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Let The Chips Fall Where They May


Jeff Hardy was not having a good day. First he had to listen to Amy and Matt bitch at each other all morning, and now he was missing clothes. It wasn't a shirt or pants, but his boxers.

"Why in the hell would anyone steal a pair of freakin' boxers?!" he muttered to himself, while throwing various articles of clothing around the room. A thought of terror crossed his mind. What if that psycho bitch that used to run their official site had gotten in and stole his boxers? Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Matt in a few hours.

" MATT!" Jeff ran out into the hallway and screamed at the top of his lungs.

" WHAT THE HELL? WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?" Matt Hardy stood right behind Jeff, looking at his brother like he was a few cards short of a full deck.

" OH jesus! You're ok," Jeff sighed. He didn't know what the hell was wrong with him, but he'd been like this for a few days now. Normally, Jeff was the calm one. The one who never worried about stuff...much. Now he was a virtual nutcase.

" Of course I'm ok. Jeff, what's wrong,"

" I can't find my boxers and..."

" Oh, the agony..." Matt rolled his eyes. He wasn't in a really great mood either.

" No, and I just thought that maybe Katya had gotten in here when we were over in Amy's room and..."

" Katya? thought Katya took your boxers?"

" Well, yeah...and then I thought about the fact that I hadn't seen you in a few hours...and you know, that is stupid. I'm...I'm sorry, man," Jeff ran his hand through his hair. He was losing it and both brothers knew it. He walked back into his hotel room and sat down on the bed. Matt followed him in and shut the door.

" Why would you think Katya took your boxers?"

" I...I don't know. Matt you know how I feel about her, ok? I know you like to think of her as some girl who's just trying to help you out, but she's not. I'm sorry, but she isn't. She scares the hell out of me, Matt,"

" And that's why you thought she took your boxers?"

" I don't know, ok..." Jeff looked up at his brother for the first time since they'd gotten in the room. He looked like he was about to cry. Matt wasn't used to that at all. Jeff was always emotional, but he rarely cried. Maybe the stress was finally getting to him.

" You need to go home," Matt said quietly. Jeff closed his eyes and nodded silently. "I think you just need a break,"

As Jeff pulled into Cameron city limits, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. He wasn't quite sure how Matt had managed to convince Vince to give Jeff two weeks off, seeing how they were in a huge storyline with Adam and Jay, but he wasn't going to argue. He wanted to go home and take a nice hot bath, ...a bubble bath... and listen to some Pearl, some jazz. Jazz sounded relaxing to Jeff. He was more of a Pearl Jam fan, but he needed to relax. He sighed as he thought of the silence of his house and getting to spend quality time with himself...and Liger, of course. He missed his dog, and he prayed that his dad had found a good house sitter for him. He'd have done it himself, but he'd ran out of time on the last visit home. Liger was picky about who came into the house, and so he hoped nothing had happened.

"Jeff, you're worrying too much. Pops would have called...SHIT!"

Jeff slammed on his brakes as soon as he saw the girl in the road. He hadn't been paying close enough attention, and he'd almost hit her.

" Hey, why don't ya watch where you're goin'!? You coulda killed me!" the girl yelled.

" ME? Why the hell are you standing in the middle of the road?" Jeff yelled back. He hadn't meant to, but he'd just managed to scare the shit out of himself.

" Look, could you at least help me? A car came through here just before you did and hit this dog. Jackass didn't even stop..."

Jeff's heart skipped a beat. And not in a good way, either. Jeff slowly looked past the girl, and saw what he knew he didn't want to see.


"'s not as bad as we first thought. His leg is broken, and he's got a lot of scratches, but nothing detrimental," Dr. Jacobs explained. Jeff had been taking Liger to Dr. Jacobs since he was a puppy, and Liger would never trust anyone else.

" So he's ok, right?" the girl asked, shakily.

" Oh yeah, Katie, he's gonna be fine. He'll be sore for a while, but Liger's one tough pup. You can take him home if you want, Jeff,"

" Yeah, thanks, Dr. Jacobs. I owe ya one,"

" No problem, son. Just let me get you the pain medication he's gonna have to take for the next few weeks, and then you can take him home,"

Jeff sat silently as Dr. Jacobs went in the back. He didn't want to say anything. How could he have let this happen? More importantly, how could this girl have let this happen? Or even better yet, who the hell was she?

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Disclaimer: I, as the creator of this UNOFFICIAL website dedicated to Jeff Hardy, have absolutely NO connection to the WWF or WWFE.Inc. . I do not make a profit off this ( although that would be spiffy...), and am doing it out of my respect and admiration for Mr. Hardy's talent. And also because it's fun. I just want to spread the joy of Jeff Hardy to the world!