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Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Ric Flair

 Well as everyone knows I'm a huge fan of Ric Flair and this past Sunday was a night that I will never forget as I watched my idol wrestle his last match.  I personally thought that the match was worked very well and was a great match for Flair to call his last.  I had mixed feelings going into sunday knowing what was going to happen and that I was watching the end of an era.  I grew up watching the NWA as a kid and I can still remember how I was just so zoned in to the show everytime Flair was on. 

 The one thing I can say is when I was a child and my Dad would take me to Legion Stadium in Wilmington,NC which is where I grew up and watch the NWA everytime they came to town and every dollar was worth it that my dad spent to take me.  Flair made it that way and I hated Flair as a child but it was fun to hate him.  Then once I got older and got into the business I realized just how great Flair was in the ring and on the mic and knew that I watched the very BEST in the wrestling.

 I would like to thank Ric Flair for eveything that he has done for this business I know without him wrestling would not be what it is today but to me the most important thing to me that I want to say thank you for are the memories that I have of watching him perform and also the memories of watching him in person with my dad which I will always have with my father.

THANK YOU RIC!!!!!!!!!!! For the memories




Posted by wrestling2/sexton at 10:53 PM EDT
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Friday, 27 July 2007
Skip Prosser
Mood:  down

Today I was shocked when I heard Coach Skip Prosser had died from an apparent heart attack.  My heart goes out to his Family and friends that knew him personally.  The ACC and College basketball lost a great coach today and a great person.  Coach Prosser thank you for bringing class to the sport of college basketball.  God Bless you Coach Prosser and to his family "God Bless". 

Posted by wrestling2/sexton at 12:12 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Thanks Vick

Thank you Vick for being a complete idiot and giving wrestling a break from being blasted cause of what Benoit did to his family.  Like I said before people can't blame wrestling for what Benoit did and wrestling will rebound from this. 

Now what Vick did is also a sorry excuse of a human being and you know what he wasn't on steroids and pain pills and he killed dogs for not fighting or for losing fights.  Which just proves it doesn't take drugs to make stupid decisions in life.  Plus making the money Vick is making is it really worth being cool and getting caught doing stupid crap.  So now he has a chance to go from $120million and not to mention all the endorsement money he makes to making nothing all to watch dogs fight. 

Posted by wrestling2/sexton at 10:15 PM EDT
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