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Pitt Wrestling Homepage

I would like to speak on a few things. Ice will be cancelled this week. Friday will be here, but I don't know how much detail will be on it. I plan on changing some things soon on the cards. I have a PPV coming up this month too. I have only two matchs signed, Dark Angel vs. Stan Chase for the Hardcore Title, and Angelique vs. Jade for the Woman's Title. Ok, now the roleplay thing. Some people aren't roleplaying, they are going to have one of two things happen. One, they are contacting me on a regular bases, therefore, I allow them to slide. Two, they will soon be released. People are writing me about angels and what not. Listen I have it all under control, if you don't like your current angel, talk to me. If you do then roleplay with what happens to you on the cards. If you don't e-mail me match requests or your character, you have no right to complain. Also people want to know why they are getting jumped and attacked. Well, most of the new guys are trying to make names for themselves. I have one of two suggestions for you. One, e-mail me to try and get into a stable or start one. Two, get use to it. It happens all the time in the big leagues. Now if anyone has anything they need to say, e-mail me. I will be announcing wrestlers leaving soon and adding some of the new guys too. So far, in the North American/German Title tournament, Mister Happy and J. Lee. I will have the rest of the matches soon. And lastly, Father Miami needs for everyone to quit sending him penis enlargment information.

Thank you,
President Christopher
June 11th 2001

President: Christopher Davis
Vice President: Jessica Davis
Color Commentary: Anthony Pavorotti
Play-By-Play: Terry 'Too Sweet' Ford
Commission: Jon 'Big Sexy' Woody


