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August 30, 2004

Well, after a few weeks there of someone trying to take us off the air, we're back with a vengeance!! I'm back with another edition of the LowDown, because despite some people's best efforts, nobody can shut me or the TWF up for long! Let's take a look at the upcoming huge PPV, Meltdown.


> I hope Shane McMahon beats Raven into a bloody puddle to regain control of PrimeTime. That dress wearing, manic depressive is killing the show with his antics, and only the Boy Billionaire can get the ship back on course.

>The Dragon's Lair match for the Hardcore title is one of the more unusual title matches I've seen in a long time. I don't, and the competitors for that matter, really know what to expect going into that match. I just know Jansens and Irvin want to beat the hell out of each other, and it doesn't matter where they do it.

>Shane Thompson's cocky statement "I know I can beat him" to Jon Heidenreich is a direct slap in Heidenreich's face. Thompson better be careful, a person's overconfidence is his greatest liability. That could just be the extra ammo Heidenreich needs to dethrone him for the Intercontinental title.

>I don't want to say Rhyno is scared of Jordan Rockwell, but he has to be a little concerned that his match with Rockwell is now a Stretcher match. Especially after all the grief the Man-Beast and the Million Dollar Man put him through just to get that match. Stretcher matches can get real ugly real quick, so both men are most likely not going to be loving life the next morning.

> I think it's great that the legendary team of Strife and Bahamut are back in the TWF. They add depth to an already deep tag team division, and also provide star power to the show. Outside the ring, these two bring leadership to the lockerroom, so a lot of the younger guys can learn from them.

> On that same token, I'm really pumped for the return of Drew Blood to the TWF. Will he choose Rampage or Primetime? We don't know for sure, but I hear rumors he might make an appearance at MeltDown.

>Travis Wakeman is making a huge mistake, in my opinion, by going through with his match at MeltDown with Sean O'Haire. O'Haire is a very dangerous man, who was the man who viciously injured Wakeman's knee in the first place. Wakeman's pride and competitiveness may prove to be the catalyst in ending his career when he goes against O'Haire. I predict that O'Haire will get the biggest win of his life, by beating Wakeman at MetlDown, bad wheel and all. I just hope Wakeman doesn't get permanently injured at the hands of Sean O'Haire.


>Kurt Angle is not getting any breaks lately, at least when it comes to title defenses. He went from the six man Hell in a Cell at Anarchy Rulz, to a Triple Threat Match against the Undertaker and Eddie Guerrero. Angle has proven to be a worthy champion so far, but I don't know if he can survive the onslaught of the Deadman and Latino Heat. I think the frustration of not getting a one on one title shot against the Olympic Gold Medalist is going to be the motivating factor in Guerrero finally becoming the World Champ. Don't count out Taker or Angle for that matter, all I know is that it's going to be a hell of a match to watch.

>One of the matches I'm really looking forward to seeing is the rematch for the King of Cable title between Joe Corey and Shelton Benjamin. These two studs are the future of this company. I'm really impressed withe Benjamin in particular. His athleticism is scary. In my opinion, he needs more work on his mic skills to take it to the next level. "The Show" is no slouch in the ring either. He's the more charasmatic of the two, I just think Benjamin is the better ring technician at this time.

> The team of Pyronomics are awesome tag champs, but they're going to have their hands full with those two Samoan planets named Jamal and Rosey. How much you think those two eat anyway?

> Nathan Jones and Scott Steiner are going to butt heads, and I can't wait. This is not going to be a technical masterpiece, just a good ol' fashion ass kicking. Steiner has the most to lose in this match, so I look for him to be extra violent. For Rampage's sake, and for the sake of my sanity, I hope Steiner shuts down the Network Police for good.

Rumors and Rantings

>Now that the Olympics are almost over, my sources have told me that the TWF is in contact with a couple of Olympic wrestlers. Cael Sanderson, who won the gold medal in the 185 lb weight class in freestyle wrestling, is reportedly high on the TWFs' wish list. Also, reportedly in contacts, is the charasmatic Egyptian wrestler Karam Ibrahim, who won the gold in Greco-Roman in the 96kg weight class. Either one of these guys would make a fine addition to the TWF roster.

>Hey JD, you're right, I think the Ross Report did rip you off. But with the crap that goes on the air over there, I would take it as an insult, not a compliment. That's how hard up for ideas they are! :)

> How many people think Vince McMahon wears a toupee`? Show of hands............

> I didn't even realize Jackie Gayda had a head until about a week ago. I always wondered why she seemed so irritated around me, now I know. You'd figure she'd be used to it by now.

> Which celebrites and other athletes do you think would make great Pro Wrestlers? I would love to see 50 Cent make the jump, he could either team with, or fued with, John Cena. 50 would destroy Cena in a battle rap though. I also think Shannon Sharpe, formerly of the Denver Broncos, could make the switch to wrestling. He's got the size and the big mouth to make it.

That's all for me this time around. I hope I provided some insight into the turvy-topsy world that is the TWF. If some people happened to get mad last time at my column or this time, all I can do is quote the Barenaked Ladies song "One Week": "I can't help but think you're funny when you're mad". That's it, and I'll see you at ringside.