April 22, 2006
Travis Wakeman: First topic of discussion is one I know you all want to talk about and that's why we will,the TWF Draft
Gabe: When will that take place?
Travis Wakeman: That is one of the things I want to ask you guys about. I don't like what the WWE did last year, I want it all on one show
Alex Maider: ya thyat buged me, espley with the champions switching shows
Gabe: I agree. I liked the NFL style draft done the first time WWE did it and I think that's what we should do
Alex Maider: champs should be exempt
Travis Wakeman: How bout we all introduce ourselves before we go any further
Gabe: I'm Gabe aka Matt Cruz
Mitch: I'm Mitch aka JJ Ramplin
Joe Corey I'm Joe aka "The Show" Joe Corey, and I also run SMW
Dustin Stern: im Dustin aka Dustin Kash
Sean: hi, i work with mike at mclanes
Alex Maider: Alex maider aka Jason OLiver
Joe Diano: joe aka jordan rockwell
Andy: Andy aka Axl
David: david ... i play Eddie 'THE SAINT" James
Jill: I'm Jill aka Monica St.Claire
Mike Norton: Im the King of Kings Money Mike
Travis Wakeman: and I'm Travis aka The Starman
Travis Wakeman: now, onto the draft. Gabe brought up when we should do it. I honestly think doing it at a ppv is a good idea
Joe Corey: I think we should do it on a Main Event
Travis Wakeman: Like Evil Intentions
Travis Wakeman: or there is that option
Travis Wakeman: of Main Event
Gabe: I was thinking after Evil Intentions
Joe Diano: is it just pt or will rampage be there also?
Alex Maider: i dont know, main event last year was to short for it
Travis Wakeman: we would have the PT guys at a Rampage PPV
Mike Norton: its everybody joe
Joe Diano: if it's the ppv i mean
Travis Wakeman: so the options would be endless
David: main event would be cool
Travis Wakeman: that's what I think too Alex
Alex Maider: ya if we do that, we should have some rampage vs pt matchs to
Mike Norton: smw, asylum, sh, rampage, primetime, right tre
Joe Diano: yeah i like main event cause everyone will be there
Gabe: Main Event is good because it's neutral ground
Travis Wakeman: not the developmentals
Travis Wakeman: but SH will be in it
Joe Corey: i agree with gabe, the main event is neutral, i think that is best
Travis Wakeman: ok, who likes the idea of doing it at a PPV?
Alex Maider: i like the idea
Dustin Stern: not as much as main event
Gabe: I think Main Event is best
Travis Wakeman: Main Event or PPV?
Mike Norton: i say ppv
Dustin Stern: main event
Joe Diano: main event for me to
Joe Corey: Main Event
Mike Norton: cuz then shit will certainly hit the fan
Mitch: main event
David: main event
Dustin Stern: cause it would have to be an interpromo ppv which isnt till august
Travis Wakeman: ok, that's close to unanimous
Joe Corey: here is my main reason against the ppv
Travis Wakeman: my main question is the format
Alex Maider: not like wwes
Alex Maider: that buged the hell outa me
Travis Wakeman: should this be totally random or should I just select the guys myself?
Joe Corey: if we do it at Evil Intentions, Rampage will be without its own Pay-Per-View until July
Travis Wakeman: Or a little of both?
Gabe: I think I NFL style is best
Mike Norton: i say really draw the names out of a hat
Dustin Stern: both
Joe Corey random
Alex Maider: random
Alex Maider: but champs not included
Joe Corey: champs have to be included
Andy: random
Mitch: random
David: hat would be cool
Alex Maider: ya
Travis Wakeman: if it's random, it means everyone is included
Dustin Stern: but what if someone heavily in a storyline gets shipped to like SH
Gabe: I agree that Champions should stay exclusive to the shows they are on
Mike Norton: those are the breaks
Joe Diano: well it could be both, cause maybe you can find new angles for people
Alex Maider: there isnt anything wrong with going to sh
Joe Corey i say random, because we can always do trades after the draft
Travis Wakeman: exactly
Dustin Stern: no thats not what i mean, i mean even if they go to rampage, the angle will be screwed
Travis Wakeman: ok, random it is
Dustin Stern: but yeah
Alex Maider: ya i was thinking that but what if say travis gets shiped to primetime dose he leave the title on rampage or dose he take it with him
Travis Wakeman: So, we will have a random draft on the next TWF Main Event
Joe Diano: good question
Sean: what is the draft consist of if i may ask
Travis Wakeman: titles go where the champion goes
Joe Corey: travis would keep there title
Joe Corey: just like when cena went to raw
Joe Diano: question!
Travis Wakeman: Sean, have you seen the WWE draft?
Joe Diano: what if a tagteam champ is picked
Sean: the very first onebut not the secgond one
Joe Diano: should the team go?
David: no
Travis Wakeman: Corey, send another invite to Hardyz Swanton
Gabe: I hated that there were two World Champions on Raw, I like the random idea, I just didn't want that to happen
Gabe: in the TWF
Travis Wakeman: ok, it's basically the same thing, I just add my own twist
Sean: ok
Sean: i say random
Alex Maider: ya
Travis Wakeman: ok
Hardyz Swanton has entered the room.
Travis Wakeman: Hardyz Swanton, intro yourself
Rex Redford: Rex Redford
David: redfor has finaly joind us...lol
Mike Norton: Redford whats up
Rex Redford: nm
Travis Wakeman: ok, anyone else have something to say about the draft?
Alex Maider: damn it travis i cant be here for much longer
Travis Wakeman: it's cool man
Joe Diano: how do you do the draft nfl style?
Alex Maider: thx
Travis Wakeman: we're making a transcript
Mike Norton: putting them in hats and drawing random right travis
Joe Corey: think the best question was what happens if one half of the tag team champions is sent to another brand?
Rex Redford: can everyone say who they are again for me
Gabe: like they did it the first time WWE had a draft
Alex Maider: Alex Maider aka Jason OLiver
Joe Diano: yeah thats what i asked
Andy: so its more of a lottery?
Joe Corey yea
Mike Norton: Norton aka The King of Kings
Travis Wakeman: Should I really reintroduce myself?
Rex Redford: no not u
Joe Diano: joe aka jordan rockwell
Travis Wakeman: I don't know if I can handle another one of those
Gabe: Gabe aka Another Starman
Mitch: Mitch aka JJ Ramplin
Andy: Axl
Joe Diano: lol
Mike Norton: *Cough* Fuck Off *cough*
Travis Wakeman: wow
David: the saint
Jill: Jill aka Monica St Claire
Joe Corey "the show" joe corey
Joe Diano: hey travis what about my question
Alex Maider: ya joe c its so hard to see who u are
Travis Wakeman: ok, now that that is over
Travis Wakeman: Ok, if one half of a tag team champion is drafted
Double1341D has entered the room.
Travis Wakeman: I say they're stripped
Mike Norton: whats up blood
Mike Norton: bout time man
Joe Corey i say they have a match, winner keeps the belts
Andy: agree
Travis Wakeman: Double1341D can you intro yourself?
Mike Norton: taking another blood bath
Joe Diano: starman is here
Alex Maider: i say the other person gets to keep his title and he gets to pick he other partneer
Rex Redford: thats seems reasonable
Travis Wakeman: who would be the "other person" though
Alex Maider: anyone the champion picks
Mike Norton: i say another freaking starman apperance and im gonna go nuts over here
Drew Blood: Hi...this is Drew Blood
Travis Wakeman: they're both champions
Travis Wakeman: What's up Dan?
Alex Maider: i ment the one that stay on the show were the tag titles are men to be
Travis Wakeman: ok
Mike Norton: i say stripped
Travis Wakeman: I still say strip them
Drew Blood: unfortunately I don't think I'll be abel to hang around...I'm gonna leave the chat on and read it later and I'll send a reaction if it is necessary.
Gabe: would we then have a tournament?
Travis Wakeman: that would be..... the breaks I guess
Mike Norton: strip them
Travis Wakeman: works for me
Drew Blood: Basically I'll support anything u guys come up with
David: how about a torny with the belt holder given a bye
Joe Diano: yeah i was gonna say that
Joe Corey i got a good idea
Travis Wakeman: ok, that works
Mike Norton: *Coughs*
Travis Wakeman: I don't want to spend too much time on something that most likely isn't going to happen anyway
Rex Redford: what is it corey?
Joe Corey remember when hbk was suspended during his reign with austin, and they had the tournament where the winners faced austin and a partner of his choosing?
Alex Maider: ya i wouldnt mind that
Joe Corey what if we did that
Dustin Stern: back, sorry someone knocked on the door.. fucking kids selling chocolate bars
Rex Redford: lol
Travis Wakeman: did you buy some?
Dustin Stern: lol yeah
Dustin Stern: caramilk
Joe Diano: kids or candy?
Travis Wakeman: christ
Travis Wakeman: omg
Gabe: that's a good idea, but I'm with Travis on this, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it
Travis Wakeman: That was awesome Joe
Gabe: freaks
Joe Diano: than you
Joe Diano: thank
Dustin Stern: lol
Alex Maider: weirdo jayd
Travis Wakeman: Ok
Mike Norton: christ dianos its not poison ivy man, its just candy
Travis Wakeman: next topic
David: so how many people will be drafted?
Travis Wakeman: 4 from each show
David: right on
Gabe: really, not a top 10?
Travis Wakeman: anyone else have anything to say about the draft?
Dustin Stern: id laugh if JBL got drafted to Rampage again..
Dustin Stern: but move on
Travis Wakeman: what do you mean by top 10 Gabe?
Gabe: like 10 instead of 4
Joe Corey the highest i would go is 5
Alex Maider: id laugh and if money mike got drafted to primetime after calling it the minior leagues
Andy: to many
Alex Maider: i think it should be 4
Dustin Stern: 4's good.. otherwise its like changing the roster
Travis Wakeman: I think 4 from Rampage, 4 from PT and 4 from SlaughterHouse is good
Mitch: 4
Joe Corey yea
Mike Norton: oh christ then id be stuck with the fags of the twf
Mike Norton: i mean
Andy: woah
Mike Norton: i agree with 4
Travis Wakeman: ok
Travis Wakeman: next topic?
Alex Maider: yes plez
Joe Diano: yes
Travis Wakeman: The next international tour
Mike Norton: finally
Mike Norton: i was waiting for this one
Joe Corey YES!!!
Travis Wakeman: where do we want to go, what do we want to do?
Dustin Stern: canada!!
Dustin Stern: canada!!
Alex Maider: canada
Mike Norton: i say japan
Travis Wakeman: and not Diano's house
Joe Corey i already go to canada
Mike Norton: lol
David: japan
Mitch: England
Joe Diano: whats abotu greece?
Gabe: I want to go to Dianos hous
e Alex Maider: germany
Joe Diano: about
Rex Redford: Yugoslavia
Travis Wakeman: we've been to Japan
Joe Corey i say we do it in mexico, as an eddie guerrero memorial show
Gabe: if not Japan
Andy: Rome a gladiator thing
Dustin Stern: Europe
Travis Wakeman: we did Mexico too
Mike Norton: i cant go to mexico
Alex Maider: what about kid gundam, i sorta want to honer him to
Mike Norton: i owe debt there
Jill: Australia
Rex Redford: Yugoslavia
Joe Diano: ireland?
Travis Wakeman: I can't go to Mexico either
Mike Norton: Russia
Travis Wakeman: plenty of reasons
Mike Norton: lol
David: mexico....lol
Joe Diano: wakeman has kids in mexico
Gabe: they might keep me Mexico, sorry
Travis Wakeman: lol
Joe Diano: he owes money
Rex Redford: Yugoslavia lol
Dustin Stern: mother Russia
Travis Wakeman: I like Ireland
Travis Wakeman: that's the best one I've heard I think
Alex Maider: i still say japan or canada
Rex Redford: i like yugoslavia
Travis Wakeman: It'd be different
Mike Norton: ireland without finlay
Gabe: how about Italy?
Mitch: do the uk?
Mike Norton: he scares me
Travis Wakeman: yeah the UK is good too
Joe Corey i was thinking UK or Italy
Travis Wakeman: I like that idea
Sean: Whats wrong with mexico
Sean: i say mexico
Travis Wakeman: We did Mexico homey
Dustin Stern: UK i like cause its bland and u can go all over the UK
Joe Corey i don't think many of us will get back across the border
Joe Diano: wakeman has kids there he owes money for child support
Mike Norton: and i have debt with the locals there man
Travis Wakeman: How about we do a TWF poll?
Joe Diano: and one of then looks like starman oddly
Alex Maider: pluse matt cruz would be kept there
Dustin Stern: thats a good idea
Joe Corey lol
Sean: oh lord, you talk like this at work too
Dustin Stern: poll is a good idea
Gabe: chinga tu madre, Oliver
Joe Corey yea, i like the poll
Rex Redford: can yugoslavia be in the poll? lol
Mike Norton: lol
Gabe: j/k
Alex Maider: sorry dont speak any stupied languages
Travis Wakeman: yeah, it'll be in the poll Andy
Mitch: poll's good
Alex Maider: ya
David: poll... yes
Travis Wakeman: ok, so we'll do a poll on TWF.com
Travis Wakeman: did you get that Sean?
Mike Norton: i like the poll
Alex Maider: ya i like that
Travis Wakeman: TWF.com
Sean: yes i did
Travis Wakeman: now, do the developmental guys want to get involved?
Alex Maider: i say we should let them
Joe Corey i agree
Sean: and i hope oliver guy did too
Dustin Stern: u always see the ovw guys on
international wwe tours
Sean: nice one gjm4me
Dustin Stern: so yeha
Travis Wakeman: you do?
Gabe: thanks
Alex Maider: i gtg later guys
Alex Maider: fucking track
madmaider has left the room.
Joe Diano: cya
Mike Norton: later oliver
Dustin Stern: yeah.. like the miz n cage were on.. and u often see them being jobbers
Travis Wakeman: I still think he is one
Dustin Stern: lol
Gabe: I think we could use devolpmental guys to curtain jerk and what not
Mike Norton: wow
David: wow
Sean: ill be on this tour
Dustin Stern: i remember some no-names at a house show in hicksville ontario (aurora)
Travis Wakeman: when is a good time to have this?
Travis Wakeman: I was thinking June or July
Gabe: in the summer, maybe?
Mitch: august
David: june
Dustin Stern: june
Joe Corey june or july is good
Travis Wakeman: august is Meltdown month
Joe Corey before meltdown
Mike Norton: august
Joe Diano: what about the asylum event is ist not in june or july?
Andy: july
Travis Wakeman: july
Mike Norton: july
Joe Corey we could even use it to get some interpromotional stuff going into meltdown
Travis Wakeman: ok, so we'll go with Jue
Joe Diano: echo
Travis Wakeman: *June
Travis Wakeman: so Mike and Corey, work with your guys on how you want to use them at this event
Joe Corey ok
Mike Norton: will do boss
Joe Diano: i got a question on this
Travis Wakeman: anyone want to say anything else about this topic?
Joe Diano: me
Travis Wakeman: oh who would've guessed?
Mike Norton: Hogan, hogan, hogan
Travis Wakeman: go for it Joe
David: ** vomits**
Joe Diano: is it possible to take the asylum event with this one and do a combine one
Joe Diano: might save time
David: true
Travis Wakeman: I think it would be best to do them seperate
Mike Norton: and let travis write out the results for this one
Travis Wakeman: I can do it
Travis Wakeman: it's no problem
Joe Diano: or mike and travi can combine results
Mike Norton: we could do that too bitch
Dustin Stern: btw everyone i am with my cousin jon as of now so if u have to say anything about asylum, he'll be around playing godfather the game
Travis Wakeman: Hold on folks, we have another promotional advertisement
Mike Norton: tell him to quite jobbing
Joe Diano: lol
Mitch: lol
David: lol
Andy: ha
Gabe: What is it?
Dustin Stern: dont make him make you tap mike!
Travis Wakeman: it looks like it's the TWF Re-wind showing High Octane tapping out at WM7
Joe Diano: this comin from the guy thata french canadian
Joe Diano: lost to a
Gabe: lol
Mike Norton: oh boy, look out now, does he want to go around me or on top of me
Gabe: The Reach Around, right?
Travis Wakeman: The Boa Reach around
Dustin Stern: wrap.. lol
Travis Wakeman: lol
Mike Norton: lol
Dustin Stern: and i quote "shutup!!"
David: omg
Travis Wakeman: awesome
Travis Wakeman: anyway
Gabe: dumb
Mike Norton: will do bitch
Dustin Stern: lol
Travis Wakeman: next topic?
Mike Norton: next topic
Rex Redford: yes
Gabe: next topic
Mitch: yes
Dustin Stern: sounds good
Travis Wakeman: I want to talk about TWF merchandise
Mike Norton: oh shit
Joe Corey we need some new stuff man
Travis Wakeman: The main reason why, is I want people to get serious about it
Mike Norton: i swear i ddint keep the money travis
Travis Wakeman: we'll put some new stuff if you'll buy it
Rex Redford: brb makin something to eat like mini corn dogs
Dustin Stern: i think a magazine will do amazing
Mike Norton: i shared it with ramplin to pay for the limo at wrestlemania
Joe Corey i can't wait for the magazine
Joe Diano: was ramplin drivin the limo?
Joe Corey its stuff like that that we need to do, different stuff
Mike Norton: um, no carney was
Travis Wakeman: Mainly, I don't want to have merchandise that isn't being bought
Travis Wakeman: How many shirts have you bought Corey?
Mike Norton: im about 90% complete on the magazine
Mike Norton: just trying to find the right deal for the cover
Mitch: mike i'll send my pic soon
Mike Norton: k
Joe Corey i haven't gotten one yet cuz of my car accident, but i plan on ordering one of my shirts when i get my next check
Mike Norton: im also doing trading cards too
Joe Corey i'm finally out of financial debt!!!
Dustin Stern: oo i guess now that im on PT (even though u said asylum guys should send too).. ill send my pic
Mike Norton: ive got 2 shirts
Travis Wakeman: Mike can come up with plenty of ideas
Travis Wakeman: trust me on that
Travis Wakeman: but I want you guys to purchase the shit
Travis Wakeman: that's why it's there
Joe Corey if it would be easier, i would be willing to take on merchandising with mike
Joe Corey two minds are better than one
Mitch: mike did you say u got my designs
Travis Wakeman: I don't think that he's having any problems with it
Joe Corey i didn't mean he did
Mike Norton: yes i did
Mitch: kk
Mike Norton: ummmmmm
Joe Diano: whens the new starman shirt coming out?
Jill: I'll buy a shirt when they make a "Saint" one
Travis Wakeman: I think Mike will do fine
Mike Norton: fucking christ
Joe Diano: lol
David: i love me
Travis Wakeman: let's make a Saint one then
Joe Corey ok, i just figured i would see if he wanted to have a partner in it
Mike Norton: working on that right now too
Mike Norton: a partner would be ok
Joe Corey maybe we should get rid of some of the old stuff and make newer stuff
Mike Norton: but you really wanna work with me big boy
Joe Corey if you can be normal, i would love to
Mike Norton: what tthe hell is normal?
Gabe: that's asking a lot
Dustin Stern: when the day comes and a kash shirt is released.. id buy it in a heartbeat
David: lol
Mike Norton: if kash wins this asylum title, im gonna fucking die over
Joe Corey i think the old wakeman shirts and the "mr. showtime" stuff is too old to be bought now
Mike Norton: i agree
David: **nods**
Mike Norton: i working on a new franchise shirt too for mr wrestlemania
Dustin Stern: u know its happening mike.. the new age in asylum!!
Travis Wakeman: ok, so we make new stuff
David: lol
Travis Wakeman: Will everyone here buy at least one shirt?
Mike Norton: writing it down and will start today
Rex Redford: Right on Demon
Mitch: yeah i will dude
Dustin Stern: i will buy a kash shirt forsure
Joe Corey deal
Travis Wakeman: ok
Mike Norton: ill buy a wakeman shirt
Joe Diano: whats next?
Travis Wakeman: Next topic? Or does anyone want to add something about merchandise?
Gabe: next topic
Joe Diano: next
Rex Redford: next
Dustin Stern: next
Mitch: next
Dustin Stern: lol
Mike Norton: hogan, hogan, hogan
Travis Wakeman: Ok, the next topic is basically about the game we use for simulating
Travis Wakeman: Raw vs. SD 2006
Travis Wakeman: Basically, it's about the point system
David: ok
Mike Norton: it wasnt my fault
Travis Wakeman: Soon, guys are gonna be at 99 points on the game
Joe Diano: yes it was
Travis Wakeman: so, should we lock the points at a certain time?
Mike Norton: but they should keep doing the same things to maintain their status
Travis Wakeman: and if so, how should members be rewarded for their interaction?
Joe Diano: i think so till everyone catches up
David: yes and yes
Gabe: Interaction is very important
Mike Norton: i say continue doing things, otherwise they lose their spots
Joe Corey yea
Rex Redford: yeah
Travis Wakeman: Here is my plan
David: how many inactive players are there
Sean: what is the point system
Travis Wakeman: At the end of say August, no more points are handed out
Travis Wakeman: plenty Dave
Mike Norton: your such a fag latino
Dustin Stern: but if no more points are handed out, how does a new guy like me get my points really high
Travis Wakeman: and you'll have to keep interacting to stay on shows
Sean: no im not you idiot Travis Wakeman: Basically to avoid being the next Chaos Wolf
Joe Corey oh god
David: lol
Mike Norton: lol
Gabe: lol
Joe Diano: ouch
Travis Wakeman: Good question Dustin
Mike Norton: on your knees bitch
Joe Diano: why not just put a freeze on points for those close to the limit
Mike Norton: and start slurping
David: thats right bitch
Travis Wakeman: I say when a guy is promoted, he will have a full calendar year to get points through interaction
Dustin Stern: sounds good
Joe Corey that works
Travis Wakeman: work?
Travis Wakeman: cool
Dustin Stern: yeah
David: kool
Mitch: cool
Rex Redford: cool
Gabe: all righty
Travis Wakeman: That's what we will do then
Mike Norton: so your going on your knees then
Dustin Stern: but maybe have like a maximum
Travis Wakeman: max is 99
Mike Norton: maxium of slurps?
Dustin Stern: right ok
David: wow mike
Sean: hes like this at work too
Joe Diano: mike is fanatsizing about a guy on his knees
Travis Wakeman: Ok, my last question, before we go into our open forum, is this
Dustin Stern: yup
Travis Wakeman: What can the TWF do, that it is not doing, to be better?
Joe Corey i think that top sites thing is a major addition for us
Mike Norton: I say NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Diano: i say it's fine
Travis Wakeman: I know, and I want to be #1 on it
Dustin Stern: as do we all
Gabe: I think that the fact that we got into that search engine means we should just keep doing what we are doing
Joe Corey yea Travis Wakeman: hey Latin Playboy, what do you think of the TWF so far?
Joe Diano: then again! i think there is one not problem but issue that was mentioned before
David: i say a few more stables but other then that notheing
Travis Wakeman: yes Joe
Sean: ive just started, but mike talks about it alot at work, so thats why i joined
Travis Wakeman: cool
Joe Diano: in active members
Sean: so i think from this meeting alone its gonna be cool
Joe Diano: and or those with nothing going on at all
Travis Wakeman: honestly, we don't have very many
Dustin Stern: the only thing i would possibly think of is maybe a little bit more pics.. to make it more life-like.. but its not necessary.. just cool
David: get rid of the inactive members
Mike Norton: you got that right bitch
Travis Wakeman: name one
Joe Corey i agree with dustin
Travis Wakeman: name an inactive member
Travis Wakeman: I can do more pics
Gabe: I think we should have more Starman
Joe Corey i also think we should start using the video that mike used to use
Joe Corey austin
Joe Corey taylor
Joe Diano: yeah i was about to say him
Travis Wakeman: Taylor is active
Joe Diano: starman
Travis Wakeman: I talk to him every other day or so
David: nemisis
Travis Wakeman: Austin I'll give you
Joe Corey oh, i never see him that much
Mike Norton: i agree get rid of this fucking starman
Travis Wakeman: Nemesis is inactive
Joe Corey no way, starman is hear to stay
Joe Corey *here
David: lol
Joe Diano: no i mean more for me... i mean starman
Andy: Starman=ratings
Mike Norton: ok how much will it cost to knock this bitch off
Mike Norton: i got deep pockets
Gabe: Starman, Starman, Starman
Dustin Stern: if u dont tell him that you hear it from me.. chris trooper is extremely inactive but for some reason even though i keep on telling him, he wont quit
Travis Wakeman: ok
Dustin Stern: and i think we should make room for some of the other active members in asylum
Travis Wakeman: I am working on that
David: yes
Joe Diano: i think if they are gonna not be active give up there guy and leave for space sakes
Joe Corey yea, smw has some guys ready to come up too
Mike Norton: ramplin
Mitch: yeah mike
David: i need monica with me....
Mike Norton: its time to make some calls
Mike Norton: i want starmans head
Travis Wakeman: I have a question
Joe Diano: now mike wants a guys head
Dustin Stern: yeah
Travis Wakeman: an honest poll here
Joe Corey ok
Mitch: kk im on it
Mike Norton: good
Travis Wakeman: Who thinks Starman is in this room right now?
Joe Corey me
Joe Diano: me
Dustin Stern: i confess!!
David: me
Mike Norton: Raises his hand
Rex Redford: me
Dustin Stern: lol
Gabe: It was me
Mitch: probably
Andy: not me
Gabe: not really, but maybe
Travis Wakeman: ok, I just want to see how close
anyone is on this thing
Travis Wakeman: and let me say that no one is
Mike Norton: well you found out when i thought you were starman cruz
Dustin Stern: lol i remember that
Gabe: it was fun, I enjoyed that
Travis Wakeman: I remember seeing it in Kashing In
Dustin Stern: another one is in the works (sorry for that long break before)
Mike Norton: anybody else i find out is starman, the horsemen will find you
Travis Wakeman: What was the best part of WM7?
Joe Corey well, i was starman
Mike Norton: and you got your ass whooped for it too
Joe Diano: the hall of fame
Joe Diano: and my match with taker
Mike Norton: corey jobbing
Joe Corey Corey vs. Money Mike, and I'm being completely honest here, the buildup was perfect
David: rockwell vs taker
Dustin Stern: WM7.. mm.. yeah corey, mike
Mitch: mike v corey
Dustin Stern: buildup was sick and match was even sicker (if sicker is a word lol)
Gabe: the whole thing was awesome
Rex Redford: rockwell vs taker also
Mike Norton: the buildup was the best thing travis has ever done since ive been in the company
Travis Wakeman: How bout Jake DDT'ing the Burger King?
Joe Diano: lol
Travis Wakeman: come on
Mitch: lol
Joe Corey that was kinda cool
Dustin Stern: lol that was pretty great
David: lol
Rex Redford: lol awesome
Gabe: anyhthing with the Burger King is awesome
Mike Norton: the burgerking guy just might get an invite to join the horsemen
Dustin Stern: lol
Joe Diano: burger king is starman
Travis Wakeman: if you can't tell, we are in open forum now
The open forum was left out of the transcript because it didn't pertain to the meeting but I do want to say that this was the best turnout I have had at a TWF meeting and I look forward to doing more in the future.