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Episode #1, Air Date 08-23-81



The camera fades in to Guy Schilling on the new set of Maple Leaf Wrestling. Guy sits behind a news cast style desk with a Maple Leaf Wrestling banner draped across the front of it. There is a red background with a white maple leaf planted in the center of it directly behind Mr. Schilling…

GUY-“Hello wrestling fans and welcome to the new and improved Maple Leaf Wrestling program. I’m your new host Guy Schilling and I must say that we have a whale of a show for you today. In action today you will see the world’s biggest athlete, the one, the only Andre the Giant. We also will be highlighting current Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca, as we will be reliving some of his greatest encounters for the coveted Canadian Heavyweight crown. Also ladies and gentlemen, a little bit later on we will be joined by the first official selection in the WCFL draft, none other than “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, right here the studio. All that and a whole lot more when we return after these commercial messages.”


The camera returns to Guy Schilling behind the Maple Leaf desk…

GUY-“Ladies and gentlemen, before we get rolling today I’d like to give a very special thank you to the man responsible for me being here today, Maple Leaf Wrestling’s new promoter PsychoSem. He has really put forth a great effort ensure you, the fans nothing but top notch wrestling as this new endeavor gets underway.”

“Speaking of the WCFL, there have been some shake ups recently concerning several branches of the WCFL promotion. I have this memo from WCFL president RamblinWreck that will perhaps shed a little light on the subject. Wow…(dead pans) It states that the promotors who were responsible for the Georgia, Hawaii and St. Louis offices of the WCFL have backed out for various reasons. That certainly is unfortunate news for the WCFL, but such can be expected when trying to launch a co-operative agreement between all of the major promotions in North America. I will attempt to get in touch with PsychoSem and try to have his reaction to this unpleasant news next week on the program.”

“That being said now lets take you to a special retrospect on the current, and perhaps greatest Canadian Heavyweight Champion, Angelo Mosca.”

-Footage is show of Mosca’s legitimate football background at Notre Dame and in the pros to put him over as a real athlete. Then clips are shown from the Toronto archives of King Kong’s two most recent title wins vs. The Great Arab Hussein and Mr. Fuji. The announcers from the file footage are Billy Red Lyons and Mike McCann.

-The camera returns to Guy at the desk…

GUY-“There you have it fans, a look back at some of our Canadian Heavyweight Champ’s greatest battles. At this time, I’m pleased to announce that I received word earlier today that Mr. Mosca will be defending his title at the big kickoff of Maple Leaf Wrestling as it re-launches August 31st at the famed Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto.

COMMERCIAL BREAK-at the start of the break is a rundown of the upcoming Maple Leaf Garden card…


Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The Maple Leaf Gardens
August 31st 1981

Scheduled to appear:

-Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo “King Kong” Mosca will be defending his title…

-The World’s Largest Athlete, Andre the Giant is scheduled to appear…

-The Rougeau Brothers reunite to take on the Valiant Brothers: Luscious Johnny and Gentleman Jerry

-Young Terry Taylor will be taking on Exotic Adrian Street…

-Also scheduled to appear “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, Harley Race and professional wrestling’s most unpredictable madman The Sheik!!!

Tickets are available at the Maple Leaf Gardens box office on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.


TERRY-“Hello everybody! Terry Taylor here, and I just wanted to let all you fans know that I will be at the big kick off show for Maple Leaf Wrestling on the 31st taking on “The Exotic One” Adrian Street. Man that guy’s strange, but don’t let his appearance fool you. He’s a really great wrestler and double tough, at that. Win, lose or draw, I know that I have a long night ahead of me in Toronto.”


LUSCIOUS JOHNNY-“The Rougeau Brothers? Is that all you have to offer us Canada? Why it’s hardly worth the time to leave our beautiful New York City home and travel north of the border to this cess pool known as Toronto, for what, the simple enjoyment of you Canuks!”

GENTLEMAN JERRY-“That’s right, Johnny, It’s not worth our time! We’re better athletes than the Rougeaus, We’re better wrestlers than the Rougeaus and even more importantly, we are better looking than the Rougeaus. I can think of many more things that I would rather be doing, like combing these beautiful naturally blonde locks of mine.”

LUSCIOUS JOHNNY-“You got that right brother. Rougeaus, you think you got a chance at beating us two in the ring? Well think again, cause it just ain’t gonna happen!”


In action will be “Nature Boy’ Ric Flair, Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca, The Rougeau Brothers and many other top stars!




-The camera returns to Guy behind the desk…

GUY-“Fans, you may have seen it as we went into the last break, Andre the Giant will be appearing at the big Maple Leaf Gardens show coming up on August 31st here in Toronto. Let’s take a look at this mountain of a man in action from New York right now!”

-Footage is shown of Andre in a handicap match from WWF television. The Giant seems to be enjoying himself as he toys around with his opponents. First he gets both preliminary wrestlers in a double body scissors and bounces them up and down like a parent would bounce a small child on his knee. Then he puts them away with a sit down splash after stacking one opponent neatly on top of the other.

-Andre is all smiles after the match as the screen goes to a freeze frame and then to commercial…



-The camera returns to Guy behind the desk…

GUY-“Ok fans, we’re back now with more of Maple Leaf Wrestling. Before I introduce my guest for today, I would like to let everyone know that right here in the studios next week I have an opportunity to talk to The Grand Wizard of professional wrestling. There has been a lot of talk going around concerning just exactly who the Wizard will be representing here in the Toronto area. Many people are saying that he will rekindle his past partnership with The Sheik, while others insist he will have a new protégé to lead his charges. This broadcaster, how ever, personally cannot see The Sheik leaving the side of Eddie Creechman, who has handled the madman’s affairs in this region for quite some time.”

GUY-“Now on to my guest today on Maple Leaf Wrestling. This gentleman was the first official selection in the recent WCFL draft and was in hot pursuit of the NWA Heavyweight Title at the time that the WCFL absorbed many of professional wrestling's top regions. I give to you one of the best and brightest stars on the horizon of professional wrestling today…”The Nature Boy” Ric Flair.”

-The camera cuts to a wide shot of both Guy and Flair behind the news anchor style desk…

FLAIR-(oozing confidence and cracking his signature smile) “Good to be here Guy, good to be here…”

GUY-“Great to have you back in the area, this time on a more permanent basis. At this time, Ric, what I would like to do is take a look at some of your past ring performances and maybe get a little insight form you.”

FLAIR-“Sure thing…”

-Clips are shown of the Battle of the Nature Boys and a recent challenge by Flair of then NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes with Flair providing commentary over the clips.

GUY-“Mr. Flair…”

FLAIR-“Call me, Ric…”

GUY-“Ric, how does it feel to be the first official draft selection of the WCFL draft. That certainly must put a certain amount of extra added pressure on you to succeed each and every time you step in the ring.”

FLAIR-“Listen Guy, when you’re the best, and let’s face it. You and I both know that I’m the best.”

GUY-“Well you certainly are ONE of the best, Ric.”

FLAIR-“Like I was saying. When you’re the absolute best at what you do, you have nothing to worry about. Pressure? It’s just part of the sport. I go out there, get in the ring, have my hand raised in victory and then I party with the ladies all night long, take a ride in the limo to where my leer jet awaits, daddy! Then I fly back home…All in a days work, kid, all in a days work. WHOOOO!!!!”

GUY-“Sounds like your living life high on the….”

-Guy is interrupted by a deep bellowing voice from off camera. The camera hastily turns to show Harley Race has come to the set unannounced and boy does he look mad…

RACE: (raising his voice…)- “I’m sick and tired of hearing about your Golden Boy! I’m a former World’s Heavyweight Champion! What in the hell has this young punk ever done? Beat up old men, or that fat slob Rhodes? Guy you’ve had your precious Ric Flair show here today, but next week I’m demanding equal time! Pull out the highlight reels of all my victories, praise me for what I am…the best wrestler in the world today, and watch what I have done to all the other young punks like Flair that have dared cross my path over the past fifteen years! (pointing to Flair) Boy, you think your on the fast track to success? Well that road goes through me. Don’t like what I’m saying? Well then do something about it!”

-Flair begins to rise from his chair as members of the studio staff rush in to keep order. Guy, caught in the crossfire, attempts to end the show…

GUY-“Whoa now! Settle down! Let’s let cooler heads prevail here…

-Things start to calm down a bit until Flair blurts back…

FLAIR-“You just bring it on old man! Any time, any place. I’ve retired one fossil in Rogers and you seem to be over welcoming your stay as well!”

RACE-“I’ll get you! You SOB! Just wait ‘til I get you in the ring, you punk kid! You don’t know who your dealing with! You don’t know who your dealing with!”

-Race is dragged away by several production assistants and a security guard as Flair continues taunting him. Guy starts to wrap up the show with this going on in the background.

-Shot of Guy off to the side of the desk due to the melee…

GUY-“We’re rapidly running out of time here on Maple Leaf Wrestling where, apparently, Mr. Race is going to have his say in this matter here next week! In addition, we will hear from Exotic Adrian Street, The Grand Wizard and Toronto promoter PsychoSem about the current situation that has come up with the WCFL. It’s been a wild one here in the studios ladies and gentlemen! Until next time this is Guy Schilling saying see you at ringside!”