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  Journal   6/7/2002

Welcome once again Loyal Subjects, to another exciting installment of Your Hero’s wrestling life. Your Hero traveled to Seguin, TX to wrestle for that promotion known as STEW. Yep, Your Hero still has a hard time getting over that name. Your Hero teamed up with a very up and coming wrestler known as Bio-Hazard. We would be facing the very large team of Bull Ramos and Devastator.

Your Hero and Bio-Hazard dominated the large couple. After a lot of stalling and B/S, Your Hero fought the fat Bull on the outside. Bull went to suplex Your Hero into the ring, but Bio Hazard pulled Bull’s feet allowing Your Hero to get the pin.

Now Loyal Subjects, Your Hero knows that there have to be many questions as to why this journal is so short. Well, Your Hero is fed up with working with wrestlers who have NJO CLUE HOW TO ACT IN A MATCH! Maybe I’ll get heat for this , but oh well. The actions of Bull Ramos in the match were childish and he doesn’t deserve to be represented in my website, period! This is a business and if you can’t act like an adult get out. I’m sick and tired of getting in the ring and some VET who has an attitude wants to throw a fit. Sorry, but you sit on your ass for 2 months and your perspective changes on what your gonna put up with.




A.C. Riddick