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  Journal   12/08/2001


Loyal Subjects everywhere, stand up and cheer, Your Hero is here!!


This past Saturday, Your Hero ventured to where it all began, PCW.  Now Your Hero hadn’t been there in some time, and Your Hero must say that the new look was impressive.  Your Hero was set to face Rob Summers one on one, when Your Hero was informed at the last moment that Triple D (Dirt Dog Devil) would tag up with Your Hero to face Rob Summers (Beach Bum) and A-Train (Manila The Gorilla) in a tag match instead.  Your Hero was a little frustrated with this situation, for Your Hero knew nothing of Triple D.

Your Hero made it down the ramp with Triple D to a less than responsive crowd.  However Your Hero was pleased to note a section of Loyal Subjects who remembered Your Hero and cheered loudly (much to the dismay of the disrespectful crowd).  Next Bum and Manila walked out pandering to the Loyal Subjects.

Well Your Hero decided to start the match and faced The Bum.  The Bum grabbed a headlock as Your Hero quickly shot The Bum off.

BOOM!!!  Shoulder tackle to Your Hero!  The Bum hits the other ropes.  Your Hero goes for a slam.  The Bum goes behind Your Hero pushing Your Hero to the ropes.  Your Hero hooks the ropes. Your Hero then turns and runs at The Bum with a clothesline. The Bum ducks. Your Hero hits the other ropes and WHAM!!!!

Spinning heel kick! 1..2..kickout!!! Your Hero gets up and sees that the ref is…… OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, IS THIS PIECE OF CRAP EVERYWHERE I GO!!!! IT'S RIC “THE CONSPIRACY REF” PORTER!!!!!

BOOM!!! Dropkick to Your Hero!

The Bum shoots off Your Hero, reversal! BOOM!!
Spring board elbow to Your Hero!! Your Hero makes the tag to Triple D. The Bum makes a tag to Manila. Manila quickly takes over giving Triple D a shouldertackle followed by a powerslam. The Bum tags back in and takes over on Triple D. Triple D is finally able to cut off The Bum. Your Hero is tagged back in.

Your Hero starts off with a clothesline …..BOOM!!!!


Your Hero then hits a suplex…………………….BAMM!!!!!


Your Hero takes The Bum to the corner and…WWHHHHHAAAAAACCCKKKKKK!!!!!!

1 CHOP TO THE BUM!!!!!!!!


A 2nd CHOP TO THE BUM!!!!!!!

Your Hero shoots The Bum to the opposite corner and follows in and……..BAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!!

Boot to Your Hero’s face. The Bum shoots off Your Hero and goes for a backdrop and……BAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!

Kick to the chest of The Bum!!!!!!




Your hero tags out to Triple D. Triple D hits a clothesline and follows up with some punches. Triple D shoots off The Bum and BBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

They collide heads in the center of the ring!!!

Triple D tags Your Hero back in. The Bum tags Manila back in. BBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!

 Manila knocks Your Hero down with a punch! BBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!

Stomp to the head of Your Hero. TTTTHHHHHHHHHUUUUUDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!

Your Hero nut shots Manila!!!

 Your Hero takes Manila to the corner and shoots manila off. Reversal!!!


Your hero hits hard in the corner!!!


Spinning Power Bomb on Your Hero!!!!!

Robbed Your Hero was robbed!!!!!!!!! This is an unfortunate setback for Your Hero, but one that can and will be overcome! This marks probably the last match for Your Hero for this year. Your hero would like to thank all the Loyal Subjects for their support. Your Hero promises to make next year an even NIGHTMARISH YEAR FOR THE LOYAL SUBJECTS!!!!!!




A.C. Riddick