My 2 Cents Worth....(in food stamps)
The state of professional wrestling has been shaky here of late. With Vince McMahon owning both the WWF and wCw, a monopoly has been created with virtually no one else getting TV exposure on a nationwide basis. This, I believe, leaves the door open for the Independent federations to step up to the plate and take the steps necessary to become a TV player themselves. Problem is.....$$$$$$ MONEY $$$$$$. It takes thousands of dollars to air just one program. No, not in fees for the cameras, crew, editing(which literally takes days), lighting, film, or wrestlers. Oh it's not all that, it's the money necessary to just get the TV station to air the show itself. Most stations are willing to air your show, so long as YOU pay them! What's wrong with this picture?? Vince doesn't pay to get Raw or Smackdown on the air! Well, it would seem that since wrestling on a local level "isn't popular enough to draw a regular audience". At least that's what the TV stations will tell you. I say that's a bunch of CRAP! More people go to local wrestling shows as opposed to the "big" shows, over the course of a year. If they didn't, the Indy Feds couldn't make a go of it. I definitely think some eyes will open to this fact in the next few years and hopefully the Independents will get some shots that they deserve.
- Ranting and Raving,
- Spaz McKenzie