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Episode #3 air date: 9-6-81


The program opens showing the finish of the Valiants vs. Rougeaus match from Toronto. The crowd in attendance in Toronto comes unglued as Raymond scores the pin fall on Johnny. The shot then changes to the familiar Maple Leaf set with Guy Schilling behind the desk,

GUY- "Ladies and Gentlemen, what you have just seen is action from Toronto, where last Friday night the Rougeau Brothers earned a WCFL World Tag Team title shot at the Andersons by way of their upset victory over the Valiants!" Congratulations go out to the Rougeaus on this outstanding win!"

The Valiants make their way on stage in protest...

JOHNNY-"Now wait just one minute, Guy!"

JERRY-"Yeah, wait just one minute!"

GUY-"What? What is it? This isn't your time!"

JOHNNY-" I understand that it's not our time, but we just wanted to congratulate the Rougeaus for their outstanding win."


JERRY-"Yeah, it was just a thing of beauty. In fact, Guy, why don't you have them roll the footage again. Just for us this time."

GUY-"Uh, ok...this certainly is a strange request to be coming from the losing team."

-The footage from the top of the show is shown again.

JOHNNY- (now becoming a little more serious) Yeah, your right brother, it a thing of beauty, a work of art if you will the way those two Canuks ripped us off!!!"

GUY-"What are you guys talking about? Raymond pinned you right in the middle of the ring, Johnny."


GUY-"What do you mean, exactly?"

JOHNNY-"Just what you said, Raymond pinned me. "


JOHNNY-"And, Raymond wasn't the legal guy in the match.

JERRY-"Yeah wasn't the legal guy, ya' numbskull. "

JOHNNY-" Why had Jacques rolled me up instead I could have easily kicked out! I just figured that since it wasn't the legal man in the ring, why go through any extra effort and waste my precious energy. "

JERRY-"Exactly...You tellum' brother!"

JOHNNY-"Roll back the footage, Guy. You'll see what we're talking about!"

The footage is rolled back and does reveal that Raymond was in fact the illegal man in the ring, but it also showed Jerry leveling the legal man Jacques with a chair.

JOHNNY-"See there, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Why if this match had have happened anywhere on the continent but Canada, say...oh I dunno, in my home town of New York City, The Valiants would have been victorious. Lousy Canadian officials!"

GUY-"Toronto has some of the finest referees anywhere, but it appears you do have a point. Indeed, Raymond was not the legal man, but it seems to me that you two got what you deserved! That chair shot on the floor was hardly legal as well!"

JERRY-"What chair? I didn't see nothing."

GUY-"Oh for crying out loud!"

JOHNNY-"You see, Guy, we had a feeling coming in here that we might not get a fair shake. So we decided to get someone who knows all about being discriminated against to watch our backs for us the next time we are in the ring with those no good Rougeaus."

VOICE FROM OFF CAMERA-"And that would be me, right Luscious One?"

-Adrian Street makes his way out onto the set...

JOHNNY-"Yes, Adrian I was talking about you!"

STREET-"You see, Guy, how could I turn this offer down. Look at these two gentlemen. Lavishly dressed, and oh.... such beautiful, naturally blond locks. It's clear that they are suffering the same discriminations that I have had to endure for years. Simpletons such as the Rougeaus and Terry Taylor are just jealous of us! Why, its plain to see my just looking at us that we are superior to them!"

JOHNNY-"Yeah that's right, Mr. Street. Everybody under the sun knows it's the truth. That is the reason, my friend, that they can't stomach it!" Rougeaus, come Monday night we are going to prove what everyone already knows, that your win against us was nothing more than a fluke!"

GUY-"Well those certainly are strong words from The Valiants and Street, I guess we will have to wait until next Monday night in Kitchner to find out. That's when The Valiants and Street are slated to go up against The Rougeaus and Terry Taylor in six-man tag team action! Ladies and gentlemen, stick around we've got a lot of big action coming up!"

COMMERCIAL BREAK #1-Upcoming card previews...

SEPT. 10th 1981

AMERICA'S TITLE MATCH (Sanctioned by California Championship Wrestling and the WCFL)







SLAUGHTER-"Attention! People of Kitchener, I don't have to prove myself to you! You already know who I am and what I'm capable of! I showed each and every one of you what I was about last Monday night!"

-footage is shown of Slaughter costing the Blackjacks a match against WCFL Tag Champs the Andersons from the WWA last week...

SLAUGHTER-"I've shown you all that my allegiance lies not with the United States, but with in myself! I'm tired of defending my country's honor against the scum and the maggots of the world, while others get the glory and the title shots that come along with it! From now on, I am watching out for number one! So, Race, you miserable maggot, I am coming after you long and hard. I'm going to prove once and for all that I AM the best wrestler in the world today! I now realize that the only thing that was holding me back were those stupid fans! With them now long behind me, nothing can stop me! Not even a puke like you, and then finally I might just get the respect that I truly deserve!"


MAIVIA-"Ric Flair, you think that just because you have the home field advantage in out upcoming title match that it makes you the favorite? You think that I'm going to fold up and go home just because you go Wooooo and do a little dance? Think again! I've worked long and hard from this belt and let me tell you right off that it's going to take a whole hell of a lot more than you the yank this belt from around my waist. There will be no excuses and when the dust settles I will still be your Americas champion and you can take that to the bank!"





-The show comes back from commercial with Guy behind the desk.

GUY-“Ok fans, we’re back with more of Maple Leaf Wrestling. Joining us at this time is a man who has really been mowing through the competition, King Kong Bundy.”

-Camera pulls back to reveal the massive Bundy sitting at the desk with Guy. He is casually dressed. Guy then shows highlights of Bundy’s easy victories over Kenny Jay and Mike Miller as the two talk…

BUNDY-“That’s right, Guy! I’ve ran over everyone since I arrived on this planet and nothing’s changed now that I’m here in Toronto! I’ve only got one question, Guy. Where’s all the competition? I hear about all these great stars in Maple Leaf Wrestling and then I get here expecting competition. What do I get? Nothing! I get tossed a has been and a never was. You want to know where all the stars of Maple Leaf Wrestling are Guy?”

-Camera returns to Bundy and Guy…

GUY-“Where, if I may be so bold at to reply.”

BUNDY-“Running scared from me that’s where! Every place I go, people are afraid of King Kong Bundy!”

GUY- “Well, you certainly have proven that you are a force to be reckoned with in the squared circle but I’d venture to say that there is at least one man here in Toronto who would be willing to step in the ring with you and go toe to toe.”

BUNDY-“And who’s that, Guy?”

GUY-“Well, judging by the comments that he made last week on this program I would be willing to say that Angelo Mosca…”

BUNDY-(cutting off Guy) Listen Guy, you tell that clown Mosca that I heard what he had to say last week and that I didn’t appreciate it. I’m the only wrestler fitting of the title of King Kong and if Mosca’s got a problem with it that he can just try and do something about it! I’m not hard to find. Anytime, anywhere Mosca!”

-With that Bundy gets up and leaves the set… GUY-“It certainly appears that Angelo’s strong words towards King Kong Bundy last week did not go unnoticed. Bundy is one big guy that I definitely wouldn’t want mad at me, but our Canadian Heavyweight Champion has always had a way of letting his actions speak louder than his words. I’m sure he will be ready for this gigantic challenger if a match is indeed signed. Something tells me however that Bundy is going to have to defeat someone of a little higher caliber than Mike Miller or Kenny Jay in order to get a shot at the title.”

-Guy pauses for a few seconds…

GUY-“Speaking of our Canadian Heavyweight Champion, Mr. Mosca had his hands full over the weekend with Bobby Duncum and his new accomplice Barry Orton. Let’s take you to what happened last Saturday in the Maple Leaf Gardens.”

-Clips are shown of the finish of the Canadian Heavyweight Title match between Mosca and Duncum in which Orton runs in and teams up with Duncum to beat down Mosca. Mosca is shown limping as he is being helped from the ring…

GUY-“Mosca, however, exacted a measure if revenge on Monday night in London.”

-Clips are shown of Maple Leaf President Frank Tunney ordering an unprepared Barry Orton to step into the ring with Mosca later in the evening against an angry Mosca…

GUY-“Let’s take you to that match now. From London last Monday, Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca vs. Barry Orton.”

-The match is shown in its entirety. For a match summary, go to the 9-3-81 London results…

GUY-“Another great victory for our Canadian Heavyweight Champion, but something tells me that we have not seen the last of Duncum and Orton!”

VOICE FROM OFF CAMERA-“Your right, you haven’t!”

-Bad Boy Bobby Duncum and Barry Orton make their way to the desk dressed in cowboy garb…

DUNCUM-“Listen Guy, I heard you bitching and moaning earlier about the Valiants taking up your precious time so I’ll make it short and sweet. Mosca, you can run but you can’t hide from us. What happened in London was a miscarriage of justice, that was supposed to be my match! Barry wasn’t prepared. Hell, he didn’t even have his own gear with him. Why an honorable man would have given Barry a rematch the next week, but we’re not dealing with an honorable man here. We’re dealing with Angelo Mosca! So what does he do? He goes and has his buddy Tunney sign him a match against someone else for fear of losing his precious title!”

GUY-“Now wait just one minute, I’ve known Angelo Mosca for a long time and he is a man of his word. I’m sure that if he felt that Mr. Orton deserved a rematch that he would give it to him.”

DUNCUM-“Guy, do you know the one thing that I hate most in this whole wide world? Even more than being interrupted by the likes of you!”

GUY-“What’s that?”

DUNCUM-“Cowards! Stinking, filthy, yellow cowards! Mosca, you hide behind authority. You think your untouchable because you have friends in high places. Well think again An-ge-LO. There ain’t nothing you can do to stop us from reaching our destiny!”

-Duncum and Orton leave…

GUY-“It really looks like Duncum and Orton have it in for Mosca. Between these two and the pending challenge of King Kong Bundy, our Canadian Champion really looks to have his hands full. Fans, we will return with our featured match of the week after a few short words from our sponsors.”


GUY-“Ok fans, we are back as promised with our featured match of the week, from London, Ontario, Terry Taylor taking on Steve Wright.”

-The Taylor vs. Wright match from the 9-3-81 London Show is shown in its majority along with highlights of Ric Flair coming out to scout Taylor…

GUY-“What a fantastic match this week on the program. Young Terry Taylor rebounded nicely after a defeat at the hands of “Exotic Adrian Street on Saturday to take a victory against the very talented German superstar Steve Wright.”

-The shot cuts to a wide angle showing that Ric Flair is now sitting at the desk with Guy…

FLAIR-“He certainly did, Guy. He certainly did. This kid Taylor reminds me a lot of myself just a few short years ago. He’s definitely got the talent, he just need a little more seasoning. He looks to be on his way.”

GUY-“Welcome to the show Mr. Flair it’s good to have you here on Maple Leaf Wrestling again this week.”

FLAIR-“Glad to be here, Guy. Really, I am.”

GUY-“So that was your whole reason for coming out during Taylor’s match?”

FLAIR-“That pretty much sums it up, Guy. I just wanted to get a little closer look at the kid. Who knows, maybe he would like to take a few pointers from the Nature Boy! All he’d have to do is ask.”

GUY-“I don’t see how it would hurt. Your last match was against Adrian Street, the man that Taylor lost to on Saturday night. Surely you could provide Terry with some sort of strategy.”

FLAIR-“Like I said before, Guy, all he has to do is ask.”

GUY-“Moving on now, you had quite a weekend yourself Mr. Flair.”

-Clips are shown of the Race vs. Flair finish from Toronto with Flair providing insight to the fans about what they are seeing…

FLAIR-“Yes Guy, a rough one at that too. As you fans are seeing now, I didn’t defeat Harley Race in Toronto, but that isn’t why I’m here today. Guy could you roll the footage from London?”

-Footage is shown of the finish of the Harley Race vs. Greg Valentine match from London with Flair running in to save the injured Valentine and then the stare down between Valentine and Flair…

FLAIR-“As you know Guy, and I’m sure all the fans know. Ric Flair and Greg Valentine haven’t exactly seen eye to eye over these last few years, but that still doesn’t take away the respect that I have for the guy. We traveled the roads together for many years and I can testify that Greg is one of the toughest people that I’ve ever met. What Race did to him after Greg had already injured his leg was totally uncalled for! I took that figure four leg lock, not only as a slap in the face to Greg, but also as a slap in the face to me! Race had already had his hand raised in victory, but that wasn’t good enough for him. He had to try and send me a message. Well Harley, I read you message loud and clear and that is why I’m challenging you to a rematch on the 24th when we return to the Maple Leaf Gardens! Race you beat me, you got your glory, you proved me wrong, but none of that matters now. You’ve made this one personal!”

-with that a deadly serious Flair leaves the set…

GUY-“As you fans saw, Race’s victory over Flair appeared to be completely credited to dumb luck. It was a very evenly contested match throughout, but all that now takes a back seat to what Race did when he tried to intentionally injure Flair’s former partner Greg Valentine. Ladies and gentlemen, hopefully we will have word next week as to whether or not this match has been signed. Fans, we will be right back with the Grand Wizard of wrestling after these commercial messages.”


GUY-“Ok we’re back fans. Before I get on to my next guest, I have some special announcements to pass on concerning some of Maple Leaf Wrestling’s top stars. Andre the Giant will be traveling to the West Coast next week to compete in the annual LA Battle Royal. Andre is the defending winner of this event and certainly the favorite going in. Also, Leo Burke is going to be on the road, but this time it’s going to be a little shorter trip than LA. Mr. Burke will be competing for Vancouver All-star next week where he will be taking on All-star’s Canadian Champion Mark Lewin. We would like to extend best luck wishes to both of these individuals and hope they have a speedy and safe return back to Toronto.”

-Guy pauses…

GUY-“Ladies and gentlemen, last week the Grand Wizard of wrestling said that he had a plan that he was going to reveal in Toronto that would shock the wrestling world. He delivered on his promise.”

-Clips are shown of the Sheik turning on Eddie Creechman in favor of The Grand Wizard… -Camera goes to a wide shot of Wizard and Guy…

WIZARD-“You bought it! You all bought it! Hook, line and sinker you bought it! When I said that I had not been in contact with the Sheik last week you believed me. You should be ashamed of yourself, Guy. I thought you knew me better than that! You should know that I never lay all of my cards down on the table. I always have something up my sleeve!”

GUY-“Well what the Sheik did in Toronto was certainly a surprise and it also led to two wild matches between the Sheik and Creechman’s protégé Kendo Nagasaki.”

-Clips are shown from the 8-31 Toronto match and the 9-3 WWA match between The Sheik and Nagasaki. Neither match had a clear winner and Bobo Brazil got involved attacking the Sheik at the end of the 9-3 match…

GUY-“Mr. Wizard, you were conspicuous by your absence on Monday night. Why were you not in the corner of the Sheik?”

WIZARD-“Is the Sheik not a grown man?


WIZARD-“Can he not fend for himself?”

GUY-“Well, yes.”

WIZARD-“Well then there is no need for me to be with him constantly! The main thing that the Sheik needs is for someone to take care of his affairs. Someone to make sure he has a nice room and a good meal. I fill those needs perfectly! Even without my help it took that meddlesome Bobo Brazil to get the Sheik off of Nagasaki. Brazil, you stuck your nose in where it didn’t belong. You were lucky this time, the next time that happens, the Sheik will chop it off for you!”

GUY-Thank you for joining us Wizard, we are just about out of time here on the show this week. Join us next week when we will be talking to Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca and the team that will be going after the WCFL tag team titles in Buffalo on the 17th, The Rougeau Brothers! We will also see if we can’t get word from Terry Taylor. Until then, this is Guy Schilling saying see you at ringside!”