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Episode #6 air date 9-27-1981


-The program opens on action from last Monday’s Maple Leaf Garden’s show. Shown is the aftermath of King Kong Bundy’s $10, 000 Body Slam Challenge, in which Bundy, Bobby Duncum and Barry Orton viciously attacked Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca…

-The camera goes to a shot of Guy Schilling behind the desk on the Maple Leaf Wrestling set...

GUY-“Fans, welcome to today’s show. I regret to announce that due to the heinous attack that we have just witnessed that one of our scheduled guests for today, Canadian Heavyweight Champion Angelo Mosca will not be joining us. However, I did get someone here that can shed a little bit of light on the subject. Ladies and gentlemen, Maple Leaf Wrestling President Frank Tunney.”

TUNNEY-“Thank you, Guy. I would say that it is a pleasure to be here, but it never is under these circumstances. What happened last Monday night was totally uncalled for and as President of Maple Leaf Wrestling I will not stand for it! Guy, maybe you should roll the footage again and let everyone see exactly what happened. “

GUY-“Fans at this time, I am proud to announce that thanks to our President’s heads up decision making that Angelo Mosca is still the Canadian Heavyweight Champion. Here is exactly what happened.”

-A more detailed montage is shown of the set up, complete with Duncum’s pay off of Bundy, Duncum demanding that the title be handed over to him, and President Tunney announcing that Blackjack Mulligan would defend the title for Mosca. Clips of the match between Mulligan and Duncum are then shown with Mulligan getting the pin fall after hitting Duncum with a boot that King Kong Bundy had tossed into the ring…

TUNNEY-“Bobby Duncum, your actions were deplorable and I will deal with you and Barry Orton in due time. I feel it justified for now that you two didn’t leave Toronto with the Canadian Heavyweight Title in your possession. As for you King Kong Bundy, I cannot find words to describe what you have done! I was going to suspend you and rid my hands of this matter, but then Blackjack Mulligan came to me and had an even better idea.”

TUNNEY-“As of right now Bundy, I am fining you the entire $10, 000 that you were paid by Bobby Duncum for your attack on Angelo Mosca. Furthermore, I am using my powers as the President of Maple Leaf Wrestling to order you to show up in Hamilton this Saturday night where you will take on Mr. Mulligan in the ring! Failure to do either of these will result in your termination from not only Maple Leaf Wrestling, but also the WCFL, thus effectively black balling you from professional wrestling in North America. You made your bed, now lay in it Mr. Bundy. I have given you your options. It is now time for you to make your choice!”

GUY-“Wow, President Tunney is really laying down the law here on the program tonight. King Kong Bundy has been given the choice to step into the ring with Blackjack Mulligan or be terminated from the WCFL outright! The big guy really seems to have backed himself into a corner this time!”

TUNNEY-“He certainly has, Guy. He certainly has.”

GUY-“President Tunney, have you received any word on Mr. Mosca’s condition?”

TUNNEY-“Mr. Mosca is suffering from broken ribs and other internal injuries. The total extent of the damage is not yet certain as more tests are being run. I talked to Mr. Mosca and he is in good spirits and itching to get back into the ring, but it will ultimately be up to the doctor’s opinion as to when he returns. The current word going around is that if all goes well and there are no more complications that Angelo should be back in the ring and at full speed in approximately four to six weeks.”

GUY-“It certainly is good to hear that Mr. Mosca is in good spirits all things considering. So he is estimated to miss four to six weeks? What will that do to his Canadian Heavyweight Title, Mr. Tunney?”

TUNNEY-“For right now I am not going to make a decision on that since Mr. Mosca could come back before the thirty day period in which one must defend a title is up. Should Mr. Mosca not be able to defend the belt within thirty days though, I am afraid that I would have to strip him of the belt. It’s unfortunate under these circumstances, but the rules must be followed. I have already had to take a promised World Title match away from Angelo.”

GUY- “Yes, during all of the commotion last Monday night surrounding the attack on Mr. Mosca, you awarded the shot to the winner of the Harley Race versus Ric Flair match. However, that match went to a draw. What do you intend to do concerning WCFL World Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes’ appearance in London on the 8th?”

TUNNEY-“It’s been a busy week for me. I’ve thought long and hard about this as well as the many other situations that have occurred here in Maple Leaf Wrestling over the last few days. This has led me to decide that the only fair way to determine who gets the shot at the world title is to put it up for grabs in a 20 man over the top rope battle royal on this Saturday night in Hamilton!”

GUY- “More exciting news from the President and we’re just getting started here on Maple Leaf Wrestling! Mr. Tunney will be back with us in just a few minutes to discuss the controversy that has been surrounding Leo Burke, Mark Lewin and the Vancouver All-star championship.”




-Bobo Brazil & Andre The Giant vs. Ken Patera & The Sheik

-Harley Race vs. Terry Taylor

-Mark Lewin vs. Leo Burke

-Blackjack Mulligan vs. King Kong Bundy

-The Rougeaus & Steve Wright vs. The Valiants & Akio Sato


‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair and “Exotic” Adrian Street in action!!!




Plus many other top Maple Leaf Wrestling stars will be on hand!!!

-Maple Leaf Wrestling returns from commercial with Guy and Maple Leaf President Frank Tunney both behind the desk…

GUY-“Ok fans, we are back with here on Maple Leaf Wrestling and we are still talking with Maple Leaf President Frank Tunney. Mr. Tunney, I would now like to bring you to the topic that everyone has been talking about over the course of the last few days. Not just in Toronto, but all over the wrestling world. That is the situation regarding the Vancouver All-star championship match that occurred in Toronto on Monday night in which Maple Leaf Wrestling’s own Leo Burke was declared the All-star champion.”

TUNNEY-“Yes, Guy! It certainly was the cause of much excitement here in Toronto on Monday night! It has also taken up most of my time since then trying to straighten out this situation. Mr. Burke was declared champion when referee Terry Yorkston disqualified Mark Lewin for throwing Burke over the top rope. While titles in Maple Leaf Wrestling cannot change hands on a count out or DQ, it was our understanding that this match, being a Vancouver All-star championship bout, clearly falls under All-star rules, which state that the championship may change hands in such a fashion.”

GUY-“It is my understanding Mr. Tunney that there has been some sort of protest filed by the Vancouver office over this matter. Is that correct?”

TUNNEY-“Yes, that is correct. I was contacted by El Topo early on Tuesday morning, but we were unable to come to an agreement. Both parties have sent our arguments to WCFL President Ramblin Wreck, who has sent word back to us that he will release an official announcement concerning this situation by no later than Tuesday. In the mean time, Wreck says that Mr. Burke will be allowed to defend the All-star Heavyweight Championship in his scheduled rematch with Lewin this Saturday night in Hamilton. This match will remain under All-star wrestling rules, as will all other All-star title matches, until we receive official word from the head office. It is quite possible that this rematch will clear up the controversy once and for all!”

GUY-“Mr. Tunney, thank you for clearing that up with us. I certainly hope that Saturday night in Hamilton we will straighten this whole mess out. If not, I am quite sure that we will have you back on the program in the near future to keep us updated on this situation as it unfolds. Fans, as we go to break, let’s show you the finish to that exciting contest from Monday night in the Gardens and let you decide.”

-The finish of the Lewin vs. Burke match is shown with the ref being knocked from the ring. A second ref coming in to count Burke’s shoulders down and then the first referee recovering to DQ Lewin for back dropping Burke over the top rope…


-The camera returns to Guy behind the Maple Leaf desk…

GUY-“Ladies and gentlemen, we are back! (looks at watch) Whoa! President Tunney was with us for half of the show, but we had a lot of stuff to talk about. We have a few other guests scheduled for the show today and we will try to get to all of them if time permits, but right now what I would like to do is take you back to last week when we were talking to the Valiant Brothers.”

-Clips are shown of the Valiants confrontation with the Rougeaus and the brawl between the two brother teams throughout the studio…

GUY-“That was the situation here last week and let me tell you, it was a wild one. These two teams met this past Monday night in the Gardens in what is going to be our featured match of the week.”

-The Rougeaus vs. Valiants match from last Monday is shown in full. The finish comes when the Rougeaus are disqualified after a frustrated Jacques shoves the referee down in an attempt to even the odds. The two teams brawl and the Valiants bail out of the ring, but not before they take the gigantic Canadian flag which the Rougeaus had brought to the ring with them…

-The camera returns to the Maple Leaf desk with Guy standing with The Valiants and Akio Sato. The Valiants have the Canadian flag with them…

GUY-“Johnny, you, your brother and this man, Akio Sato are scheduled to take on the Rougeaus and Steve Wright this Saturday in Hamilton.”

JOHNNY-“That’s right, Guy, and this time we’ve found someone to team with us that hates Canada almost as much as we do! (Pats Sato on the shoulder, Sato nods and smiles)

JERRY-“Yeah that’s right! You tried to mock our patriotism by bringing your stupid Canadian flag to the ring! Well what do you think about your precious flag now Rougeaus?”

JOHNNY-“If you want it Rougeaus, you best come and get it. Because there is no telling what we just might do to it. Hahahaha!”

GUY-“You wouldn’t!”

JOHNNY-“We will do what ever we want. We are the Valiant Brothers, the greatest team in all of wrestling and if the Rougeaus don’t like it then tell them to come and do something about it!”

-The threesome leaves with the Canadian flag…

GUY-“I’m sure that you three won’t have to try very hard to find the Rougeaus. They are probably looking for you as we speak! Fans the Rougeaus and Steve Wright take on the three men that we have just heard from this Saturday night in Hamilton. We will be back with Ric Flair and Terry Taylor after a few quick words from our sponsors.”


-The camera returns to Guy behind the Maple Leaf desk…

GUY-“Ok ladies and gentlemen, we are back with more of the show. A couple of weeks ago a new twist was added to the on going feud between ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair and Harley Race, that being Terry Taylor. Fans, let’s take a look back.”

-Footage is shown of the amateur wrestling demonstration from Buffalo and the tag team match in which Taylor pinned Race. The finish to last week’s match between Taylor and Adrian Street is then shown with Taylor getting the pin after Ric Flair thwarts Harley Race’s interference attempt.

-The camera cuts back to the Maple Leaf desk where Guy is joined by Taylor and Flair…

GUY-“Thanks for joining us today gentlemen. As we just saw Terry, you finally got your first pin fall on Adrian Street on Monday night. How does it feel?”

-Taylor starts to speak but Flair buts in…

FLAIR-“Not only that, Guy, what about Harley Race? Eh?”

GUY-“Why yes that certainly was impressive too.”

FLAIR-“Impressive? What are you talking about, Guy! That was Harley Race that the kid pinned, Harley Race! I haven’t even done that since I arrived here in Maple Leaf Wrestling!”

GUY-“That certainly is true, Ric. Now Terry, you really seem to be on a roll as of late. You have a one on one contest with Harley Race coming up on Saturday. Do you think that you can pin Race’s shoulders for the count of three yet again?”

-Flair goes to but in again, but Taylor stops him…

TAYLOR-“Yeah I think I can, Guy! At least I’m going to my best. Race claims that my pin on him is a fluke. I’m going to prove that it wasn’t this Saturday night! Woooo!”

FLAIR-“Ha ha! The kid’s learning isn’t he, Guy?

GUY-“It sure looks that way!”


GUY-“Gentlemen, both of you will be competing in the battle royal for a shot at the WCFL title this Saturday night. What if it comes down to Ric Flair and Terry Taylor as the last two people in the ring?”

TAYLOR-“Well I can say personally that I don’t care who it is. I’m going after that title shot no matter what and I’m sure that Ric, here would tell you the exact same thing.”

FLAIR-“I sure would. I’ve chased that title for too long not to give it my all. If it came down to me and Taylor as the final two all I can say is that things would get real interesting, real fast! Come on kid, let’s get going!”

-Flair and Taylor leave the set…

GUY-“You heard it here fans. Everyone is going all out for that shot at the WCFL World Heavyweight Title! We are going to take a brief commercial break and then return with the Grand Wizard of wrestling.”


-The camera returns to Guy behind the desk…

GUY-“One of the big matches set for this Saturday night is the tag team confrontation between the team of Ken Patera and The Sheik and the paring of Andre the Giant and Bobo Brazil. I can assure you that there is no love loss between all four of these men. Let’s take a look back at some of the goings on from recent weeks.”

-A montage is shown of the Brazil vs. Sheik feud in WWA and Toronto, Andre snapping during his match against the Sheik, Patera eliminating Andre from the LA Battle Royal and Patera getting a count out victory on Andre when the Sheik blows fire at Andre…

GUY-“Ladies and gentlemen, at this time we are being joined by the Grand Wizard of professional wrestling. Wizard, it appeared as though your man, the Sheik had won the WWA title from Bobo Brazil on Monday night. That is until Andre the Giant became involved and had the decision reversed.”

-Camera goes to a wide shot showing the Wizard and Guy and then settles on the Wizard as the speaks…

WIZARD-“Andre the Giant is just like the man he is teaming with, Bobo Brazil. He is always sticking his nose in where it doesn’t belong! Why my Sheik would be the rightful WWA champion right now if it wasn’t for that meddlesome oaf! Guy, I told everyone when the Sheik returned to the Toronto area that I was going to start at the very top and I have done that. Andre, Brazil, Don’t think that this is over! It’s only just begun!”

-The camera goes back to Guy behind the desk…

GUY-“Fans, we are running out of time! I would like to thank Maple Leaf President Frank Tunney and all of our other guests for joining us here tonight in the studio. Be sure to join us in Hamilton this Saturday night where we will find out just who is going to be challenging Dusty Rhodes for the WCFL Heavyweight Title on the 8th in London! Until next week, this is Guy Schilling saying ‘see you at ring side’!”