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The LowDown

May 26, 2005

Sup, ya'll? I'm back again to hit you with another round of the Lowdown. I got a bit delayed with some minor computer problems, but you know that won't hold your boy down for long.


> "The Show" Joe Corey takes his amazing win streak into the upcoming "Evil Intentions" card in the form of a fatal four way match against Carlito Carribean Cool, Carney, and Rob Storm. Seeing as how much of a roll "The Show" has been on as of late, it would be hard to bet against him in the match. Carlito is a bit of a dark horse to win it, but he is my pick. He always manages to sneak out a win when he shouldn't have a chance. His new running buddy, Derek Darko, is the main reason why. Though be on the look out for Carney. It's his first major match since his return, and he should step it up.

>Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak were a surprise, to me anyway, to win the tag team turmoil match for the number one contenders spot against Rampage Tag Team champions Jamal and Rosey. They really haven't done much lately, so it was a shock to me that they beat some quality teams in order to get that match against the Champions at EI. If I was either Jamal or Rosey, I would not get too overconfident, though. The fact that they made it to them is proof enough that they have a shot at dethroning the two giant Samoans. It would be a huge upset, I think, but you never know. If Jerry Rice got signed by the Denver Broncos, then Cade and Jindrak have a shot against Jamal and Rosey.

>Who saw this coming: After months of being the most dominant clique in the TWF, the Dead Pool has now been dismantled with it's main star MIA and the other members fighting each other. Drew Blood, after his loss to John Cena at Wrestlemania, is out of action nursing an "injury". (I have my doubts about that one myself.) Now Mordecai says that Viscera is the biggest sinner he's ever seen. Huh. Who knew Mordecai was funny? That one is not going to be for the weak of heart.

>Money Mike has a great talent for pissing people off. Believe me, I know. He has a big mouth and even bigger ego to go along with his talent. He's not a very popular guy in the lockerroom, from what I've been told. A lot of the superstars, not just fans, are counting on Rey Mysterio to humble the former GSE star. Money Mike is a big mountain to climb, so it'll be one of Mysterio's toughest challenges to overcome him. I'd call it another huge upset if Rey Rey pins him. You don't have to like Money Mike, but you have to respect his ability.

>Speaking of people who like to piss people off, Bradshaw did that spectacularly when he laid out Trish Stratus with the Clothesline from Hell. He earned the ire of Travis Wakeman in the process. Bradshaw told me recently that he feels he doesn't get the respect he thinks he deserves from not only the fans, but the matchmakers, and his fellow superstars. So the best way he felt he could shut up all the critics, was to take out one of the main players in the TWF, Travis Wakeman. If he can pin Wakeman at EI, there will be no doubt Bradshaw is a main eventer. Wakeman, on the other hand, should be very careful. Involving himself in pointless feuds is not why he wanted to come to Rampage in the first place. He wanted World title shots, and he's not getting any closer to them beefing with Bradshaw.

>I think Matt Cruz and Karam Ibrahim will be a force to be reckoned with, once they gel as a unit. They looked impressive initially, but stumbled in the Tag Team Turmoil match on Rampage recently. From what I gather, they're not exactly best friends away from the ring. They only teamed up because they had tremendous respect for each others amatuer wrestling abilities. Remember, they almost came to blows back when Cruz debuted on Ramapage not too long ago. If they can start working together more cohesively, then they will be a dominant tag team on Rampage.


Well, that's all from me this time around. I'll back next time with a "Primetime-centricc" column, so stay tuned. This has been Gabe Morales, and I'll see you at ringside. Lechuga, Lechuga!!!!!!