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Episode #5 air date 9-20-1981


-As the show opens, clips are shown of the Sheik vs. Andre the Giant from Buffalo. The main highlights being the Sheik attacking the ref and Andre snapping. We are then joined by Guy Schilling behind the Maple Leaf desk…

GUY- “Ladies and gentlemen, the shocking footage that you have just been witnessing if from last Monday night in Buffalo, New York. As you can plainly see, things got a little bit out of hand during the match between Andre the Giant and The Sheik. For his attack on referee Fred Atkins, the Sheik and his manager The Grand Wizard have now been fined an undisclosed amount of money by Maple Leaf Wrestling President Frank Tunney. Seeing how this attack was on an official and not another wrestler, I can only imagine that the amount of the penalty to be considerable. Further more, I do not envy anyone that has the Giant on his bad side in the way that The Sheik and Wizard now do. In all of my years around wrestling, I have never seen the Giant snap in that manner. Look for a rematch to be signed between these two sometime in the near future.”

GUY-“This is Guy Schilling, welcoming you to another episode of Maple Leaf Wrestling! Fans, we have another great show for you here today! In action today you will see veteran grappler, the very capable, Kenny Jay and in our featured match of the evening, Leo Burke will be taking on Buddy Roberts! Also here in the studios today, King Kong Bundy, Bobby Duncum and the Valiants! Plus we will finally be getting an answer to Ric Flair’s challenge from none other than Harley Race!”

GUY-"Before we get going today I would like to share some very special news with you. Just before we went on the air today, I recieved word from Maple Leaf Wrestling President Frank Tunney that the WCFL World Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes will be defending the title in London on October 8th against our very own Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca!"

-The camera goes to a wide shot of the studio as the Valiants make their entrance onto the set and they look none too happy…

GUY-“Well, I see that we have company already. Johnny, Jerry weren’t you two supposed to be joining us a little bit later in the hour?”

JOHNNY-(grabbing the microphone away from Guy) “I don’t care when we were supposed to be here! Me and my brother got something that we want to say and we’re going to say it! That was our title match last Monday night in Buffalo! We earned it fair and square! It ain’t our fault that those two goofs, the Rougeaus, couldn’t do something simple like show up on time! Go ahead Guy, show the footage. (Sarcastically)Let the whole world see what great role models your precious Canadian Rougeaus are.”

-Footage is shown of the Rougeaus running in and brawling with the Valiants. The tape is then edited to where it leaves out the Rougeaus dominating the Valiants and chasing them to the locker room. The footage picks back up with the Valiant beating down on the Rougeaus after the Valiants and Andersons had attacked the Rougeaus 4 on 1…

JERRY-“See there Guy, those guys got exactly what they deserved!”

JOHNNY-“Yeah, that’s what happens when you mess with the Valiants!”

-There is a disruption in the studio as the Rougeaus make their way onto the set. The Canadian duo squares off, face to face with the Valiants…

JACQUES-“So that’s what happens when you mess with the Valiants, eh? Why don’t you show the footage of us running you two scumbags out of the building!”

RAYMOND-“Yeah, what about that! Plus, you two cost us our shot at the tag straps!”

GUY-“Easy now guys. Don’t go pointing any fingers.”

JOHNNY-“Yeah, we don’t know what you’re talking about! Do we Jerry?”

JERRY-“Nope brother, I don’t have ANY idea.”

JOHNNY-“We did no such thing!”

JACQUES-“Guy, let me explain, ok?”

GUY-“Go ahead…”

JACQUES-“We were scheduled to fly into Buffalo on Monday afternoon for our match. Somehow our tickets were changed and we ended up being routed to Niagara Falls. From there we had to rent a car to make it to Buffalo.”

JOHNNY-“Awe, too bad! Guess that’s just the way the ball bounces, hahaha!”

-Both teams look as though they might come to blows…

GUY-“Settle down, let’s remain composed. Jacques, that’s quite a stroke of bad luck but how does this prove that the Valiants had anything to do with this?”

JACQUES-“Well you see Guy, we had originally called in for those tickets ourselves. We wanted to double check and make sure everything was just right for our trip since so much was on the line. My brother and I knew that the only way that the ticket could have been changed is if someone else either stopped by or called in and changed it. On Tuesday, I called the airline and checked to see the date and time that my tickets were changed over. I then called the phone company, explained the situation to them, and was able to get a list of all phone calls made into the air port ticket terminal that day. There was a phone call made that matches the time that the tickets were changed and guess where it came from?”


JACQUES-“New York City!”

JERRY-(puzzled look on his face) “New York City?”

RAYMOND-“ Yeah, New York City!”

-With that the Rougeaus fly off the handle. They dominate the skirmish and chase the Valiants out of the studio. They then return to the broadcast position, both men breathing heavily…

RAYMOND-“Valiants, If you’ve got any guts you’ll show up in Toronto on Monday and take the beating that you deserve like a man!”

JACQUES-“Yeah Valiants, and if your not there on Monday night, you know what we’re gonna do? We’re gonna hunt you down and find you!”

GUY-“Wow, what a shocking turn of events! Apparently, the Valiants DID have something to do with the Rougeaus showing up late for their title shot last Monday night! Fans, we will return after a few quick words from our sponsors.”



-Ken Patera vs. Andre the Giant


-Canadian Heavyweight Title: Angelo Mosca © vs. Bobby Duncum
-WWA Title: Bobo Brazil © vs. The Sheik
-Vancouver All-star Title: Mark Lewin © vs. Leo Burke

-The Rougeau Brothers vs. The Valiants

-Terry Taylor vs. “Exotic” Adrian Street



PATERA-“They said it could never happen! They said that it couldn’t be done! No one can beat Andre the Giant. Wrong! Your looking at the man that did the impossible two weeks ago in Los Angeles. I beat Andre the Giant! They said that it couldn’t be done, but I did it, fair and square! And guess what? I’m gonna do it again! Monday night, September 24th, mark that date down in your calendar as the day that Ken Patera laid the myth of Andre the Giant to rest. And to all of those who said that it could never happen I say this; never say never!


BRAZIL-“Hello Toronto fans, I’m sure that I do not need to introduce myself to you. You know me all to well. In fact, almost as well as I know the challenger to my WWA title come the 24th in the Gardens. Sheiky, you’ve been creating havoc throughout the WWA in recent weeks and I let you know from the get go that I, as WWA champion wasn’t going to stand for it. We had a match a couple weeks ago but I didn’t get my fill of you. I don’t think I ever will!


“This is pointless. I can’t think of one good reason why I should have to come all the way across the country to face a guy that I’ve already beat twice! Leo Burke, you claim that this is the only way that you could get a fake shake. I laugh at that. It’s simply a thinly hidden excuse for your inability to defeat me. You know that I am the better wrestler. Just look, I have the title belt to prove it! What do you have? NOTHING! N-O-T-H-I-N-G…NOTHING! And nothing is exactly what’s going to be left when I’m through with you in Toronto!



-Blackjack Mulligan vs. King Kong Bundy
-“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. Barry Orton
-The Valiants & Akio Sato vs. The Rougeaus & Steve Wright


-Maple Leaf Wrestling returns from commercial with Guy behind the desk…

GUY-“Ok fans we’re back and it’s time for our first match of the day, Kenny Jay vs. “Mean” Mike Miller! I personally heard what Miller had to say here last week on the program and I must say that this match looks as though it’s going to have a lot of intensity in it!”

-The Miller vs. Jay match from Buffalo is shown in its entirety. Jay captures the pin with a hand full of tights in a little over six minutes…

GUY-“There you have it fans. Jay picks up the victory, but under some questionable circumstances. Jay really used his years of experience to his advantage in that match, but it’s not like him to stray from the rules. I’m sure young Miller is disappointed.”

VOICE FROM OFF CAMERA-“Yeah, I’d be disappointed if I sucked that bad too!”

-The camera cuts to a wide shot to show that King Kong Bundy is now in the studios with Guy…

BUNDY-“Those guys are old news!”

GUY-“But both Jay and Miller are…”

BUNDY-(glaring at Guy) “I said they’re old news! I’ve beat them both and easily at that!”

GUY-(gulp) “Yes sir!”

BUNDY-(slapping Guy on the back) “Jeez, lighten up man!”

GUY-“I’ll try. Why exactly are you here with us today Mr. Bundy? We just had you here on the show last week, surely not much has changed since then.”

BUNDY-“Your right, Guy! Nothing has changed since then! I still don’t have any competition! Did you see the way that I man handled Sato?”

GUY-“Well you certainly did use your weight to your advantage in the match.”

BUNDY-“Exactly! No one can stand up to King Kong Bundy! No one! Everybody is afraid to step into the ring with me. No one wants a piece of me. So I tell you what I’m going to do.”

GUY-“What’s that?”

BUNDY-“I’m going to give them a little extra incentive. From now on I will offer $10, 000 to any athlete, wrestler or other wise, to pick me up off the ground and slam my to the mat.”

GUY-“$10, 000!?!?!?!? Holy cow! Where did you come up with that kind of dough? I mean you’ve only been around this profession for a very short time.”

BUNDY-“Don’t you worry about that, Guy. I have my ways. Give it time and you just might find out.”

GUY-“What’s that supposed to mean?”

BUNDY-“Oh nevermind.”

GUY-“Uh ok, well there you have it ladies and gentlemen, what an announcement! King Kong Bundy is offering up $10, 000 dollars to anyone who can slam him in the middle of the ring! I’m sure that little extra bonus is bound to get some warm bodies in the ring with him in the near future! Fans, we will be returning in just a few moments with our featured match!”


-The camera returns to a shot of Guy behind the desk…

GUY-“Ladies and gentlemen, were back with more Maple Leaf Wrestling. We will be getting to our featured match in just a few moments, but first let’s take a look some of the events that have occurred between the man who will be recieving a world title shot in London on the 8th, the Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca and 'Bad Boy' Bobby Duncum.”

-A video montage highlights the Mosca vs. Duncum feud. Shown is their first title confrontation with Barry Orton interfering, Mosca pinning Orton, Mosca being attacked by Orton and Duncum before Angelo’s defense against The One Man Gang, Mosca’s challenge to a tag team match on last week’s show and then clips from that match that reveal Blackjack Mulligan as the mystery partner and Duncum and Orton leaving for the back to get counted out… -The camera returns to a wide shot of the set showing Guy with Bobby Duncum and Barry Orton…

GUY-“Well it looks like you two found out last week who Angelo Mosca’s partner was!”

DUNCUM-“Shut up! Yeah, An-ge-LO may be laughing now, but I’m going to be the one who’s laughing last because you were stupid enough to sign on the dotted line for a rematch with me next Monday night! This time Mosca, you don’t stand a chance. In fact, I’m feeling so confident that I will do what all the great ones have done. Just like Namath, just like Ali, I’m going to guarantee victory when we meet in the Gardens! I just feel that confident about it, but enough about me. I think my partner has a little something to say.”

ORTON-“Yeah, I sure do. Just like that Canadian title caught Bobby’s eye; a little something here in Maple Leaf Wrestling has caught my eye as well. Just a few minutes ago when King Kong Bundy put up that $10, 000 dollars to anyone who could slam him, I thought to myself…Man, $10, 000 that’s a lot of money. I bet I could throw one hell of a party for Bobby here after he wins the Canadian title from Mosca and I think that’s just what I’ll do! Bundy, I don’t have nothing against you, but if all you want is for someone to try and slam you and if your putting up that kind of dough, then you can count me in!”

-Duncum and Orton leave the set…

GUY-“There you have it fans! Bobby Duncum will get another crack at the Canadian Heavyweight Title in Toronto on Monday and apparently, Barry Orton has taken up King Kong Bundy on his $10, 000 body slam challenge! Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for our featured match of the evening, Leo Burke vs. Buddy Roberts from Buffalo, New York.”

-The complete match is shown with Burke winning after a little more than 15 minutes in a very competitive match. Burke captured the fall with a belly to belly suplex after whipping Roberts into the ropes…

GUY-“What a maneuver that was! A very impressive win Leo!”

-The camera pulls out to a wide shot to show Leo Burke now sitting with Guy…

BURKE- “Thank’s, Guy.”

GUY-“Now Leo, you’ve been away for a couple of weeks competing for Vancouver’s All-star wrestling. I understand that you have had a couple of opportunities to wrestle their champion, Mark Lewin, but I also notice that I don’t see a championship belt around your waste. What’s the scoop?”

BURKE-“Yes Guy, I have had a couple of chances to face Mark for the title and no, I don’t have that title around my waist just yet, but I think all of that may be changing soon. You see Guy, every time that I have stepped in the ring with Lewin I have had to fight against 3 men instead of one. His cronies are constantly becoming involved in his matches with me. I’ve had him defeated twice only to be cheated out of a victory.”

GUY-“That must be frustrating.”

BURKE-“ It is, but all of that is about to change soon! You see, Mr. Lewin is going to be coming to this neck of the woods soon and guess what. His friends won’t be coming along with him! Mark Lewin, it’s time for you to put up or shut up!”

GUY-“There you have it ladies and gentlemen, Leo Burke will be challenging Mark Lewin for the Vancouver All-star title on Monday in Toronto, and this time it appears that Lewin has the deck stacked against him! Fans, when we come back we will see if Harley Race accepts Ric Flair’s challenge!”


GUY-“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re back now with the announcement that everyone has been waiting for. Ric Flair issued the challenge here last week on television, this week we will receive an answer. Joining me at this time, the one, the only Harley Race!”

RACE-“That’s the man who tells everybody what he’s going to do and then does it, Harley Race to you, Guy!”

GUY-“Um Yes sir…”

RACE-“Flair, You told everyone that I was over the hill! You said that I couldn’t cut it any more! I think that I proved to you last month in Toronto what Harley Race was all about, but you couldn’t take it could you, Flair? You couldn’t stand the fact that I am, was and forever more will be a better wrestler than you! So what do you do? You set out to embarrass Harley Race, do you? You try to make a mockery out of me by using that kid Terry Taylor to set me up…”

-Clips are shown of the amateur demonstration with Flair and Taylor and of the tag team match from Buffalo in which Terry Taylor pinned Harley Race…

RACE-“ Ric Flair, you haven’t seen the last of Harley Race, nor have you for that matter Taylor! No one makes a fool of Harley Race and gets away with it! Flair, I will meet you in Toronto again this month if for no other reason than to shut that big mouth of yours! A lot of people are saying that I was lucky to walk away with my hand raised in victory the last time around. This time however, there will be no controversy. This time there will be no excuses. This time, all there is going to be is you begging me for forgiveness while I break your leg with your very own hold, the figure four and then hear you say the five letters and two words that I want to hear. I quit, Mr. Race. I QUIT!”

-With than Race walks stoically off the set…

GUY-“Wow! Ladies and gentlemen, Harley Race accepts the challenge, but not only that. He seems dead set on not just defeating the Nature Boy, but also seems as though he is looking to put him our of action for good! We’re out of time here on Maple Leaf Wrestling. Join me next week for some more great action and to find out what happened in Toronto! Until then, this is Guy Schilling saying ‘see you at ringside’!