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Maple Leaf Wrestling
Episode #2
8-30-81 air date

The camera opens on Guy behind the desk...

GUY-“Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Maple Leaf Wrestling! We have a gigantic show for you today wrestling fans! In action, you will see two of Toronto’s top young stars, the very capable Terry Taylor and the monstrous King Kong Bundy. Also visiting us in the studios today will be “Exotic” Adrian Street and Angelo Mosca, who I am now being told will be challenged by “Bad Boy” Bobby Duncum at the big Maple Leaf kick off spectacular tomorrow night!

VOICE FROM OFF CAMERA-“Will you get on with it already, Guy!”

-The camera pulls back to show Harley Race sitting next to Guy at the announcer’s desk.

GUY-“I was just getting to you Mr. Race. Last week, I had Ric Flair here on the program and we were interrupted by you during Mr. Flair’s interview time. You demanded your own time, so here you are this week…”

RACE-“Your damned right I demanded my own time, Schilling! How else am I going to be able to get a fair shake around here? Last week, you acted like Ric Flair was the greatest thing since sliced bread. This week, I have to prove to you my greatness! Roll the footage…”

-The final moments of Race’s six NWA World’s Title wins are shown in order with Race bellowing about his greatness over the clips…

RACE-“See there, Guy, does that prove to you my greatness?”

GUY-“I have never once doubted that you are a competitor of the highest caliber Mr. Race, but your actions here on the show have been a bit erratic to say the least. Let’s go back to last week, if we can, and show the fans exactly what happened when I was interviewing Mr. Flair.”

RACE-“Oh if we must!”

-Footage is shown of the confrontation between Flair and Race at last weeks show.

GUY-“Well what do you have to say for yourself Mr., Race? Why take these actions?”

RACE-“Twenty-second, Mr. Schilling, twenty-second, Tell me just exactly how do you explain that? The man who has held the NWA World’s title six, count them six times, is selected as the twenty-second wrestler picked in that draft. You can’t even count my World Title wins on one hand. So how can you name twenty-one other wrestlers who are better than me? Can you, Mr. Schiling being the expert that you are, name twenty-one other wrestlers that have held the World’s Title more than once, let alone on six separate occasions?”

GUY-“Um, well…no sir I can’t.”

RACE-“Then why the hell was I the twenty-second guy chosen? Can you tell me that Mr. Schilling?”

GUY-“No, no sir I cant….”

RACE-“It’s insulting! If this is some sort of conspiracy Schilling, I better not find out that you are a part of it!”

GUY-“I can assure you, Mr. Race, that I had nothing to do with this.”

RACE-“Well I better not find out otherwise. (Pausing and re-gathering himself) You know what, Mr. Schilling, the more I think about this whole situation the more I realize that it may actually be a blessing in disguise.

GUY-“And how is that Mr. Race?”

RACE-“You see, the way I look at it is like this… Everybody was talking about Ric Flair. Ric Flair this, Ric Flair that. All I ever heard was how this big nosed buffoon was the future of the sport and about how Harley Race was starting to slow down. I see this as a way to prove everyone that ever praised Ric Flair or slandered the name of Harley Race, wrong! I’m glad that I ended up here in Toronto. Be it fate or happenstance, it’s an open opportunity for me to prove what a sham you are Flair… (Pausing and standing up from his seat, Race slams both hands down on the desk, leans forwards and stares directly into the camera which now has a close up of his face) You think I’m an old man like Rogers? Well, you’ve signed on the dotted line, punk, and tomorrow night in Toronto, I’ll show you just exactly what this old man is capable of…(turns to Guy…) Mr. Schilling this interview is now over.”

-With that Race trudges from the desk. Guy sits in stunned silence for a few seconds caught off guard by the happening.

GUY-“Well um, ladies and gentlemen…I don’t know quite what to say, Harley Race will indeed be taking on “Nature Boy” Ric Flair tomorrow night at the Gardens. We will return to more Maple Leaf Wrestling in a few short moments.”



THE MAIN EVENT: “Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “Handsome” Harley Race

TAG TEAM ACTION: The Valiants vs. The Rougeaus

THE WORLD’S BIGGEST ATHLETE, Andre the Giant takes on Leo Burke


CANADIAN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Champion Angelo Mosca vs. Challenger Bobby Duncum


-Terry Taylor vs. “Exotic” Adrian Street
-King Kong Bundy in action and much, much more!!!



BOBBY-“Ha, ha! You done gone and done it now An-ge-LO Mos-CA! You signed on the line with the Bad Boy himself and you will quickly find out that it was the biggest mistake of your life! They say you’ve reached legendary status in these parts, ex-football star, great champion. Well you see An-ge-LO, none of that matters to me. I’m just out to make a name for myself and if it takes walking over you and capturing that Canadian Heavyweight Championship then so be it! Oh and Mosca, I only know of one kind of legend where I come from…dead ones!”


RAYMOND-“We hear the Valiant Brothers had some not so nice things to say about our native Canada and it’s great fans! We’re not going to stand for that are we Jacques?”

JACQUES- “No brother, Raymond, we certainly aren’t! Valiants when we get in the ring with you in Toronto it’s going to be bigger than man on man or team on team. We are going to be representing and entire country and with the legions of Canadian fans supporting us I don’t see how we can lose!”

RAYMOND-“That’s right! We’re gonna do it for Canada and send those no good Valiant’s back to where they came from!”

JACQUES-“Yeah we’re all fired up! It’s great to be back in Canada and back together with my brother Raymond!




-Steve Wright vs. Terry Taylor
-King Kong Bundy vs. Kenny Jay
-Ric Flair vs. “Exotic” Adrian Street

also featuring: The Rougeaus, The Valiants and Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca in a defense of his title…

And in the MAIN EVENT: “Handsome” Harley Race takes on Greg “The Hammer” Valentine



GREG-“Race, I understand you challenged me because of my past history with Flair. It’s true that we were once close friends. It’s true that we were one of the most dominate forces ever in tag team wrestling. It’s even true that we both have very similar styles in the ring, but you see Race, time has a way of changing things.”

“I’m not friends with The Nature Boy anymore, oh no, in fact we have crossed paths on more than one occasion in the Toronto area. I’m not concerned about being a force in the tag team division. I feel that I have outgrown that at this point in my career. I’m not even concerned about the comparisons to Flair. What I am concerned about are titles, World titles to be exact. Race, you’ve held that big gold belt before and you have to be considered one of the top contenders. So not if, but when I come to London and beat you that’s got to put me right up at the top of the heap as far as title contention goes. Oh and remember Harley, no hard feelings. It’s just business.”


GUY-“Ok fans, we are back after a few words from our sponsors. Joining me here at the desk is none other than Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca. Angelo, thanks for stopping in with us today.”

MOSCA- “The pleasure was all mine, Guy. Really…”

GUY- “Angelo, you will be defending your coveted title against “Bad Boy” Bobby Duncum on the 31st in Toronto and you heard what he had to say during the break. Any comments on that, sir?”

MOSCA- “Bobby Duncum, my friend, you sure are talking big these days, but can you walk the walk when the time comes to get into the ring with me. I will be ready for what ever you can throw at me in the Maple Leaf Gardens, and then some.”

GUY- “Thank you for joining us champ, care to sit in with us for the next match.”

MOSCA- “Certainly…sure thing.”

-A King Kong Bundy squash match is shown from Texas. Bundy laughs as forearms bounce off his house-like frame shortly after the opening bell. The preliminary wrestler then gets the bright idea to bound off the ropes and attempts a shoulder block. Bad idea, he finds himself in a crumpled heap on the mat. He quickly makes it back to his feet and attempts a drop kick to no avail, then a body slam…no go. Bundy lets loose with a barreling forearm smash across the prelim guy’s back. Then follows it up with a whip into the corner for the dreaded avalanche. A running body splash later and Bundy has his hand raised in victory after the referee’s official count of three; in addition to, Bundy’s requested two for good measure.

GUY- “He could have counted to a hundred. A very impressive showing by Bundy! This man is as big as a house and has one nasty mean streak.”

MOSCA- “Yeah, but let’s see what he can do against some stiffer competition. I bet this guy would drop flat on his face if someone lasted more than a few minutes with him.”

GUY- “Well that remains to be seen, Angelo. Maybe we will find out in the near future. Fans, we will return with a special announcement from Maple Leaf promoter PsychoSem after these messages.”

MOSCA- “Oh and Guy, remember this…I’m the only true ‘King Kong’ in this sport.”

-Commercial break…

GUY- “Fans, last week I told you about a situation going on in the WCFL that was really a blow to this new organization. That being the fact that the promoters of the Georgia, St. Louis and Hawaii territories had backed out, thus leaving no one to promote in these areas. I contacted Toronto Promoter PsychoSem during the week and he has agreed to join us and fill us in with what he has found out about the situation so far.”

-The camera cuts to a wide shot of the desk showing both Guy and PsychoSem…

PSYCHO- “Thanks Guy, I have been in meetings with WCFL head Ramblin Wreck and the WCFL board of directors much of the week as we have been trying to resolve this measure. As you can imagine it has been quite a headache going through with these proceedings, but it is something that must be done as the WCFL wants to bring great action to all parts of North America.”

“Since these and other proceedings with getting Maple Leaf Wrestling and the WCFL off the ground have been so time consuming, I have chosen someone to preside over Maple Leaf Wrestling. This man is no stranger to Toronto area fans; I give to you the new President of Maple Leaf Wrestling and a member of the WCFL Board of Directors …Frank Tunney. Since he represents them, I will allow Mr. Tunney to announce the WCFL’s decision regarding this matter.“

-Frank Tunney makes his way out onto the set and joins Guy and PsychoSem…

FRANK- “It’s good to be back here in Toronto! I can assure you Guy, as well as all the fans out there, that I am going to keep everything on the up and up here in Maple Leaf Wrestling. I have been in meetings with the various promoters and board members as well and the WCFL has come to a resolution to this problem.”

“Effective immediately, the following WCFL regions will be cross promoting shows in the vacated regions; Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling and Southeastern Championship Wrestling will be picking up the slack in Georgia, the CWA and Central States will be filling the void in St. Louis and the Pacific North West and Los Angeles promotions will be helping out in Hawaii.”

“This is only a temporary solution to this problem, the WCFL expects to fill these vacancies before the New Year arrives.”

PSYCHO- “As promoter of Maple Leaf Wrestling, I would like to offer my services to any of the previously mentioned promotions, who may need help in rounding out a card. In fact we are currently negotiating a deal that would allow Andre the Giant to appear in Hawaii.”

GUY- “That certainly is good news to hear. Fans in those areas are sure to be treated to some excellent action.”

FRANK- “Oh and Guy, if you don’t mind I have one other piece of business to announce. “

GUY- “Sure thing Mr. President.”

FRANK- “It has come to my attention that the WCFL Tag Team Champions, Ole and Gene Anderson will be appearing in Buffalo on September 17th to defend their titles. As my first official act as Maple Leaf President, I would like to state that the winner of the match tomorrow night, between the Rougeaus and the Valiants, will get an opportunity to wrestle for the World Titles on the 17th.”

GUY- “Wow! More big news from the new President of Maple Leaf Wrestling, Frank Tunney, who appears to really be on top of things early on in his tenure.”

VOICE FROM OFF CAMERA- “Whoa, whoa, whoa…I have something to say if I may have the time…”

-“Exotic” Adrian Street makes his way on screen in stark contrast to the suits and ties of Sem and Tunney.

STREET- (extending a hand as though he wants it to be kissed) “I would just like to commend you two gentlemen for making the wisest decision of your lives when you chose to bring the Exotic One into the area! You two are such darling individuals to realize and appreciate a true talent, such as myself, when you see it. I can only hope that the fans in this area are intelligent enough to do the same, though I some how suspect that they are not on your level. Anyway, it’s my time now so be a darling and run along. Oh and Frank, love the bow tie, it’s really you!”

-PsychoSem and Tunney look at each other not knowing quite what to say…

-GUY- “Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see we are going to be talking with the very flamboyant and charismatic Adrian Street when we return from break!”

-Commercial break…

GUY- “All right fans, we are back and we have right here in the studios as promised, “Exotic” Adrian Street!”

STREET- “The pleasure is all yours I’m sure, Guy.”

GUY-"Mr. Street…”

STREET- “Oh call me Adrian, darling, Mr. Street seems so formal.”

GUY- “Ok, Adrian, So what brings you here? I understand you made a special request to be here didn’t you?

STREET- “Well of course I did, Guy!” When I found out you were going to be showing footage of Terry Taylor on today’s show I jumped at the opportunity.”

GUY- "Umm…”

STREET- “Why wouldn’t I want to be here to watch him in action? He’s a magnificent specimen and besides this provides me an opportunity to do some a hem, shall we say, scouting for our up coming encounter tomorrow night.”

GUY- (clearly hoping that Street doesn’t go any further with this escapade) Ok, ok, lets roll the footage. Quickly!

-Footage is shown of Taylor winning the NWA Junior Heavyweight Title from the previous June. Street marvels over Taylor’s abilities and makes a few semi-suggestive comments along the way.

STREET- “Ah, just what I needed. I can’t wait to get Terry boy in the ring tomorrow night, maybe there is a thing or two that I can teach him!”

GUY- (cutting Street off before he can go any further and hastily spoken because he is obviously not at ease with the direction the entire last segment has taken)”Ladies and Gentlemen we will be right back!”

-Commercial break…

GUY- “Fans, were back with more Maple Leaf Wrestling and at this time we are being joined by The Grand Wizard of wrestling. Mr. Wizard, we are rapidly running out of time here on the program so I am just going to cut to the chase and ask the question that everyone has been wanting to know. Have you spoke with The Sheik, and if so what was the extent of the conversations, Friendly or business?”

WIZARD-" Gee thanks for the great introduction, Guy! Looks like your just like all the other so called journalists out there. You could have at least humored me for a few minutes! Nevertheless, to answer your question, no I have not been able to talk with the Sheik. He has not answered any of my calls or letters. I am not even sure of his current whereabouts, but what I do know, is that he is scheduled to be at the Maple Leaf Gardens tomorrow night. I will be there too, in hopes that I might finally have a word with him, myself.”

GUY- “What do you plan on talking about? Talks of a contract perhaps?

WIZARD- “My you are persistent, Schilling! What I talk about with him, should we meet, is my business! I don’t go meddling in your affairs do I? I will tell you this, however, the Grand Wizard has a plan that will shock the world, be it with or without the Sheik’s help!”

GUY- “Well we’re out of time here on Maple Leaf Wrestling. It’s been a pleasure. Join us next week when we will have results and footage from the big Maple Leaf Garden show and much, much more! This is Guy Schilling saying see you at ringside!”
