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Tuesday Night Ice

Anthony - 'We have crowned a champion and still have a vacant title.'

Terry - 'A women's champion will be decided at the PayPer View, but tonight we will see both women in action.'

Both announcers stop talking and 'I'm To Sexy' by Right Said Fred begins to play.
Jon Woody and the 187 Mafia come marching down to the ring.

Commissioner Woody - 'Everyone who pushes me, gets knocked down. Kaine and Bart, take a hell of a good look at these Tag Titles, as this is the last you'll see of them. I run this damn show. Not Father Miami. Not Kaine. And not that wasted punk Christian Micheals. So tonight Oklahoma Hank and Angelique will fight Jade and Mute. Christian is going to be taking an asswhooping in a Hardcore match against Hardcore George. And finally, Miami, you march your bitch ass down here and fight a mystery opponent. Hit my music.'


'Change in My Pocket' begins playing by Georgia Satellites. Hardcore George slides in and raises his belt to the crowd.

The lights go out and Papa Roach's 'Last Resort' blairs. Christian comes from under the ring and attacks George with punches.
Hardcore George and Christian throw punches until George whips Christian into the ropes and he comes off with a body tackle. The ref goes for a count, 1...2... and kick out. Christian nails George with hard forearm smashes on the face. Christian uses the size advantage and powerbombs George down. Stan Chase runs out of teh audiance and nails Christian with a cheap shot. Christian falls to his knees and punches Stan in his ball sack. Dark Angel comes running down the ramp and attacks Stan. Hardcore rolls up Christian, 1...2... kickout! Angel reaches over and piledrives Hardcore. Stan tries to attack him, but Christian locks him into the Fallen and slams him down. Angel pins Hardcore, 1...2...3.

A new Hardcore Champion, Dark Angel!

Scenes of the commissioner throwing a fit and yelling at the 187 Mafia.

The scene shows Mute and Hank fighting in the parking lot. Mute slams Hank's face into a car hood. Mute whips Hank into a parked car. Angelique comes out of no where and nails Mute with a kendo stick. Jade runs in from behind and bulldogs her to the cement. Jade begins to kick her over and over, as Hank gets up. He climbs up on top of a car and dives off onto Mute. Hank staggers around h olding his back, both men are hurt bad. Jade sets her up for a powerbomb, but Angelique turns it into a hurricarrana. Neither woman moves. Mute gets up and looks around, he goes over and unlocks a truck. He throws Hank in. He looks over and grabs Angelique, he climbs on top of a car with her. He grabs her throat and chokeslams her into the hood. He places one foot on her, 1...2...3..., and it is over.

The winnders of this match are Jade and Mute.

Then scenes of Mister Happy trying to make a young fan smoke a cigarrette show.

Father Miami starts marching to the ring with no music and he looks pissed off. He grabs the microphone, but it doesn't work when he grabs it. He throws it at the announce table and yells something.

'I'm Gonna Knock You Out' by LL Cool J beigns to blast and both members of the 187 Mafia walk to the ring.

Both men attack Miami and whip him into the ropes, they catch him coming off with a double back body drop. They start stomping away at him. Mister Happy comes running down the ramp carring a midget dressed in silver. He throws the midget into the arms of Nate and drop kicks them both. He turns around and whips Bad T into the ropes and catches him with a sambo suplex. He climbs the ropes and leaps off with a leg drop. Nate grabs Happy from behind and Happy reverses it and slams him down. Miami gets up and STOs Nate to the mat. Father Miami starts slapping Nate over and talking smack to him. The show goes off the air with Mister Happy putting a cigar in Bad T's mouth and lighting it.
