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20th April 2001

Hosts: Kevin Kelly and Dr. Tom Prichard
Guest: The Undertaker
Report by: Kevin Gregg

The Undertaker joins the show. Kevin asks the Undertaker how he's doing, and he's the Tag Team Champion with Kane. The Undertaker says that it's been a bit of a rush, finally holding the belt with Kane. Before they go any further, the Undertaker has something to say. The Undertaker tells all the fans out there, that have been supporting him through this last year and all of the injuries, thank you very much. All of those people who thought he was through and wasn't going to make it back. Kiss my ass, because the Undertaker is here! Kevin says that the decade of destruction rolls on now.

Kevin takes us back to Wrestlemania, and it must have been a great night. The Undertaker says that it was a rush. Being in this industry for as long as he has, it takes a lot at this point to really get those goosebumps again. When the Undertaker rolled out at Wrestlemania, being in his home city and in an arena where he had seen so many big huge sporting events, and then to be the focal point in that stadium, their biggest event, it was off the charts. It was definitely his biggest Wrestlemania moment. It could be one of the bigger moments of his career. The Undertaker is 9 and 0 in his career. That's the biggest Wrestlemania winning streak in WWF history. The Undertaker tells Kevin not to jinx him now. The rebirth of the Undertaker has taken a while, fighting through the injury. Did the Undertaker have the same fears that Shawn Michaels has? The Undertaker says that you have to be a realist. When you get to the latter stages of your career, and then going through a series of injuries, you can't help but worry. He knew he would be able to go out and do it.

To get to the point where you can be on top and competitive, where people want to see you. You have to deal with those demons. Either they will beat you, or you use them to motivate you to get back. The Undertaker did that, and it took him a while. The Undertaker had to battle through the surgeries and injuries itself, to get to the point where he can get back in the ring. To get back into the ring shape and get a feel of what's going on in the ring. It's changed a lot since he's been off. To catch up with that, interject his style with what was going on out there, it took a while. To get back to the point, The Undertaker was concerned, but he never thought that he couldn't get back, as long as he could stay healthy. Right now, all things considered, he's probably in the best shape of his 10 years in the WWF. It motivated him in a positive way.

They go to a caller for the Undertaker and the caller asks what he thinks of the WWF/WCW Merger. The Undertaker says it's the best thing for all involved. The best for WCW, for sure. They had a bunch of assholes, not knowing what to do with the wrestling business. The McMahons have proven that they know what to do with the wrestling industry. It's going to be better for all of the wrestlers involved. Guys that have been in the WWF for a while, maybe they are hitting a wall, they can go to WCW and give them new life. Guys that have huge potential that have been held back in WCW, maybe they can come to the WWF. If that does ever happen, they are going to have their work cut out for them. The crew of wrestlers that they have in the WWF are off the chart with their work ethic and getting things done. Over all, it's a very positive step for wrestling and wrestling fans.

Tom asks the Undertaker if he sees anyone coming up here right now. The Undertaker doesn't see anyone coming right away. They need to figure out what is going to happen and get that rolling before they even think about anyone coming up to the WWF. The caller asks about the Undertaker if he would want to fight Kevin Nash or Sid again? The Undertaker says that he beat them, and whoever's out there, he'll wrestle them. Both of them, at one time or another have been dubbed the best big man out there, but neither of them beat the Undertaker. The Undertaker has nothing to fear. He doesn't fear anything but his wife. Just kidding about that. He doesn't have any problems with that, and he doesn't know if Sid will be able to wrestle again. He'd enjoy going against Nash again, because he enjoyed their Wrestlemania match. Anybody who puts those two guys above the Undertaker are going to be mistaken. Kevin says that it's going to be a real long time before there are any interpromotional matches.

There was a great interview that the Undertaker did back in December, and he referred to old school values. What values are they? The Undertaker says that when he came into the industry and the way things are done now is a lot different. There's something called paying dues. You fight and battle your way up and pay your respect to the veterans. In the old days, they didn't get the opportunity the way the kids are today. Not to take anything away from them, but the older guys have a little more respect for where the business is at and where it's coming to. A lot of the guys that are getting in today, are getting in when the business is hot. The Undertaker remembers when there wasn't as many people out there, and you still worked your ass off to perfect your craft and make the houses grow. That's just a little bit of what he calls old school values. It's a matter of respect. The guys in the WWF now have a great deal of respect for the guys that have been around, but over all, there's a whole different way of thinking between when the Undertaker came up and a lot of the guys that are around today.

Kevin says that the Undertaker is considered the leader in the locker room. There's a group, but if you had to look for one guy to set the pace, it's the Undertaker. How does it feel to be the locker room leader? The Undertaker takes that as a huge compliment that his peers look at him that way. It's like that, because everyone knows that he deals with business first. He doesn't put himself above the business. Whatever is the best for the WWF is what you're going to get from the Undertaker. One of the things that he will be most proud of when his career is over is the fact that he never had to stab anyone in the back, or bury people to further his career. He took what was given to him. Yes, he was given some breaks, but he thinks that he earned them. He never had to lie, cheat or connive his way to the top

. They go to a caller for the Undertaker and the caller says that there has been a lot of bad marks saying that Kane is just a copy of the Undertaker. What's the Undertaker's feeling, teaming with Kane? The Undertaker says that of all the people that he has ever tagged with, he's enjoying his and Kane's relationship more than ever. They have very similar styles. He doesn't look at Kane as a rip off. He feels honored that he is taking some of his guidance and he's taking his career. He's made a huge name for himself, and this past Thursday on Smackdown!, Kane went to another level. We saw a whole different side of Kane that no one has ever seen. Kane is going to be a huge star for a long time, and it has nothing to do with the Undertaker. Kevin says that when they were doing the interview on Smackdown!, you could hear Kane in pain, and then seeing them continue to work on the arm in the ring, that was probably one of Kane's finest moments. The Undertaker said they left the arena that night, and it was almost like Kane was the Undertaker's son. He was so proud of Kane for that whole night. It's a testament to Kane that he can stand on his own. After Thursday night's performance, he has come so far in his career. He has developed into a top star and Thursday was a small indication of that. The Undertaker is Kane's biggest fan. The guy has only scratched the surface for the star that he will become

. They go back to the phones, and the caller asks when we are going to see the autobiography. The Undertaker says that there's some things that don't need to be told. A lot of people want to know what goes on in the Undertaker's life, but his private life is his private life. He respects his fans and people that are interested in that, but at this point, there's a lot in his life that he would like to keep private. The caller asks about the autobiography of the character, because he's got a lot of great history. The Undertaker says that's possible, down the road, and that would be more towards the end of his career, and with the way that he's feeling now, he has no plans on retiring anytime soon.

Tom says that the Undertaker has had many great matches, and his match against Foley in the Hell in a Cell has been voted the best Undertaker match. What does the Undertaker think about that? The Undertaker says that match was exciting, and he doesn't know if he would call it his best match. He has dealt out a lot of punishment in that match, and he took a lot, too. There were very impactful moments in that match, and it was very exciting to watch. The injuries that Mick Foley suffered, the Undertaker went into that match in a lot of pain with a bad foot. Everyone forgets how injured the Undertaker was, going into that match. He had two broken bones in his ankle that night. That's a part of old school right there. He believes that if he can walk and get to the ring, it's his responsibility to the fans who paid money to see that match, to get out there and do what he can do. That's just how he believes. That's the way that Mick Foley believes as well. You put it out there, on the line. You have to work with injuries and deal with injuries that you receive. You can't cry about it. You just have to go out there and do it.

The Undertaker's thoughts on a career like Mick's coming to an end, because of taking too much punishment? The Undertaker says that comes with the territory. That's something you have to accept, and you have to know when it's your time. Obviously, Mick knowing his body and what he put his body through in his career, he knew it was time to step away. The Undertaker respects Mick for making that decision. There's a lot of times when people try to hang on too long and then they are just a mirror shadow of what they used to be. It's depressing for people to watch someone that they have idolized, especially families that are bringing their children. That's something that the Undertaker hopes that he never stays around too long when people say "Well, you should have seen him then." The Undertaker is healthy now, and he's performing at the level he wants to perform at. When he starts to slip, it's time for him to move on. With Mick taking so much pride of what he did in the ring, he knew that for the sake of his health and his family, it was time for him to move on.

They go to another caller for the Undertaker and the caller asks what the Undertaker's favorite type of gimmick match, and who is his favorite wrestler he has worked with. The Undertaker's favorite gimmick match, Kevin said it was the gimmick battle royal, which the Undertaker was a fan of. The Undertaker laughs and jokes, saying only because it was on before his, because it made him look that much faster. All due respect. His favorite gimmick match would have to be the Hell in a Cell. You usually don't get to the Hell in a Cell, until an issue has escalated to the fact where you have to get put in a cell. The Undertaker is pretty much proud of all his Hell in a Cell matches, except for the one that he had at Wrestlemania against the Big Bossman. The Hell in a Cell is so violent and physical, and it brings the worst and best out of people. Kevin says that Dean Malenko's dad, Boris Malenko was involved in some of the first types of gimmick matches, and the Undertaker was in the first Hell in a Cell, casket, buried a live, inferno and the first boiler room brawl matches! The Undertaker has the patent on first in the gimmick matches. As for the Undertaker's favorite opponents, he would have to look back. He really enjoyed wrestling Bret Hart, only because his style really had to bring out a change in the Undertaker's style. He was one of the first true wrestling styles that he got to do quite a bit with. The guy right now that he enjoys being in the ring with the most has got to be Triple H. All issues aside, he is probably the best overall wrestler out there now. He has just about all aspects of the game at his disposal. He really brings out the best in the Undertaker at this point. He can brawl, he can wrestle and he's got charisma. He can make people hate him, and of all the guys out there right now, it's probably Triple H.

Kevin asks about Limp Bizkit. The song is such a part of the Undertaker now, and rumor has it that they are going to be doing a special Undertaker remix of the tune. The Undertaker says it's pretty soon. They are going to do a remix of it and personalize it for the Undertaker a little more. The Undertaker is a huge fan of them, and he can't wait to hear their cut of it. If you like it now and like the Undertaker entrance, when they come out with this new version, it's going to kick ass. Kevin says that they have an email question, and it's about someone getting into motorcycles. What kind of bike would you recommend, for starters? The Undertaker says if you're starting out and wanting to ride a bike, get a little sportster. It's a smaller, quick bike from Harley Davidson. It handles well. You start there and then move yourself up. Right now, the Undertaker switched over since his titan was destroyed. They are getting ready to come out with the Rude American bike. It's going to make his white one look like a tricycle. Kevin thanks the Undertaker for joining the show, and they are looking forward to seeing the Undertaker and Kane against Stone Cold and Triple H! The Undertaker says they are fixing for an ass whooping and then he tells Kevin not to ask such stupid questions on Smackdown!, because he doesn't want to have to lay into him. The Undertaker leaves the show.

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