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Goals and Information

This is what Wrestling Fans Against Drugs hopes to accomplish:

Mandatory periodic drug testing for ALL wrestlers.
More awareness on possible addiction to painkillers.
Full recovery time for injured and ill wrestlers.

Coming soon to the site: Biographies of those who have used or died from drug use. Again, suggestions are welcomed. I promise to get some images soon.(6/14/01)

Update 6/15: Contact list up; added Rick Rude and Brian Pillman memorial pics to the casualties section; new article added: Rick Rude and Brian Pillman bios up.

6/16: New article added; Road Dogg bio up.

6/18: New article added-letter from an indy wrestler! Worth reading.

6/21: Received a response from Bobby Heenan. Read it and my response in the articles section. Brian Lawler bio up.

7/10: New articles section added with a response from Lodi and another response from Heenan.

8/14: Excerpt from Aug 2001 WOW article-"A Pact With Pain"-added. WFAD button added. Regal tribute added to "Survivors" section.

9/8: News-A local fed, MPW, that Scotty C is involved with, has just implemented drug testing!

11/12: Survivors section update- Although Eddie Guerrero was doing well in overcoming his painkiller addiction, he got caught DUI and failed two alcohol tests.(info courtesy Patty Therre and **Note: Eddie returned to action April 1, 2002.

4/2/02: Added an exerpt from an interview with HHH to the articles section(interview written conducted by Chaunce Heyden and recommended by Wrestling on the Fringe)

