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This page is where you'll find news reports on the Undertaker and Undertaker-related happenings. This will be updated the most out of the pages, be sure to check this frequently.

Undertaker is back! And webpage updated!
25th January 2003
Undertaker came back at the Royal Rumble, however he did not become victorious! I have just updated my webpage, putting all new stuff on it, including an all-new gallery of awesome pictures as well as an interview with him after the rumble! Enjoy!

Undertaker News in the Ross Report
7th December 2002

Undertaker is feeling better after his time off from the ring, but his elbow has still been bothering him. Looks as though Undertaker will need surgery in the near future to remove the loose bone chips that has caused his elbow to lock up. Estimated return for 'Taker at this point looks to be around Royal Rumble.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker leaving WWE for surgery
15th October 2002

The latest word is that Undertaker will be taking some time off after the UK Rebellion PPV for elbow surgery. Details are sketchy right now as to how much time he will miss.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker injury
13th September 2002

Undertaker is suffering from elbow pains lately. He hyperextended his elbow and has been fitted with a brace and vowed to work through the pain. Commended Undertaker for his efforts and pointed out how lucky the SmackDown! locker room is to have his leadership.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker to keep the title at Vengeance??
9th July 2002

Right now, there is some consideration as to having Undertaker hold the Undisputed Title through Summerslam, while in the midst of a face turn. Although the WWE is clearly looking more towards giving the strap to the Rock for a final title run before he leaves to shoot "Helldorado" or even giving the belt to Angle, who is undisputedly the best in-ring performer in the company, the WWE may keep the belt on Undertaker if he can draw enough appeal as a face during his turn.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker's upcoming feud!!
7th July 2002
The Undertaker has been turning babyface, when he has completely turned, a fued between him and Kevin Nash will occur. Nash will be returning to the ring full-time shortly.

Thanks to for this news.

Paul Bearer column titled: "Memories of my Undertaker"
7th July 2002
I have just added Paul Bearer's latest column where he talks about the man known as the "Undertaker". Everything you wanted to know, has pretty much been answered! Go back to the main page and click on Interviews to read it!

Undertaker Interview
30th June 2002
I have just added Undertaker's interview from onto my interviews page, it was conducted the day after the "Red Devil" beat HHH to retain the Undisputed Title at King of the Ring. Go back to the main page and click on interviews for that.

Undertaker babyface turn
17th June 2002
There was small talk of turning Undertaker babyface when the Steve Austin situation hit the company last Monday in Atlanta. While the creative team were scratching their heads as to who they could push both in the ring, and on the microphone, to take over as top babyface for the company - Undertaker was one of the names that came to mind. Many in WWE realize due to Undertaker's past, fans just don't want to boo him and are always looking for a reason to cheer him. However, when push came to shove, Ric Flair was the man they went for.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker and HHH to take over from Austin and Rock
15th June 2002
Current word circulating WWE locker rooms is that both Undertaker and Triple H are completely willing to fill the void left by The Rock (currently on promotional tours) and Steve Austin, in the event that he does end up being released. There is in fact a plus side to the entire situation between Austin and WWE, if in fact it is a real situation. With Austin gone for the moment, this allows for younger wrestlers to be pushed, and may make for some more interesting WWE television.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker's injury situation, from the Ross Report
25th May 2002
Undertaker re-injured his SI joint and his lower back, which is similar to an injury he was suffering a few months ago. Undertaker has vowed to continue working through any discomfort.

Thanks to for this news (The Ross Report).

Undertaker injured slighly on Raw
23rd May 2002
The Undertaker suffered some type of hip and/or sciatic injury this past Monday on RAW during the opening segment with Rob Van Dam. Following the segment, Taker was told that he shouldn't work and that he should take the rest of the night off. Taker obviously refused to take the night off, and wrestled through the pain. The severity of the injury is not yet known.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker New WWE Undisputed Champion!! This occurred at Judgment Day against Hulk Hogan.

Undertaker match at Insurrextion...ring collapses...
7th May 2002
Triple H pinned The Undertaker. JR explained that Triple H requested to be on the Raw brand tonight to "get away from his father in-law". A slow match to start with. Midway the top turnbuckle came loose when Triple H threw Taker into the ropes. Taker got Triple H in a resthold as Hebner rather obviously explained how the rest of the match was now going to finish. They worked the corners for irish whips to avoid the top rope, until one of the corner pads actually came out with a pretty loud snap. Kudos to Triple H and Taker for keeping the match together in what turned into a nightmare scenario. For the finish Triple H countered a chokeslam and delivered the pedigree. The match went for around 15 minutes and was possible cut short due to the ring falling apart around them.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker situation at Judgment Day
24th April 2002
The Judgment Day poster features The Undertaker. Expect him to battle Hollywood Hulk Hogan for the title at that show. A fatal four-way had been rumored, but does not look like it will go down now.

Thanks to for this news.

Interview of Taker on Byte This
24th April 2002
I have just added the interview, so go back to the main page and click on the appropriate link!!

UT match against HHH scrapped for Backlash...
5th April 2002

As of right now Undertaker vs. HHH for the Undisputed WWF championship has been scrapped from the Backlash main-event. The general feeling was the Undertaker/HHH program that started on the first ever edition of the RAW "brand" didn't come off well, and that Hollywood Hulk Hogan taking on Triple H would be a better draw. So as of right now, the plan is to show Hulk Hogan challenging Triple H for the Undisputed WWF championship in the main-event of the next WWF pay-per view, "Backlash".

Thanks to for this news.

Will there be a Undertaker/Shawn Michaels feud?
6th March 2002

As previously reported, many sources are predicting that Shawn Michaels will be present at Thursday's live edition of WWF SmackDown! It seems that a storyline possibly set up for HBK's return is for him to replace Ric Flair against the Undertaker. Rumors of the storyline state that Michaels' return angle will be one in which he goes after the Undertaker to gain revenge for Undertaker causing Michaels' injury which put him on the shelf for years. An interesting note is that if this did happen, a match which would create a huge buyrate would be a Hell in a Cell rematch from 1997's In Your House: Badd Blood pay-per-view, in which Kane debuted and cost Undertaker the match.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker set to take on Ric Flair at Wrestlemania X-8
22nd February 2002

As seen on RAW Monday, and proceeded again at the SmackDown! tapings Tuesday, the working plan is for an Undertaker vs. Ric Flair match to be added to the WrestleMania line-up. The storyline will be Undertaker doing something drastic that will push Ric Flair's buttons and force him into agreeing to fight Undertaker at WrestleMania 18. We could very well see David Flair, Ric Flair's son, who is currently under WWF developmental contract, brought up to the main roster briefly for a segment with The Undertaker. That is not a confirmation, but one of many ideas being tossed around as to how Undertaker can get legitimate heat and do something drastic enough to pull Ric Flair out of his office and into the ring.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker and Stone Cold on the NWO coming into the federation...
14th January 2002

It seems that both the Undertaker and Steve Austin have told other superstars that they've worked way too hard to get the company where it is today to sacrifice all of that to those who are not willing to put in the work and effort. Undertaker and Austin have been quoted as saying they will not be selling to the nWo's "crappy" offense. However, another listened to superstar has been defending Nash, Hall and Hogan, that being Triple H.

Thanks to for this news.

Will Undertaker be joining the NWO?
30th January 2002

The word has it that just like when the nWo was born in the WCW and Hogan joined their ranks, the WWF is planning to have a major name turn heel and join their entity when they appear in the WWF. Word is that this superstar could be the Undertaker.

Thanks to wrestleboard for this news.

Undertaker/Rock feud!!!
27th January 2002

The Undertaker chokeslamming The Rock for no apparent reason causing his loss to Kurt Angle on SmackDown! is likely the beginning of a feud between Undertaker and The Rock leading into the No Way Out pay-per view on February 17th. Undertaker said on his interview that he is tired of complaining about his injury, and is seemingly recuperated from the back problems suffered from the chokeslam received by the Big Show on SmackDown! a few months ago. Undertaker's first feud back is apparently going to be opposite The Rock as Rock is completed his feud with Chris Jericho and left without a heel opponent. The WWF hopes for a feud against The Rock to build Undertaker's heel credibility.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker interview after the Royal Rumble
22nd January 2002

Undertaker ‘tired of bitching’ about injury by Phil Speer
GREENVILLE, S.C. – Undertaker may not be 100 percent physically, but he doesn’t much feel like talking about it.
“My hip is still really sore,” he told “But basically I’m tired of bitching about it.”

The three-time World Wrestling Federation Champion has been battling a painful case of sciatica since the Jan. 3 episode of SmackDown!, when he landed awkwardly after a Big Show chokeslam. He hadn’t wrestled since then until he stepped in the ring on Sunday for the Rumble.

“(The injury) was on my mind, but you can’t go in the ring thinking about it,” he said. “Otherwise you’ll injury yourself even worse.”

Asked if he was in fact feeling worse on Monday after being in the ring for the first time in three weeks, Taker responded only with a stern “no comment.”

Instead of thinking about his injuries at the Rumble, he concentrated on putting beatings on the Hardy Boyz and Maven. After Taker eliminated Matt and Jeff Hardy, they distracted him, and Maven dropkicked him from behind, eliminating the Dead Man.

“I was well on my way until the fluke of all flukes happened,” ‘Taker said.

After he was eliminated by Maven, Taker snapped. He went back into the ring and grabbed the “WWF Tough Enough” winner. He then proceeded to assault him throughout the entire arena. He even belted him with a steel chair over the head so hard that the chair was practically bent in half.

“I’m a firm believe that if you’re going to swing a chair, swing it,” he said.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker's Royal Rumble position
20th January 2002

Many already rule out the possibility of Undertaker winning the Royal Rumble due to lower back injuries suffered during a chokeslam from the Big Show on the live edition of SmackDown! a few weeks ago. However it is expected that Undertaker will simply receive a late entry in the Rumble so that he does not have to be in the ring long. This does not however bring any conclusions to if Undertaker will be written off as a possible winner of the Rumble match. With all focus being around Austin, HHH, and Undertaker going into the Royal Rumble, you can bet that Undertaker will have some sort of major role in the outcome of the match.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker talking on his injury, and this years Royal Rumble
15th January 2002

'Bad leg or not,' Taker to be at Rumble by Phil Speer
The Undertaker admits that, eventually, he'll need new hips.
"There's going to be a point where I'm going to have to have my hips replaced," he said back then. "That's life. That's inevitable."
So when the Undertaker fell victim to a Big Show chokeslam on the Jan. 3 live episode of SmackDown!, years of abuse and an awkward landing put him on a temporarily injured list. The American Badass hasn't wrestled since that night due to a damaged sciatic nerve, which runs all the way down the leg.
"Basically, my leg went dead," he said. "I wasn't able to walk on it for two to three days."
"Every day, it gets a little bit better. It just takes time."
But the three-time Federation Champion promised that he would be at the Royal Rumble this Sunday.
"I plan on entering the Rumble, then winning the Rumble, bad leg or not," he said. "Half the Undertaker is better than 29 guys healthy."

Thanks to for this news.

Update on Taker's injury
12th January 2002

Undertaker has been experiencing lower back/joint problems but is improving. He will not be able to perform at this weekend's house shows but he will make the Rumble.

Thanks to for this news.

Undertaker injured on Smackdown!!

Undertaker was injured during his match with the Big Show on the live edition of SmackDown! The injury occured during the chokeslam courtesy of the Big Show and was said to have caused a lower back joint problem. Undertaker will more than likely miss time off from this injury and it is not known yet whether or not he will be re