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February 7, 2006

A promo begins running of the most recent action of the United States Armed Forces in both Baghdad and Iraq, which then goes into new reports featuring George W. Bush and the announcement of the capture of Saddam Hussein. Then it goes into a portion of the inaugural address of President John F. Kennedy from 1961:

"We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first Revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans. Born in the century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed. To which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This we pledge, and more."

The shot goes live as the ring is shown in a makeshift arena surronded by troops, tanks, and a hummer as the camera pans around it, then focuses on the ring.

"Back in Black" by AC/DC hits as Primetime's Jordan Rockwell makes his way out to a huge ovation from the troops in his street clothes along with his wife, Slaughterhouse Women's Champion Lita and sister Britney Haven.

(picking up a microphone) Jordan Rockwell: A long time ago, the late president John Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". I think what the men and women of the armed forces did was kick terrorist ass for their country! (all troops begin cheering) After all, we got Saddam locked up being passed around and traded for a box of Newport Lights, and Bin Laden running like some punk 'cause he knows his coward ass is the next one to fall! But on the real, people like all of you, those that came before you, and those that come after make it possible for my children (Rockwell takes Lita by the hand), so that our children can live without fear and be able to go outside and know in the future, great people fought for everything they see. (Rockwell points at his sister) So that future generations can be in this world and live. So my family can exist in this world and know people are fighting for them. Now, it's time to start this show, so ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your ring announcer for tonights' event, Lilian Garcia!

Lillian comes out dressed in a Mrs. Claus outfit and makes her way into the ring as Rockwell and company leave. She then sings a stirring rendition of the National Anthem.

Low-ki's music is then played as he comes out to a mixed reaction.

Joey Styles: Joey Styles here, and what a way to kick off our event then with this Ultimate X Three Stages match. Basically, we will start out with a tag team match with Low-Ki and AJ Styles against Chris Sabin and Matt Bentley, in which the first man pinned is out. Then, it turns into a three way dance then finally, a one on one Ultimate X match!

AJ Styles' music plays as he comes out to a big pop from the troops. He is followed by Chris Sabin, who gets an equal reaction from the crowd. Matt Bentley then makes his way out to the ring to a strangely mixed reaction.


AJ Styles/Low-Ki vs Chris Sabin/Matt Bentley

The first stage was kicked off in style as both teams took it to each other. The first stage comes to an end as Styles hits the "Styles Clash" on Bentley to elminate him.

STAGE 2: THREE WAY DANCE A.J. Styles vs Low-Ki vs Chris Sabin

The three way dance was then kicked off as we saw Sabin toss Low-Ki into the corner, then go for a running shoulder block. He misses with that and posts himself, which leaves him open for Low-Ki to hit the "Ki-Crusher" on Sabin to take him out.


A.J. Styles vs Low-Ki

The match picks up seemlessly with great action being delivered by both men. As both men hang from the wire, however, the ref accidentally gets hit, which gives Low-Ki the chance to low blow Styles causing him to fall to the ground. This enables Low-Ki to pull down the red X and score the win.

winner: Low-Ki

Styles: Oh, come on! Low-Ki just used a low blow to get the win, now he will get a shot at the X-Division title. Speaking of which, let's go back to Chris Steele, who is with the Champion Outcast.

The shot shifts back to where Chris Steele is. Outcast is with him, wearing army fatigue pants and army boots, carrying the X-Division title.

Chris Steele: Outcast, in a little while, you will defend the title against Petey Williams in what we now know will be a boot camp match. A match, that some say, you have the advantage in.

Outcast: Petey Williams, there is an expression that says you shouldn't take things personal, it's just business. Ya see, I take everything personal, especially when it comes to this title. I worked my butt off to get it and then you and that fat load, D'Amore, come in and think you're just gonna take it. Well, I don't think so! I grew up an Army brat because my father was in. I grew up around places like this and it made me tough. Hell, you might say I was brought up "Army Tough". So tonight, right here in the middle of the toughest and the best, get ready to go to war!

(back at ringside)

Molly Holly's music hits as she comes out to a chorus of boos.

Styles: Here comes Molly for her match and I honestly believe she is upset because Gail Kim did not side with her and aid her in becoming Women's Champion. We have heard Kim say she is now fighting for herself.

"International Woman" hits and Gail Kim makes her way out to a lot

of hooting and hollering from the soldiers. GAIL KIM VS MOLLY HOLLY

A hard fought matchup ensuses between the two women, when Molly Holly goes for a superplex but is pushed off by Kim. Holly then gets on Kim's shoulders to go for a victory roll, but Kim drops down and hooks Molly in her submission hold, the Christo, and causes her to tap out.

winner: Gail Kim

Styles: Submission win for Gail Kim. Man, does she ever have a great submission in her arsenal! Imagine coming home late to her! Geez!

A video package rolls, showing the history between Jeff Hardy, Bloodhunt, Legion, and Grim Reaper leading into the tag team match signed.

"Modest" by Jeff Hardy hits as he and Grim Reaper come out to a good response from the soldiers.

Styles: Here comes Jeff Hardy and Grim Reaper. Two guys that wanted singles matches but got this one instead. They have both shown interest in the Hardcore title, as of late.

Bloodhunt's music plays as he and Legion come out to boos from the soldiers.


An extremely wild match takes place as the match spills all over the ring and to the outside. Both teams go at it until chairs got involved and the ref calls for a double disqualification.

Styles: A double disqualification will end this one. I think it's going to take a lot to keep these four under control, right now fans, let's take a look at the SMW GrandSlam match that's up next.

A video package rolls of the past few weeks in SMW, which includes several of Max Ogdend's title matches, plus the rise in SMW of Jake Diamond. Also shown are the issues between Satan's Son and Mariner and those between the tag team champions and their contenders. As the package ends, all the men involved are in the ring.


Max Ogden(SMW Champion), Satan's Son, "Mr. Charisma" Cameron Walter and J-Rod Jefferson vs Joe Diano, Chad Collyer (SMW Tag Team Champions), Jake Diamond, and Mariner(SMW Television Champion)

This all important match is started off with J-Rod Jefferson and Joe Diano in the ring. Jefferson forces Diano to the ropes, but before the referee can separate them, he hits Diano with a hard right hand to the head. Diano fires up and spears J-Rod to the mat. When J-Rod gets back to his feet, Diano takes him out with the "Diano Dream". After a quick tag to Chad Collyer, who connects with a thunderous powerbomb, J-Rod becomes the first man eliminated from the match. Almost immediately, Satan's Son turns Collyer around and hits the Downward Spiral, eliminating one half of the Tag Team Champions. Mariner then enters the ring, and he and Satan pick up right where they left off at SMW's Scars & Stripes. Once he gets the upper hand, Mariner tags Diano back into the match, and he spills to the outside with Satan's Son. Max Ogden tries to get involved but the referee, as well as Diamond and Mariner get in his way. From behind, Mr. Charisma runs behind Joe Diano and rams his head directly into the ring post. The referee gets everyone back to their corners and Satan's Son gets back into the ring at the count of nine, but Diano can't make the count, and he joins his tag team partner in the locker room. The SMW Tag Team Champions are now both eliminated. Satan's Son finally gets back to his feet, and wobbles into a stiff clothesline from Jake Diamond. Diamond then runs to the opposing corner and sends Max Ogden and Mr. Charisma to the arena floor. Diamond then catches a stumbling Satan's Son and connects with the "Perfect Gem". He goes for the cover and the referee counts 1,2, and Max Ogden nails Diamond from behind with the SMW Championship. The referee sees this and immediately disqualifies Ogden from the match. The crowd starts to go crazy as the SMW Champion has been eliminated. His title reign is now in the hands of Satan'ss Son and Mr. Charisma who charges at Jake Diamond. Diamond catches this out of the corner of his eye and backdrops Walter to the mat. He then picks up Mr. Charisma and sends him crashing to the mat with the Shake, Rattle, and Roll, paying homage to his cousin the Honky Tonk Man. A three count later, and Satan's Son is the only one left remaining for his team. He quickly charges at Diamond, who falls back into a tag to the SMW Television Champion, Mariner. Mariner and Satan's Son start to trade right hands, and Mariner connects with an uncharacteristic low blow. He goes to follow it up with the Evenflow but Satan's Son blocks it, rolls out, and then pulls Mariner into the Downward Spiral¯, evening the sides at one man apiece. Jake Diamond goes on the offesive, realizing that Satan's Son is the only thing standing in his way to the SMW Championship. He uses a rear chin lock to weaken Satan's Son, but Satan fights out and lifts Diamond up, then sends him down straddling the top rope. Both men are on the mat trying to collect themselves as the troops are on their feet cheering them on. Diamond gets up first and sends Satan to the ropes and takes him down with a tilt-a-whirl suplex. He starts to fire up and gets in position to hit Satan with the Perfect Gem again. From the back, Mr. Charisma sprints to the ring and jumps on the apron. The referee tries to get him down, and J-Rod Jefferson runs down too. The referee gets out of the ring, and he is soon joined by a fleet of officials who force them to the back. While this is going on, Max Ogden enters the ring through the crowd and cracks Jake Diamond with a steel chair. He then picks him up and connects with the "Memory Maker". He puls Satan's Son on top of Diamond and leaves through the crowd. The referee turns to get back to the ring, and sees the pinning predicament. He sprints into the ring, makes the count, and calls for the bell. Ogden, Mr. Charisma, and Jefferson run to the ring to help Satan's Son to his feet. Satan is presented with his newly won SMW Television Championship, as are Mr. Charisma¯ and J-Rod Jefferson with their new SMW Tag Team Championship belts. Surprisingly, the member of the team who seems proudest is Max Ogden, who remains the SMW Champion, and in SMW.

Styles: Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Max Ogden has just screwed Jake Diamond out of the SMW title and has just helped crown a new TV and Tag Team Champion!

Satan's Sons' music plays as he and the rest of his team celebrate, as an obviously furious Jake Diamond holds the back of his head, staring up at Max Ogden.

Styles: Right now fans, let's go back to Chris Steele, who is with Marcus Hansen and Christy Hemme.

(the shot shifts to the back)

Steele: Marcus, you've been out of action for six and a half to seven months and tonight,you step into the ring for the first time with Tony Monzeralli. My question is, why come back so soon when you had been given time off to heal?

Marcus Hansen: Well, the answer to that is simple. I came back to Slaughterhouse because I sat at home, and I see all these new guys coming onto this show, and I see guys fighting for the title I never got beaten for. While I sat at home unable to take part in it! I came back because I worked my ass off to be on top, and in one brief moment, I had everything taken away from me. I came back to reclaim what's mine, and it all begins tonight with Tony Monzeralli!

Hansen seemingly get's distracted by the Naturals and walks off in their direction.

Hansen: Hey you guys got a minute?

Andy Douglas: What's up?

Hansen: I saw last week on the show. What Blaze had to say to you and I want to be honest with you guys, I could care less what you two do with your careers but I can tell you that Blaze is full of crap because if you guys join him all you will do is toss your careers down the toilet where he is.

Chase Stevens: What's it to you what we do?

Hansen: What'd i just say? It don't mean a thing to me, it's your decision what you do and how you do it, but I've been battling Blaze for a while now and I know he's only out for one thing and that's himself. You guys want to wear those belts then do it the right way and that's on your own cause no one can take anything away from you when you earn it by yourselves. But if you want to be aided in your quest, then do me a favor, don't make a decision yet and think about what I said then meet me this week on the show cause I got someone I want you to meet.

Douglas: You've got someone for us to meet?

Hansen: What is there a echo in here? Yeah that's what I said. Look, you do what you want, if you wanna sell your souls then go ahead. But if you wanna get to the top the right way, I'll be waiting for you on SlaughterHouse.

Hansen and Hemme walk off leaving the Naturals seemingly intErested, yet confused.

back at ringside.....

"Voodoo Child" by Jimi Hendrix hits as Marcus Hansen makes his way out along with Christy Hemme to a huge pop from the troops.

Styles: Here comes the returning Marcus Hansen to the ring for his first match in close to seven months!

Tony Monzeralli's music hits as he comes out with Goldylocks.

Marcus Hansen w/ Christy Hemme vs Tony Monzeralli w/ Goldylocks

Hansen showed very little ring rust in this match, showing off some new moves and his brand new look as well but Monzeralli, being smart, went after Hansen's surgically repaired right quadricep as soon as he could. However, as soon as he turned to gloat in Christy's face, he turned right around and got nailed with a superkick but when Hansen went for the pin, Goldylocks jumped on him, causing the disqualification.

Christy came in and tossed Goldylocks out of the ring as "Voodoo Child" hit and Christy and the ref raised Hansen's arms in victory as Monzeralli and Goldylocks walked off.

Styles: Well I think saying Marcus Hansen is back is a huge understatement and fans right now, let's take a special look at one of the sports greatest, the one and only Chris Benoit!

Video footage rolls on Chris Benoit from his days in Japan into various TWF matches ending with both his undisputed title and most recent North American title wins.

Mexican rap music hits as Miguel Estrada makes his way to the ring along with Victor Garza.

Styles: Here comes Miguel Estrada and Victor Garza who are on their own here on SlaughterHouse due to the fact that Juventud Guererra is no longer part of the TWF and I know they want to prove they can make it on their own.

"Whatever" by Our Lady Peace hits as Chris Benoit comes out wearing the North American title to a big pop from the troops.

North American title match

(C) Chris Benoit vs Miguel Estrada w/ Victor Garza

A suprisingly good showing by Estrada against the veteran Benoit as he used his speed and agility to his advantage. But the intensity of the rabid wolverine proved to be too much for the young challenger as Benoit nailed his triple german suplexes and then went to the top and executed the diving headbutt. But instead of going for the pin, Benoit showed shades of his late friend Eddie Guererro, using the three amigo's. He then turned the third right into the crippler crossface which got the tapout win.

Styles: What a match and what a title defense for Benoit and I must say Estrada without a doubt pushed Benoit here tonight!

"Whatever" played again as Garza helped his partner to his feet while the ref handed Benoit the title. He then took the time to appluad the effort of Estrada.

Styles: Fans let's go to the back, I understand there is something going on.

The shot goes to the back where Teddy Long is shown with Team Canada and oddly, Petey Williams is not with them.

Steele: Teddy... Teddy Long, what's going on?

Teddy Long: That's what I am trying to find out Chris, now D'amore, what's the deal with Petey Williams?

Scott D'amore: I'll tell you the deal Teddy! Last week on SlaughterHouse, my man Petey Williams suffered an injury to his ankle after that idiot Raven showed up and got involved in what was none of his business! So his doctors will not clear him to wrestle tonight and he is at home in Canada for a few weeks so basically that punk Outcast is safe for now! Let's go fellas, we're outta here!

Long: Now hold on playa!

D'amore: What?

Long: The fans watching at home and all of the great men and women of our armed forces showed and bought this event to see Outcast face Petey Williams for the title but since he is hurt, that can't happen. But since Outcast is here and so is Team Canada, then I say a match will happen! It'll now be Outcast versus Bobby Roode!

Long walks off, leaving the Canadian's upset.

back at ringside.....

"Seek and Destroy" by Metallica hits as Outcast comes out dressed for combat carrying the X-division title, getting the loudest pop of the night from the troops.

Styles: Well here comes the son of a marine and the X-division champion but we now know that he will face Bobby Roode who is replacing the injured Petey Williams.

The Canadian national anthem plays as Scott D'amore leads Bobby Roode out to a chorus of boos.

X-division champion Outcast vs Bobby Roode

This was the classic little man with speed versus the bigger power man as Outcast used his speed to his advantage with a lot of high flying and speedy manuvers as Roode turned things around and used his size and power to his advantage. At one point, Roode sent Outcast to the ropes with an irish whip and bent over for a move but Outcast put the breaks on and actually nailed Roode with Petey Williams' own Canadian Destroyer. As Outcast went for the pin, out from the back came Eric Young to break it up, causing the disqualification and as it became a three on one attack, the troops began cheering as out from the back once again came Raven to chase off Team Canada.

"Seek and Destroy" played again as Raven slid out of the ring and Outcast pulled himself up and saw Raven who was once again grinning from ear to ear.

Styles: What is the deal with Raven and Outcast? This is the second week in a row that Raven has saved Outcast from Team Canada. Well fans it's time for our main event so let's take a look at how we got here.

Video footage rolls of everything that has gone on between Nemesis and JD Blaze and then Devon Cage and Rhyno are factored in.

Rhyno's music hits and he comes racing down the aisle to a mixed reaction.

After a few minutes, the remixed version of "Fire it up" hits as JD Blaze makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos.

Styles: Here comes team number one to the ring. The manbeast Rhyno, also known as the war machine and the former five time world champion JD Blaze who might I add is obsessed with beating Nemesis for reign six!

"Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva hits as Devon Cage makes his way to the ring to a good pop.

After a few minutes, Nemesis makes his way out carrying the undisputed championship in his right hand.

Styles: And here is the object of everyone's affection, that undisputed championship Nemesis is carrying. And let's remember what Jesse Steele said, that in order for Blaze to get another shot, he must pin Nemesis.

Undisputed champion Nemesis/Devon Cage vs. JD Blaze/Rhyno

This match was a war from the start with all four men going after one another in and out of the ring. This went on for most of the match, until it finally got into the ring and then it went back and forth for the rest of the match but towards the end, all hell broke loose and Blaze took the chance and lowblowed Nemesis which turned him right around into a Rhyno "Gore" and the pinfall but by Rhyno and not Blaze.

Styles: I don't believe it! Rhyno has just pinned the undisputed champion, but what does this mean for JD Blaze and his title match? We'll have to see this week on SlaughterHouse so for everyone here, I'm Joey Styles, goodnight from Iraq!

The shot fades out with Rhyno up on the stage with both arms in the air while Blaze is standing in the aisle as Nemesis clutches his midsection, staring up at Rhyno.