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Episode #7 air date-11-4-1981


-Footage is shown of Terry Taylor celebrating after the battle royal on Saturday night in Hamilton to become the number one contender for the WCFL World Heavyweight Championship. Flair re-enters the ring after the bout, shakes Taylor’s hand and pats him on the shoulder as he tells him what a good job he has done. Taylor hugs Flair and thanks him for making the save earlier in the night as Harley Race attempted to pile drive him on the floor…

GUY-“Fans, as you can see we have a new number one contender to Dusty Rhodes’ crown here in Maple Leaf Wrestling and he is Terry Taylor! Mr. Taylor is on a spectacular roll and looks to have all of the momentum in the world going into his championship encounter next Monday night in London.”

GUY-“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Guy Schilling welcoming you to another edition of Maple Leaf Wrestling. This week we have three big matches for you as well as a couple of special guests. It should be another great show today so let’s get things rolling! Fans, what I would like to do right now is take you back to Saturday night and show you the incredible odds that Terry Taylor overcame to become Maple Leaf’s top contender to the World’s Heavyweight Title.

-Video package is shown of Taylor’s rough and tumble match up against Harley Race as well as Ric Flair preventing Race from pile driving Taylor on the concrete floor after the match. Footage of the battle royal is then ran with Taylor’s many narrow escapes being shown along with the battle royal’s closing moments….

GUY-“Fans, Taylor really had the deck stacked against him but somehow he pulled through. That was a great testament to Taylor’s heart and determination, it’s also the mark of a great competitor. If there is one unknown variable when you step through the ropes with someone it’s got to be heart! That is one thing that cannot me taught. You are either born with it or you are not. It’s one of the qualities that I think will make Taylor a champion one day. Will that day come on Monday night in London? That remains to be seen. Dusty Rhodes is a fine champion and defeating him for that precious prize will not be an easy task by this announcer’s estimate. Fans we be back after these messages.”



-WCFL WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: DUSTY RHODES defends against Maple Leaf Wrestling’s #1 Contender TERRY TAYLOR!!!





GUY-“Ok fans, we are back with more of Maple Leaf Wrestling. Before we get to our first match, I would like to introduce my first guests for today. These two gentlemen have had a couple of great matches with each other over the last couple of days. I’m talking about Steve Wright and Joe Malenko. Fellows, welcome to the show!”

WRIGHT-“Thank you, Guy.”

MALENKO-“It’s a pleasure to be here, Guy.”

WRIGHT-“Like wise.”

-The finishes are shown of both of the recent Malenko vs. Wright matches. Malenko learns from his mistakes in the first match and takes a victory in the rematch stunning the German veteran…

GUY-“Joe, you are new here to the Toronto area, but the name Malenko certainly isn’t new to the world of professional wrestling. Is there any extra pressure trying to live up The Professor’s high standards?”

MALENKO-“Well, there is a certain reputation that goes along with having the Malenko name and my dad does indeed have high standards, but he has taught me and my brother Dean well. I think we make him proud every time that we step into the ring.”

GUY-“I understand your little sister has become involved as well?”

MALENKO-“Well she’s not out of high school yet, but Debbie has showed interest as well. I don’t think she would have it any other way. It’s really all any of us have ever known.”

GUY-“Steve, it seems to be less common these days to see a friendly rivalry between two wrestlers such as yourself and Mr. Malenko. To what do you credit this?”

WRIGHT-“Well Guy, there is just so much on the line these days. Titles, money, you name it. Everybody wants your slice of the pie and sometimes you don’t feel as though you can trust anybody. This sport is constantly changing. It probably always will.”

GUY-“Then why do you seem to be getting along with Mr. Malenko so well.”

WRIGHT-“I think it’s a competition thing, Guy. I knew who Joe was. I’ve wrestled his father many times. I was curious to see how well he had learned his trade. After meeting him a couple of times in the ring, I must say that his father has taught him quite well and he has proved to be a particularly fast learner. He learned from his mistakes in his first match with me and was able to defeat me in our rematch. I guess it just goes to prove the old saying… ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!” Joe certainly wasn’t fooled twice.”

GUY-“What about you Joe, were you looking forward to stepping into the ring with Mr. Wright?”

MALENKO-“I sure was, Guy. Steve’s reputation is known throughout the world. Why the name Wright is almost as synonomous with wrestling in Europe as is that of the Malenko name.”

GUY-“That certainly is true.”

WRIGHT- (interrupting) “Guy, do you mind if I as Joe here something right here on television today?”

GUY-“Go ahead…”

WRIGHT-“Joe, when I beat you that first time and you asked for a rematch I was nice enough to grant you one. Well this time I want to ask the same of you. Can I have a rematch with you in London? It would really mean a lot to me.”

MALENKO-“Sure Steve, I have nothing but respect for you. I will gladly take you on in London next Monday night.”

GUY-“There you go fans. It looks like we have another match added to the show for Monday night. Gentlemen, thanks for joining us. We look forward to hearing from the both of you in the near future.”

-Both men thank Guy and leave the set…

GUY-“Fans, I told you earlier that we had three matches on tap for you today. Well it’s now time for the first of those! Handicap action as King Kong Bundy takes on Kenny Jay and Art Crews.”

-Bundy easily puts away the two preliminary wrestlers pinning both of them at the same time and demanding a five count. After the bout Leo Burke slides into the ring and dares Bundy to pick on someone his own size. Bundy charges at Burke, but gets hit with a belly to belly suplex witch sends him rolling out of the ring. An angry Bundy then shouts at Burke. Leo dares the big man to get back in the ring, but Bundy instead goes to the back holding his head…

GUY-“I can’t believe it! Did you see the way Leo Burke just manhandled King Kong Bundy? That was an impressive display of power and technique by the former All-star Champion! That’s right fans, I said the former All-star Champion. A verdict was returned by the main offices of the WCFL on Monday that took championship status away from Burke and held the title up. WCFL President Ramblin’ Wreck also announced that a rematch will be taking place next week for the held up title. We here at Maple Leaf Wrestling certainly wish Mr. Burke the very best of luck in regaining the Vancouver All-star Championship. Fans, we will return shortly.”


GUY-“Ok we are back! Fans, there has been a war being waged here in Maple Leaf Wrestling for better than a month now. Not a war over title belts or money, but a war over national pride. Let’s take you back.”

-A video montage is shown of the Valiants and their mini U.S. flags, the Rougeaus coming to the ring with a giant Canadian flag and the Valiants stealing the Rougeaus flag…

GUY-“Fans the Rougeaus have sworn to regain the flag if it’s the last thing that they do here in Maple Leaf Wrestling. Let’s take you to the ring now as one of the brothers competes in solo competition as Raymond takes on “Exotic” Adrian Street.”

-Rougeau and Street have an excellent match going until the Valiants appear in the entranceway and taunt Raymond with the Canadian flag. Raymond leaves the ring to go after the Valiants and gets counted out. It all turns out to be a set up however as The Valiants, Akio Sato and Street beat down Raymond…

GUY-“That was another despicable display by the Valiants. I can only believe that things might have turned out a little different had Raymond’s brother Jacques been in attendance. If the Rougeaus were mad before, they must be fuming now. I don’t believe I would want to be in the Valiants shoes about right now!”

GUY-“Fans, I would like to update you on Andre the Giant at this time. Andre squared off with the Sheik in a grudge match last Monday and like what happened in Buffalo the bout quickly got out of hand.”

-Footage is shown of the referee throwing the match out on a double count out and of Ed Wiskowski interjecting himself in the contest. Both Wiskowski and Sheik double team the Giant, opening up quite a gash on his head, until Mil Mascaras comes in and makes it two on two. All four men brawl to the back…

GUY-“Andre is ok, but he did lose quite a bit of blood. It doesn’t look as though he feud with the Sheik is going to end any time soon. Wait what’s this?”

-A production assistant walks on set and hands Guy a note. Guy mulls it over reading it to himself and his eyes almost pop out of his head...

GUY-"Ladies and gentlemen, speaking of Andre the Giant, I have just recieved word from Maple Leaf Wrestling's promoter Psychosem that yet another big match has been signed for next Monday night in London when Andre takes on Harley Race!"

-There is an interuption from off stage. Harley Race pushes his way to the set.

RACE-"What! Is this some kind of joke?

GUY-"No, I assure you Mr. Race it's all right here."

RACE-"I swear! They're out to get me again! First, Flair tries to humiliate me with that kid Taylor and now he's trying to cause me bodily harm bu squaring me off with the Giant! That lousey S.O.B. must have (sarcastically) our fine promoter and president in his back pocket. Guess what Flair, It's not going to work! No matter what you do, it's just not going to work! You couldn't beat me before and your not going to do it now! I'll topple the Giant. Just wait and see, and then I will be coming after you!"

-Race storms off the set...

GUY-"Whoa, talk about paranoid. Harley Race is pointing fingers in every which way he can. He certainly doesn't seem happy about having to take on Andre. I can't blame him though. Fans we will return with our featured match in just a few moments."


GUY-"Fans, we're back and as promised it is now time for our featured match as 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair takes on Barry Orton."

-Duncum becomes involved in the match so Blackjack Mulligan comes ringside and says that if Duncum wants to get in the ring that they should make it a tag match. Time seems to have healed old wounds as the former world tag team champions work well together with Mulligan getting the pin on Orton after clamping on the claw hold...

GUY-"Just because Angelo Mosca is out of action, it doesn't mean that Blackjack Mulligan doesn't have friends! Mulligan and Flair got the best of Orton and Duncum in this match up, but the war looks to be far from over. I don't think Bobby Duncum will rest until he has that Canadian title belt wrapped around his waiste!"

GUY-"Fans, we are out of time today on Maple Leaf Wrestling. In action next week, we will see the Valiants, Steve Wright and in the main event it will be Leo Burke taking on King Kong Bundy! That should be quite a contest! We will also be bringing you footage of the big title showdown from London next Monday night. Who knows, this time next week I could be chatting with the new WCFL World Heavyweight Champion Terry Taylor. Tune in next week to find out, or better yet show up in London and find out first hand! So long for now, this is Guy Schilling saying 'see you at ringside'!"