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  Journal   12/01/2001

 Match 2


Well here it is Loyal Subjects, Your Hero had already won the IWA 6 man Battle Royal. Unfortunately, Hobo Joe defeated Big Dogg in the finals of the tournament. Now it was time for Your Hero to put up the ETW Texas Heavyweight title and Masada put up the IWA US Title in a unification match.

Your Hero came out walking like a hit and talking a lot of sh!t. Seeing as this was in Beaumont, IWA’s home of course the majority of the losers were booing. However, Your Hero had a small, but loud amount of fans cheering only the way the Loyal Subjects can.

Masucka finally made it to the ring. As soon as Masucka made the mistake of turning around, Your Hero attacked with forearms. Your Hero took Masucka to the ropes and shot Masucka off. Masucka reverses and BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!! Clothesline!! SSLLLLAAAAMMMM!!!! Hiptoss!!! TTHHUUDDD!!! Dropkick!!!

Your hero rolls out to take a reassess the situation.

Once Your Hero had come up with a plan Your Hero reentered the ring. Your hero locked up with Masada and grabbed a headlock. Masada tried to power out, but Your Hero grabbed a handful of hair and regained the hold. Masada attempted it a 2nd time again with the same results. Again a 3rd try however Your Hero’s hand was smacked by the ref…….wait a minute who in the hell is the ref!?!? OH NO!! It’s Ric Porter’s Siamese twin Brandon “My mommy left so I can’t wash my clothes” McGrath. Your Hero knew it - a damn FREAKIN’ CONSPIRACY!!!!!

Your Hero took Masucka to the ropes and shot him off and BOOOOMMMMM!!!! Shouldertackle!!! Your Hero tuned around right into a headlock. Your Hero takes Masucka to the ropes again, and again shoots Masucka off..BOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!! Shouldertackle!!!! Your hero goes for a hiptoss, reverse and TTTTHHHHUUUDDD!!! Your Hero lands hard to the floor. Your Hero turns once again into a headlock.

 Your Hero takes Masucka to the corner… TTTHHHHUUUDDDDD!!! Shoulder to the midsection!! TTTHHHUUUDD!!!! Shoulder to the midsection a 2nd time!! Your Hero shoots Masucka to the opposite corner, reverse and BOOOMMM!!! Your hero hits hard in the corner…..SSLLLLLAAAMMMMM!!!! T-Bone Suplex!!!!


Masucka takes Your hero to the ropes and SMMMMMAAAACCCKKK!!!!! 1 chop!! SMMMMAAACCKK!!! 2 chops!!

Masucka shots off Your Hero. Masucka goes for a backdrop and KAAAAABBBBBOOOOOMMMM!!!!! Kick to the chest!! SSSMMMMAAACCCKKK!!!!! Superkick to Masucka!!


Another attempt 1………………………………..2………………………….kickout!!!!!

One more time    1…………………………………..2……………………….kickout!!!!

Your Hero places Masucka into a reverse chinlock. Masucka breaks free and rolls out. Your Hero follows and starts to brawl with Masucka. Masucka reenters the ring. Your hero shoots off Masucka and BBBBBBOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!! Elbow!! Your Hero picks up Masucka And BOOOOOMMMM!!!!!! Back suplex!!!!


Your hero is victorious, no wait Brandon “I wanna hug you if you win” McGrath is saying both Masucka and Your hero’s shoulders were down. Therefore it’s a double pin a draw. Now McGrath is saying both titles are being held up. WHAT FREAKIN’ HELL OF FUKABE CRAP COMING OUT OF HELL’S BUTT IS GOING ON???!!!???

I KNEW IT A FREAKIN’ CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!! Your Hero didn’t lose, but still had the title taken away!!!

Well that’s OK Loyal Subjects I am still Your Hero and will always be Your Hero. So until Ric and Brandon get put back together have a wickedly evil NIGHTMARE!!!!!




{On a side note some person or person’s have stated that I tried to SHOOT on Masada, well, to those pathetic losers I say I have video to show what happened. People seem to have a problem taking responsibility for their actions, not me.  If I did something wrong I will admit it.  I was told that my superkick was wild.  If you watch the video you can plainly see I had full control.  It was stated that I purposely hit Masada’s chin, again wrong!  We had gone over that particular move repeatedly and unfortunately he neither turned his face nor stuck up his hand which was what I told him to do so as not to get injured.  Next it was said I was trying to shoot on him well if that’s the case then why, once I saw he was injured, did I take him to a rest hold instead of continuing?  Why would I repeatedly ask "how are you doing?" if I was a shooting.  Then when Masada said he needed to get out of the ring, rather than beat on him and put him in a hold I broke Kayfabe and let him roll to the outside. The next thing I did was to go over to the ref Brandon McGrath (whom I would like to commend for doing an excellent job in this situation) and tell him to go out and check on Masada to see if a.) he was all right and; b.) if he could continue.  When the ref said "no, Masada was too hurt" I told the ref to double DQ us on the outside to finish the match.  And when I went after Masada all my punches were on his lower chest so as not to hurt his jaw. Masada went completely against what I said and went back into the ring. Masada wanted to continue the match. So I gave him an elbow to see if he could go, he couldn’t. Then I had to overpower and force the finish so he wouldn’t get further injured. If I were shooting, why would I go through all that trouble?  I have given the superkick many times.  Read the journals to see for yourselves. I don’t know why Masada didn’t do what he was told, only he knows. If anyone wants to see the video, please tell me and I’ll let you watch. But don’t run your mouth off about me.}




A.C. Riddick