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Kashing In

By Dustin Kash

This Month in the TWF

Dustin Kash: Good evening everyone! We’ve been on a bit of a hiatus as of late, but Kashing In is back and better than ever. I am of course your host Dustin Kash and we have one hell of a show for you here tonight live from the TWF headquarters in Denver, Colorado. Tonight we have JJ “The Ram” Ramplin live in the studio. Together we will make our picks for Wrestlemania 7. Then there will be an exclusive interview with the Ram himself, and tons of more things in between these things. At the end, we will give out awards for the month of March, including the TWF MVW (Most Valuable Wrestler) as well as the match of the month, and then play that match for everyone. But now without any further ado, here is a member of the 4 Horsemen, JJ Ramplin!!

JJ: Hey man, it’s a pleasure to be here.

Kash: Well it’s a pleasure to have you here on the show. Now, lets not waste anytime, and get right down to business… let’s give our Wrestlemania picks.

*Video that shows a run through of this year’s Wrestlemania plays, and Kash and Ramplin’s voices are heard in the background*



JJ: Travis Wakeman because I see Octane slipping up here

Dustin Kash: This one is really tough to call. Two of the top superstars of the TWF, let alone Rampage itself. It’s impossible to make a guess, but whoever wins for sure will have to earn their victory. On a personal factor, Travis Wakeman, but who knows what will go down.



JJ: Batista… plain and simple.

Dustin Kash: Batista seems to have the edge against Edge… no pun intended. However Edge always seems to pull it off in these kinds of situations. He always has something up his sleeve, and I think that will be the case at Wrestlemania 7 when he retains his title.

MONEY MIKE w/ Stephanie McMahon vs. "The Show" Joe Corey

JJ: My man Money Mike.

Dustin Kash: I’m afraid that if I don’t say Money Mike, then I’ll get an ass whooping Horsemen style. Not because I’m afraid, but because of the following reason, I’m gonna go with Mike. Joe Corey has been tormenting Money Mike these past few months. Costing him his title, and humiliating him these past few months has built up a mean streak in Money Mike that no one has ever witnessed before. Lets take a look at When Worlds Collide when Money Mike out of nowhere just decimated Matt Cruz…

*Recap video is shown of Money Mike’s match at When Worlds Collide when out of nowhere he just decimated Matt Cruz with the steel chair.*


JJ: I see Rockwell laying the deadman to rest and extending his wrestlemania record to 5-0.

Dustin Kash: Rockwell has been impressive as of late and literally relived the deadman’s career in just a few weeks. I see Rockwell making it 5 and 0.



JJ: I can only see Tatanka as the only chance rampage has of winning this one. But as overall winner, Orton or Christian.

Dustin Kash: Strife is just too big and mean compared to these other superstars. He is going to beat down all of his opponents and get the right to get to choose his destiny!



JJ: My bud Jason Oliver, if he don’t win I don’t care who wins as long as Ogden don’t retain!!!!

Dustin Kash: Each of these superstars would be a good champ. I will have to go with Matt Cruz, just because how impressive he’s been lately. I think that even if Rey Mysterio is the man that stands in his way, he’s going to stop at nothing until he becomes the King of Cable.



JJ: The Hitman with a sharpshooter.

Kash: Easily the toughest match on the card to call. The 2 best technical, mat wrestlers of all time bar none. This one is a classic in the making and I think Kurt Angle looks to make it back into main eventing Rampage.


JJ: I see the soft spoken, hard-hitting Lashley winning this.

Kash: Week after week, Shane Thompson has screwed Bobby Lashley with that Singapore cane.

*Video is shown of Shane Thompson bouncing his Singapore Cane off the skull of Lashley week after week.*

Kash: Lashley will get some revenge at Wrestlemania 7.


JJ: Muhammad Hassan because I see Daivari winning him this one.

Dustin Kash: Ric Flair will take this punk kid to school. Enough said.


JJ: The Boogeyman.

Kash: All I can say is that this one is going to be one disturbing match!



Kash: Should be good but I see Ultimo Dragon coming out on top. 

JJ: I’m with you man.

*Back in the studio*

Dustin Kash: Well there you have it, our Wrestlemania picks. Now it isn’t very often that we get a member of the 4 Horsemen gracing our presence. We are going to take advantage of that, and that is why right here and right now there will be an interview with the newest member of the Horsemen. So why don’t you tell us a little about yourself. How did you get into the business?

JJ: How I got into the business, well I've always watched wrestling and I guess I got into the business when I graduated from an NWA wrestling school in Sheffield, England then met TWF star Dave Batista backstage at an event and he taught me how to handle being in front of a mass audience. From there I was just wrestling indy shows and a TWF official spotted me and signed me to a developmental contract in SMW.

Kash: How did you get called up to Rampage?

JJ: I guess I got called up to Rampage when officials realized that there was no real challenge for me in the SMW, and when Mike and the rest of the Horsemen offered me a place in the horsemen, well that offer was just too damn good to resist.

Kash: Where did you get the name "The Ram"?

JJ: I got that nickname when I was growing up in the English countryside. My brother and me built a ring in a field of sheep behind my house.

Kash: Who are you the closest with out of the 3 other Horsemen?

JJ: Out of the three of them if I had to pick, I'd say I'm closest to Jason Oliver.

Kash: Now as a member of The Horsemen you’ve been feuding with The Hart Family quite a bit, and recently Max Ogden made a comment about you and steriods. Now do you have any comment on that?

(JJ Ramplin is sitting flexing his biceps) JJ: Ogden I have one thing to say to you, does it look like I need steriods!!

Kash: Okay, let's do some word association.

Kash: Max Ogden

JJ: A cocky son of a bitch that cant win without help.

Kash: Wrestlemania

JJ: Biggest stage of them all and my time to shine

Kash: The Hart Family

JJ: Worst group I have ever seen

Kash: Joe Corey

JJ: Spokane, Washington: 09-16-05

Kash: Money Mike

JJ: A great man, who deserves to still be world champion

Kash: "High Octane" Damion West

JJ: Such an intense competitor.

Kash: PrimeTime

JJ: Second rate show

Kash: Travis Wakeman

JJ: Future Hall of Famer

Dustin Kash: Well that’s all for that segment. Now we are going to hand out some unofficial awards to the very deserving superstars of the TWF. We are going to start out with… Tag Team of the month. JJ, would you like to do the honors?

JJ: The award for best tag team of the month goes to the indestructible duo of Travis Wakeman and Bret Hart.

*Video package is shown of some of their matches and finishes off with them winning the tag team championship at TWF Main Event.*

Dustin Kash: Next we will decide the upset of the month.

JJ: This one easily goes to Sylvain Grenier when he pinned RVD and advanced to the Choose Your Destiny. Take a look.

*Video recap of the ending of that match is shown*

RVD then got on the apron and drove a shoulder into the abdomen of Grenier before trying to come in with a sunset flip but Grenier sat down on his shoulders and Hart recovered in time to grab Grenier's hands for extra leverage as Martin made the 3 count.

*Back in the studio*

Kash: That was… embarrassing for RVD. Great win for the young superstar trying to get a name for himself though. Who knows, maybe he’ll win and go on to become champion. I mean anything can happen here in the TWF.

Kash: Next is match of the month, and this one his hard to call. For the amount of great athleticism and heart that was put out in this match, I have to award this to Shelton Benjamin against Max Ogden for the King of Cable. Let’s take a look.

*Video is shown of this entire match*

TWF King of Cable Title Match

Challenger: Shelton Benjamin vs. Max Ogden w/ Jimmy Hart

Rampage started off with a terrific match between Benjamin and Ogden and with the title on the line, they went all out. Benjamin took control after ducking a clothesline and catching Ogden with a swinging back elbow in the face. He shot him to the corner and followed in with a nice monkey flip before going back to the same corner and climbing to the top rope. He flew off with his clothesline takedown but Ogden was able to avoid it before just booting him right in the face. Ogden then pulled him up and delivered what looked like a version of the Honky Tonk Man's Shake, Rattle and Roll neckbreaker. Benjamin was able to kick out of the pinning predicament at 2 but Ogden stayed focused on the neck of Benjamin, grabbing him in a standing rear chin lock and tilting the neck very awkwardly. Benjamin was able to stand the pain and get to his feet, driving 2 elbows into his gut. He then hit the ropes looking to get back into the match but Ogden drove a knee right into his gut. After a big elbow drop, Ogden rolled Benjamin over and put on a variation of the camel clutch. It was clear that Ogden wanted a slow, plodding match to take away the athleticism of Benjamin. But again, Benjamin worked his way out of the submission hold, standing up with Ogden on his back before just driving him into the corner. From there, Benjamin whipped him to the opposite corner and followed in with the Stinger splash. The champion was in trouble and he walked right into the t-bone suplex. Benjamin hooked the leg as the crowd counted along for the 1...........2........., but the count stopped when referee Chad Patton saw Ogden's foot on the bottom rope. It was most likely Jimmy Hart who'd put it there so Patton, apparently having pre-match instructions from Foley, sent Hart to the back! Hart protested in angst but he had to leave. In the ring, Benjamin caught Ogden with the dragon whip kick but somehow, Ogden reached down deep to kick out at 2 and 3 quarters. Benjamin again shot Ogden to the corner and ran in but this time, he was backdropped out of the ring and to the floor. As Ogden tried to collect himself, Benjamin slowly made his way to the apron and out of desperation, he pulled Ogden's throat down on the top rope with a hangman. Ogden fell back as Benjamin tried to get back in through the ropes but Ogden charged and kicked him right in the face, looking like a punter for the Chiefs! Benjamin was in between the ring ropes with his head hanging in the ring and Ogden went to the top rope, flying off with a legdrop that drove Benjamin's face right into the mat! The crowd let out a collective "Ohhhh" as Ogden pulled Benjamin away from the ropes and hooked the leg as Patton's hand struck the mat 3 times.

Match Time: 11:57

*Back in the studio*

JJ: Booooooo! You better pucker up Max… cause you’re about to kiss that title goodbye to my buddy Jason Oliver!

Kash: Real original there JJ! Anyways, up next is the Most Valuable Superstar award, which goes to the top superstar of the month of March (in my eyes). This goes to none other than the Animal himself, Batista!

*Video package of Batista dominating PrimeTime is shown, including him “Batista Bombing” Lashley and pinning him to become the number one contender for Wrestlemania 7.*

Dustin Kash: Batista has literally toyed with the PrimeTime superstars lately, and he may just be the new champion, considering he has all the momentum going into Wrestlemania. Before we conclude this edition of Kashing In, we are going to have our exclusive “From The Vault” segment. It didn’t happen too long ago, but we are going to show you all JJ “The Ram” Ramplin’s debut on Rampage.

*Video is shown of Money Mike vs. John Cena on Rampage in Vancouver, Canada (JJ Ramplin’s debut)*

Money Mike w/ Stephanie McMahon vs. John Cena

Back and forth this match went with each man looking for the knockout blow. After Cena hit a flying shoulder tackle followed by the 5 knuckle shuffle, Stephanie got involved, jumping on his shoulders. But he backed her straight into the corner and she crumpled to the mat. Snitsky came running to the ring and even though he was most likely after Money Mike, Cena nailed him with a running knee before he could even get in. But with referee Jose Mendez trying to help Steph up and out of the ring, Cena turned into a spear from an unknown man who Jim Ross identified as J.J. Ramplin, a brand new Rampage superstar. Ramplin rolled out of the ring as Money Mike got to his feet and put Cena down with the "Money Pit" and that got him the win.

Match Time: 11:18

*Back in the studio*

Kash: You certainly made quite an impact on your first appearance. I see a bright future in store for you.

JJ: Thanks, and same here. I know you’re trying to make it big in the wrestling business, and after watching you become the number one contender for the Asylum World Championship at When Worlds Collide, I see a bright future for you too.

Kash: Thanks man, it means a lot. Well it was a pleasure to have you here on the show, and I hope to be working with you sometime soon.

JJ: Peace!

Kash: Well goodnight everyone, we’ll see you after Wrestlemania for a recap edition of Kashing In… Kash out!!!!!