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SuperStar Corner

April 8, 2006

Hey all, after figuring out I can get out of class to work on the SuperStar Corner as an english assginment, I'm back in shop and there will be alot more coming out and alot quicker.

Golden Boys

Something in an interview struck me. Nails said "The Golden Boy of the TWF" and it got me thinking, who really is the Golden Boy of the TWF. There have been alot of great super stars in the history of the TWF with alot of stars who have been very influential about the TWF image and can be considerd Golden Boys. Travis Wakeman, Jordan Rockwell, High Octane, Christain, we all know the big names but what about the guys that didn't follow the rules but still won. Joe Corey, Money Mike, Edge, HHH and Nails. Would they be considerd people that represented the TWF? I don't know and am not here to debate the battles of good vs. evil, at least not at the moment but who is the real Golden boy of the TWF? The answer changes from fan to fan just like favorite super stars change from person to person but when this reporter went to the streets to find out, he got this response: Rockwell, Rockwell, Rockwell. The over grown boy scout is a fav among fans for his gung ho attitude and personfication of the word showtime. Easly the greatest showman ever in the TWF and I think he is the Golden Boy of the TWF.

New Breed

When most people think of the New Breed they think of Rockwell, but this New breed is led by two men and and one of them is named Eddie James. The first of lots to come out of Ayslum and is looked upon as a leader to the other up and coming super stars of Ayslum like Thumbtack Kash, Tyrone Zorilla and Jon Stern. If you think that's all the super stars that we have under are palms you're wrong, as Mr. SMW Max Ogden has ushered in the new Breed of SMW super stars consisting of JJ Ramplin, Mariner and alot of others. These new people will give super stars a run for their money in talent and Charisma so you better watch out. People like Rockwell, Wakeman and Money Mike cause Genration Talk is going to take a few spots and make some heads roll.

Super Star Analyst

Oliver VS Ogden

It's what started the whole fued between the Horsemen and Hart Family, and hopefully itl'l come down to them also. These two have put on some great matches and we will see who has the edge on paper in their history.

Debut Match

Ogden: His debut match was in a tag team with Chris Masters against Big Poppa Pump and HBK, his mentor. Well on this day, Shawn Michaels laid down the law to his star pupil and hit some Sweet Chin Music.

Oliver: Chaos Wolf challenged Jason Tiger Oliver to a match and got the big W after an 8 Minute match and Swinging impaler DDT.


Debut ppv match Ogden: What a way to begin a ppv after beating John Cena he went on to Pin Oliver with the help of Snitsky to become King of the Ring 2005 and then helped his team win the divisional trophy.

Oliver: His debut was at the Royal Rumble where while he knocked out Pyromania, he was then kocked out by Rome.

Winner Ogden

First title Win

Ogden: At the Royal Rumble, he pinned Shelton Benjamin in what was considerd a great match but horrible ending with Ogden Spiking Benjamin;s head with a ddt and a chair.

Oliver: Oliver's first title was the tag titles witch he won with his partner Heidenreich. They took the titles and shocked the world when they got the pinfall after a low blow and spinning power bomb on the champs, again a highly disappointing ending to an amazing match.

Winner: Oliver

Big Winner- Ogden

Since it was a tie in my mind, I had to go to the record and since Ogden has the better track record of the two, I picked him as the big winner. Congrats Max Ogden, you just won the super star Analyst!