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Wrestling Fans Against Drugs

Supporters of the cause
Articles about drugs in wrestling
Casualties of drugs in wrestling
Survivors of drug use in wrestling
Goals and info
What you can do
Fallen heroes

The purpose of this site is to increase awareness among wrestling fans about the rampant use of drugs in the wrestling world today. Feel free to explore and by all means respond!

March 4, 2002: Had to remove some entries from the Dreambook for bad language. It's funny how everyone who disagrees with me resorts to sexual insults and bad spelling, as if that's going to offend me. I welcome all responses, but please, people, learn to spell. Not doing so just reflects ignorance on your part. As for the wrestlers themselves, they are welcome to comment, provided they do so in an intelligent manner.

Readmy Dreambook!
Signmy Dreambook!

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Support freedom

This website strongly condemns the events of Sept 11, 2001 and its webmistress prays for the victims and their families.

"People living their lives just for you on tv
They say they're better than you and you agree
Another burger, another hot dog, some fries
A wish in the well, hope your good health don't go to hell, well
Another doctor's bill, another lawyer's bill
Another cute cheap thrill
You know you love him if you put him in your will

Who will save your soul when it comes to the flower
Who will save your soul after all the lies that you told, boy
Who will save your soul if you won't save your own

We try to hustle them, try to bustle them, try to cuss them
The cops want someone to bust down on Orleans Avenue
Another day, another dollar, another war, another tower
Went up where the homeless had their homes
So we pray to as many different gods as there are flowers
But we call religion our friend
We're so worried about saving our souls
Afraid that God will take His toll
That we forget to begin

Some are walking, some are talking, some are stalking their kill
You got social security but that don't pay your bills
There are addictions to feed and there are mouths to pay
So you bargain with the Devil, you say you're ok for today
You say that you love them, take their money and run
Say, it's been swell sweetheart, but it was just one of those things
Those flings, those little strings that you've got to cut

Jewel, "Who Will Save Your Soul"

Wrestlers who haven't ever taken steriods:

Chris Jericho
The Hardy Boyz
Shane Helms

Disclaimer: It is not my intent to discredit or shed a bad light on any wrestler who is taking or has taken drugs in a reckless manner. The intent is to increase awareness among fans and make them and wrestling executives realize that these guys are not invincible; they need ample time for recovery and should not be forced to wrestle while they are sick or injured. Full recovery time is a must.
