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August 17, 2005

Well it's been awhile since I have brought you the A-List, but the wait is over because the A-List is back and with a new twist. Instead of just giving grades, I am going to rate 4 guys, two from Primetime and two from Rampage and then I will just give some random thoughts on both ahows and like always I will end with an Interview. This week it's "The Show" Joe Corey.

Edge (Primetime)

When Edge threw away the hardcore title, I admit, I thought it was one of the worst mistakes ever. Boy was I wrong. Since then, he has been a main eventer and will have a shot at the Universal title at Meltdown in an elimination chamber match. This should be one hell of a match. Not too many of these come around often so when they do, you have to take advantage of it. A lot of people say Orton can win it Rockwell, Christian, Edge or Batista but I don't think anyone can beat Thompson right now. Edge has a very good chance though but one of my concerns is, is he ready to be in the mainstream spotlight? Then again, I didn't think Thompson was ready when he won the belt but he was. As for Edge's grade, he gets a B just because he hasn't won that Universal title yet or even shown he deserves it.

Rey Mysterio (Rampage)

Rey Has been in a feud with The Horseman after some feuds with Money Mike. He then fought and won at Anarchy Rulz agianst The Show and newly aqcuired Jason Oliver. Rey has proven a lot to me over the last few weeks, he showed me he can be in the main event stream, in fact he took Joe Corey to the limit on Rampage and almost won the matchup. I see Rey continuing a feud with the Horsemen, and maybe setting up some type of match at Meltdwon. As for his Grade I am going to give him a B because he has no title but won at the ppv only to lose a big match on Rampage.

Ric Flair (Primtime)

Is it just me, or is it great to see the Nature Boy back to his old self? Now he will never be the Flair of the 70's or 80's but an old Ric Flair is better than a lot of wrestlers in their prime. Cirianni and everyone thought he would benefit from leaving Flair. Well it's the other way around. Flair has got the better of the deal not only did he beat Cirianni, the PrimeTime after Payback he beat Axl Irvin. Also in that match he showed a lot of respect towards Irvin and how did Axl Repay him? He saved him from a beating form O'Haire. I think Flair will try to mentor Axl and if he does, Axl could be a top guy, just cause Flair is that good. As for his future, I see him wrestling at a high level and teaching Axl the ways, so it's a good time to be a Nature Boy fan Wooooooooooooooo! As for a Grade, a B+ For now.

The 4 Horseman (Rampage)

At first I didn't like the idea of the 4 Horseman, being a group again without Flair or Arn Anderson. But the more I watch, the more I like. The good thing is they are old school and new school at the same time. Joe Corey has been great since he has came here and Money Mike is on a roll right now and could be in the World title hunt soon after Drew Blood and the pickup of Oliver is great. Aome have said he isn't on that level yet, well maybe not, no one can get on that level in a heartbeat, he has all the talent in the world and will get to that level very soon, and the level I speak about is the Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, 4 horseman level, the Horseman could be a dominant force on Rampage and they may even get Carney, Rampage is in trouble!


Edge- B

Rey Mysterio- B

Ric Flair- B+

The 4 Horseman- A

And the honor stundets are the 4 Horseman..... Congrats to them.

Now it's time for the new part of the column, my thoughts..........


Taylor Made Vs. Chris Masters. For some reason I just knew this was coming.

Well it looks like Vlad the Impaler and Chaos Wolf are going after the Tag Titles. I think this could be a very good thing for both guys. They will make a good run at it but I don't see them winning it. I also believe both guys are better singles wrestlers.

Sean O'Haire. What's the deal with stealing RVD's stuff? I mean what's wrong with you? I think I speak for everyone when I say I hope you lose that IC belt soon!

Is anyone else missing RVD in the main events? I mean he proved he is worth being in the main event, he is a former Universal champ.


Well we haven't heard much from Pyro lately but now we have an it's now Porteau. I think this is a good move for him and even though I will miss Pyro, he needed a change.

Shelton Benjamin is one of my favorite wrestlers on Rampage and I just wanted to say it's great to see him succeed, it's too bad he lost the title to Hardy but he is also a favorite of my mine so it's good to see him win the title.

It's about time Trish and Travis tied the not its been going on for 5 years now. We all knew it was going to happen eventually, but no wedding goes through without a little excitement. I was shocked at what happened and even more shcocked to find out who it was!

It's now time for my Exclusive Interview with "The Show" Joe Corey.............

Andy- "Did you think you would have this much success early in your TWF Career"?

Joe Corey: "No, I didn't. I thought that by now in my career, I would have accomplished a lot more. More specifically, I thought I would be the World Heavyweight Champion by now. I don't blame myself for that though, because I have never gotten a title shot".

Andy- "How do you explain your early success"?

Joe- "I train hard and am confident in my ability. I know that every time I step in that ring, I am the best wrestler there".

Andy- "Why did you decide to resurrect the 4 Horseman"?

Joe- "Mike and I realized very early in his time here in TWF that we were going to take this place by storm. We got to talking, and we figured that if we were going to change history, we wanted to ressurect some of the past too. That's when we decided that the greatest thing from the past was the Four Horsemen. It was as simple as that".

Andy- "What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment in TWF so far"?

Joe- "I held the King of Cable for over nine months. With the exception of about a month, I held that title for over a year. That is the longest single title right in the history of TWF, and that is a great honor".

Andy- "Shelton Benjamin has taken the King of Cable title twice from you, is he your toughest competitor"?

Joe- "I can't explain Shelton Benjamin. To this day, I still do not feel that he is my toughest competitor. Hell, I don't even think he was the better man in either of those matches. It is just that on two nights in the last year, I have had off nights. It is just a coincidence that those two nights were against Shelton Benjamin".

Andy- "A Lot of People compare you to Triple H, what are your thoughts on the comparison, and do you compare yourself to him or someone else"?

Joe- "I am honored to be compared to Triple H. When I first came to the TWF, Hunter and I were good friends, so to be compared to him this early in my career just makes me realize that I am one of the best already. As far as other comparisons, I hear the comparison to Ric Flair a lot too. If that comparison is based on my work ethic and talent, then that is also one of the biggest compliments I could receive".

Andy- "What's in store for the future of Joe Corey?And the question everyone wants to know, when will The Show be holding the World Title"?

Joe- "I will be holding the World Title as soon as John Cena will grant me the title shot. So I guess I am going to have to wait for him to lose the title, because Cena knows that he has never beaten me, and that he never will. However, if he does give me the shot, then Cena will learn that it's Showtime...WWWOOOOOO"!!

That wraps up this edition of the A-List, catch ya next time.