickout.  Your Hero gets up to see who the damn ref is……..OH NO!!!! Your Hero is convinced of it now, there is a CONSPIRACY AGAINST YOUR HERO. Ric “I lost my contacts, so I can’t count to 3, so let me FUKABE the fans” Porter is the ref.

Jerky grabs another headlock. Your Hero works Jerky to the ropes and shoots off Jerky and BOOOMMM!!!! Shouldertackle, Jerky goes for a splash and THUUDD!!! Misses!!!! Your Hero grabs a headlock. Jerky powers out to a top wristlock. Your Hero turns it into a hammerlock. Jerky reverses and ends up with the headlock. Your Hero shoots off Jerky and BOOOMMM!!!! Shouldertackle by Jerky. Your Hero gets up and once again Jerky grabs a headlock and takes Your Hero to the mat. Your Hero rolls Jerky into a pin 1……………………..2……………………..kickout!!!! DAMN YOU RIC THE REF!!!!!

Roll up once again 1…..can we get any slower……..2……………………………kickout!!!!!!

Your Hero works Jerky up and to the ropes. Jerky is shot off and BOOOOOMMM!!! Another freakin’ shouldertackle. Your Hero goes for a hiptoss, NO REVERSAL….SPLLLAAATTTTT!!!!! Your Hero is taken to the corner and snapmared. Jerky climbs to the top rope and SSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!  Knee to the head. Your Hero gets up and once again Jerky grabs a headlock.

Your Hero shoots off Jerky, but this time Your Hero is waiting for Jerky ……………..THHUUUDDD!!!!!!!  Knee to Jerky’s midsection.

Your Hero takes Jerky to the ropes and begins choking out Jerky. As usual Ric “FUKABEing promoters is cool” Porter gets in Your Hero’s way, threatening Your Hero with a DQ.

Your Hero picked up Jerky and placed Jerky in the abdominal stretch. Jerky was screaming like a dog in heat as Your Hero grabbed the ropes for more leverage. However once again Ric “How do you FUKABE when you don’t know what it means” Porter interfered when Ric kicked Your Hero’s hand. Jerky then was able to give Your Hero a hiptoss.

Your Hero as always was resilient and beat Jerky to his feet BOOOOOMMMM!!!!! Jerky is taken down with a clothesline. Your Hero picks up Jerky and THUUUDDDD!!!!! Backbreaker 1…………………………2……………………. Kickout!!! DAMMIT ANOTHER FREAKIN SLOW COUNT!!!!!!! I SMELL CONSPIRACY!!!!!!

Jerky starts to crawl to get away from Your Hero, but Your Hero doesn’t let up and….BAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!!!

Your Hero drops his weight across Jerky’s back!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

A 2nd time across Jerky’s back!!!! TTTTTHHHHHUUUUUUUDDDDDDDD!!!!!!

Jerky turned the knees into Your Hero’s jewels. Jerky does a schoolboy..1..2..kickout!!!! Freakin’ fast count!!!

Your Hero quickly gets up and sticks a thumb in Jerky’s eyes. Your Hero shoots Jerky to the opposite corner, Jerky hits and comes out to where Your hero is waiting and BBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALBERT BOMB!!!!!!!!!

1……I see a trend here……………..2……….any day now RIC………………….kickout!!!!!!!!!!


Your Hero takes a different approach and decides to wear down Jerky with a reverse chinlock. Jerky starts to make a comeback and gets up and……………BAMMM!!!!! Elbow to Your Hero’s gut!!!! BAMMMM!!!!! A 2nd elbow to Your Hero’s gut!!!!! Jerky hits the ropes ducks a clothesline and runs right into a sleeper!!!!

Down goes Jerky. Ric “FUKABE? Isn’t that a dance JACK” Porter lifts the hand and down it goes. A 2nd time Jerky’s hand hits the floor. The 3rd time it goes…. No wait Jerky’s hand comes back up and Jerky gets up……BAMM!!! Elbow to Your Hero’s gut..BAMM!!! a 2nd elbow to Your Hero’s gut!! Jerky hits the ropes and right back into the sleeper!!!! CRACK!!!!! Jerky slams Your Hero’s jaw into Jerky’s head!!!

Your Hero fights the pain and places the sleeper on Jerky once again. BOOOOMMMM!!! Jerky pushes Your Hero into the corner as Your Hero releases the sleeper. Your Hero rushes Jerky and……….BBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Backdrop! However Jerky spent all his energy and also falls to the mat.

Ric “I wish I knew how to FUKABE like the wrestlers do” Porter starts to count. Gradually both Your Hero and Jerky get up.

BAMM!! Your Hero throws a punch!!

BAMM!! Jerky throws a punch!!

BAMM!! Your Hero throws a 2nd punch!!

BAMM!! Jerky throws a 2nd punch!!

BLOCK!!BAMM!! Jerky blocks Your Hero’s punch but delivers on a punch!!

BLOCK!!BAMM!! Jerky again blocks Your Hero’s punch and delivers a 4th punch!!!

 Jerky takes Your Hero to the ropes and shoots off Your Hero and BBBBAAAAMMMM!!!! Flying clothesline!!

BOOOMMMMM!!! Elbow!!!! SLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!! Bodyslam!!! Your hero is on the ground reeling from Jerky’s offense!! Jerky climbs the 2nd rope and BOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!! Elbow smash!!!


Your Hero crawls out to the floor. Jerky follows and SMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Your Hero’s head is slammed into the ring. Jerky throws Your Hero back into the ring.  Jerky grabs Your Hero and……………….BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

SAGEASSER!!!!! 1..2..kickout!!!!!

Jerky is distracted and Your Hero is able to hit a low blow. Then…… CCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! SUPERKICK!!!!!!!!



Your Hero places Jerky in place for a move that Loyal Subjects haven’t seen in a while MOONSAULT!!!!


Your Hero missed!!

Jerky is climbing to the top turnbuckle. Ric “I FUKABEd a girl once and she slapped me” Porter gets to close. Your Hero pushes Ric. Ric hits the ropes and falls through. Jerky falls and hits the turnbuckle with his jewels. Your Hero is up and climbs the ropes…………………………….BBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

SUPERPLEX!!!!!! No ref!!! WHAT THE HELL… wait here comes Ric and WHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTT!!!!!



Ric is given the DEATHDROP!!!!!!


Your Hero is given the title to the head courtesy of JERKY!!!

BUT YOUR HERO IS STILL THE CHAMPION!!!!! Loyal Subjects rejoice that Your Hero is still champion.

So to all my Loyal Subjects don’t FUKABE, Your Hero wants all Loyal Subjects to have an evil NIGHTMARE!!!



{editor’s note if you don’t understand what FUKABE means don’t ask it’s an inside joke of the STP}



A.C. Riddick