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8/14: "A Pact With Pain" by Steve Anderson
From WOW Magazine, August 2001
"The road for a professional wrestler may seem endlessly long and hopelessly lonely. Camraderie exists, but companionship while traveling from city to city is limited to one nagging tag team partner that follows performers wherever they go.


"Simply put, no human form is built to sustain the rigors of a professional wrestling routine. Everything from the elaborate manuevers from great heights to a basic back bump can cause significant damage to the most talented of athletes."

"In a sport where pain is inevitable and injuries are commonplace, some wrestlers wear their physical maladies like medals of war. They realize that when they enter the squared circle, what they are about to do is dangerous, potentially crippling and possibly life-threatening. However, a wrestler dedicated to his or her craft does it for the love of the business and the desire to succeed."

"'Pain pills are acceptable in any locker room, whether they are prescribed for you or somebody else. Some people take them for the enjoyment of feeling goofy for a few minutes or hours. Then some people take them who really need them.'"--New Jack

7/10: The following is my second email from Bobby Heenan, and my response.

You need a good "hot man" and psychiatric help -- in that order.
Bobby "The Brain"
Manager of the Century

It took you two weeks to come up with one sentence? I thought you were smarter than that. I will, however, respond briefly to your ignorance:
1. Show me a man who's worth the trouble.
2. Shrinks don't know jack-I've met enough of them to know.

Can you believe it? I thought Heenan was intelligent, but obviously I was wrong. I guess some announcers really are stupid...

7/10: I received this brief email from Lodi on July 2:

Thank you for the mail and sorry for the delayed response. You wrote about a problem that I am very aware of and it is something I would like to talk to you about at length. Right now I am extremely busy working for TCW ( and would appreciate it if you kept me up to date on your progress.


4/2: From an interview with HHH by Chaunce Heyden:

Many have accused wrestlers of taking steroids to achieve otherwise impossible muscle mass. Have you ever taken steroids?

I don't condone its use. But I understand its place. I don't have a problem with people who take steroids. It's a great medicine for people who need it, and it has a place in the world just like any other medication. If a doctor feels that's what you need to improve your health or life and puts you on it, then that's great. However, if you take it without a prescription, then it's just a drug like any other drug, and you shouldn't take it. It should only be given by a doctor.

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