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9th March 2002

Interview with Undertaker
by Phil Speer

No World Wrestling Federation Superstar has been on the roster longer than the Undertaker, and perhaps nobody is more respected in the backstage area. What does he think of Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash coming back to the Federation? Undertaker is the locker-room leader, and if the members of the New World Order can convince him that they're professionals -- and their alleged actions of the past are just that, in the past -- it would no doubt help them assimilate into the locker room. 'Taker sat down recently for an interview with where he revealed his thoughts on the nWo and much more. are you feeling physically these days?
Undertaker:Physically, I'm still nursing a sore right hip, but I'm going to be nursing that the rest of my life. So, no excuses, I'm ready to go. a locker-room leader, people are curious about your opinion of the nWo.
Undertaker:The guys have a lot of fanfare coming in. A lot of people have a lot of history with them. As far as the way they are backstage, so far they've been nothing but business, which they have no reason not to be. As long as things stay like that, I've got no problem. They're here, hopefully everybody's going to do well and we'll all be better off. Honestly though, I don't think at this point that our locker room will put up with any bulls*** from them or anybody else. There's no need for it. We're all out here to do a job and do the best we can without any of the mind games, or playing games. So I got no problem as long as everybody does their job and does it to the best of their ability. that the nWo is here, do you arrive at the arena with a little bit different mindset? Are you a little bit more leery perhaps?
Undertaker:I wouldn't go so far as to say leery, but I definitely was concerned. I was concerned with how they were going to be perceived. There was a lot of tension. So far those guys have handled everything very professionally and as far I'm concerned, as long as everybody is business and does business, than I got no problem. was the locker room like back when they were here as part of the Kliq? Was it as bad as everybody says or has it been blown out of proportion?
Undertaker:Who's to know? There were a lot of conflicting attitudes. There were a lot of attitudes from a lot of people, not just the so-called Kliq. They were all mostly top guys, so when top guys like that have attitudes, it is amplified. There were a lot of things that went on back then. Hopefully people have matured now and learned from their mistakes, and they're ready to do business. you're not as concerned about locker room morale today.
Undertaker:So far everything is good. Like I said, until they show me something to be concerned about -- or anybody for that matter shows me something -- then, hey, everything is fine in my world. do you say to some of the younger guys who are concerned about TV time? TV time is scarce as it is.
Undertaker:It really is. It's actually a very exciting time too. Everybody on the roster -- no matter where their spot is right now -- should be trying their hardest and if any option is given to them, they should take full advantage of it. We're looking for somebody to step up. We're waiting for that next young guy to step up and say, "Hey, I'm here. You need to hear me." You know what? They don't need to sit back and wait. They need to push. And the more they push, the more somebody is hungry, the more it pushes us guys who have been around a little longer. What it does is make the product stronger and it gets them ready for their turn. hadn't done the Tombstone quite a bit until you hit The Rock with one recently. What's it like to use that again?
Undertaker:I don't really go into a match or anything and think, "Well, I need to get that move in." It kind of comes to me when I have a feeling that it's needed. The Tombstone is the punctuation mark of the Undertaker's career. Rock disrespected me, and as a result of that, that's what I felt like he deserved -- the Tombstone -- and that's what he got. And he would've got another one if it hadn't of been for Ric Flair. Moves are just an instinctual thing. It's not something where I sit back and think, "Well, I need to do this. I need to do that." It's what is happening in my mind at the moment. had a great WrestleMania last year. Can it be topped?
Undertaker:I hope so. I've stated this many times before. In my opinion, Triple H is probably the top performer in our game now. So how can you not have a good match? I know this year, physically other than my hip, I'm in better shape. I'm lighter. I've had a good year in the gym. And barring just a couple of sidetracks with the hip, I'm in better shape and condition than I was last year, so I'm looking forward to this year's WrestleMania.'re 9-0 at WrestleMania. Do you intend to make it 10-0?
Undertaker:Well of course. I don't ever plan on losing.

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