Hometown: Southern California representing...
Weight: 250lbs
Accomplishments: Thugonomics
Major Feuds: Brock Lesnar
Alternate Gear Ideas...
-Various throw back jerseys
John Cena by Psychosem(attire) face by danfookes and gucaw write up chiefwahoo2
BODY normal
1.skin 4
2.cheeks face edit 11 model 20
eyebrows -17,63
eyes 0,0,0,0
nose 0,0,-29,-1
cheeks 38
mouth -38,-6
jaw 34,-2,0
3.eyes 20
4.eyebrows 9 trans 50 color -89,40
5.hair 23 color -93,-100
6.underwear blank 1
7.mustache 40 trans -56 color -88,24
8.shirts blank 11 closed version length 12 color 28,-59 shade 25
9.shirts others 5 closed version length 4 color 16,100 shade -100
10.knee pads blank 1 color 25,-100
11.shoes blank 11 length -67 color -100,-35 shade -62
12.caps and hats 29 color 18,-25 shade 47
13.short pants blank 6 color 19,19 shade -14
14.wristbands blank 2 length -77
15.design pattern simple 159 body place on back centered as high as
possible then move down 10 spaces color 6,100 shade -100
16.design pattern simple 159 left arm place on front of arm centered as
low as possible then move up 48 spaces color 6,100 shade -100
17.design pattern simple 159 left arm place on back of arm centered as
low as possible then move up 48 spaces color 6,100 shade -100
***steps 18 and 19 repeat steps 16 and 17 but on right arm
20.design letter alpha font1 pg1 body select "U" rotate twice reduce twice
place on chest centered as high as possible then move down 31 spaces
color 25,-6 shade -77
21.design pattern simple 166 body reduce 3 times place on chest centered
as high as possible then move down 32 spaces color 21,14 shade -100
***should combine with step 20 to look like a lock
22.design pattern simple 159 left arm place on front of arm centered
as high as possible then move down 2 spaces color 27,-16 shade -22
23.design pattern simple 159 left arm place on back of arm centered as
high as possible then move down 2 spaces color 27,-16 shade -22
***steps 24 and 25 repeat steps 22 and 23 but on right arm this should make his sleeves blue all around his arm
26.design pattern simple 161 left arm reduce once place on outside of
arm centered as high as possible then move down 23 spaces trans 31
color -100,98 shade -99
27.design letter alpha font1 pg2 body select "m" reduce once place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 26 spaces and
left 19 spaces color 23,-3
28.design letter alpha font1 pg2 body select "a" reduce twice place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 26 spaces and
left 9 spaces color 23,-3
29.design letter alpha font1 pg2 body select "r" reduce twice place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 26 spaces and
left 3 spaces color 23,-3
30.design letter alpha font1 pg1 body select "I" reduce 3 times place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 26 spaces and
right 1 space color 23,-3
31.design letter alpha font1 pg2 body select "n" reduce twice place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 25 spaces and
right 6 spaces color 23,-3
32.design letter alpha font1 pg2 body select "e" reduce twice place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 26 spaces and
right 13 spaces color 23,-3
33.design letter alpha font1 pg2 body select "r" reduce twice place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 25 spaces and
right 19 spaces color 23,-3
34.design letter alpha font1 pg2 body select "s" reduce twice place
on chest centered as high as possible then move down 26 spaces and
right 23 spaces color 23,-3
35.body accessory 20 color 5,-40 shade -70
36.design letter alpha font1 pg2 left arm select "m" reduce once place'
in star u placed earlier to cover any gaps within star color 23,-3
37.design pattern tattoo 44 left leg rotate twice reduce once place
on front of leg centered as low as possible then move 2 spaces up
and right 12 spaces color -70,100 shade -100
38.design pattern tattoo 44 left leg rotate twice reduce once place
on front of leg centered as low as possible then move 2 spaces up
and left 12 spaces color -70,100 shade -100
***steps 39-40 repeat steps 37 and 38 but on right leg
HEAD -19,73
NECK -54,-14,-31
CHEST -12,0
SHOULDERS -62,-38,-32
ABS -7,-23,70
ARMS -48,6,-66
FOREARMS -43,-20,-100
HANDS -12,30,-77
WAIST 6,-53
THIGHS -2,-14,-100
LEGS -10,-22,-46
ANKLES -12,-5