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TWF Countdown

MeltDown 2007

September 11, 2007

Buff Bagwell: Ladies and gentlemen... After a long, LONG, time away... We're finally back. Yeah, you got it... It's the TWF Countdown! I'm Buff Bagwell, your host, along with some guys who know wrestling like the back of their hand. We've got myself, Peter Cash, and of course... "The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel! So without further ado, let's get this thing started with Rampage's matches!

Matt "Madik" Cruz vs Jason Oliver

Peter Cash: Oliver had seemed to be getting in over his head challenging either of the two, Nemesis and Matt Cruz that is, but this could be exactly what he needs to get back on track. Cruz on the other hand hopes to add another notch to his already impressive resume with a win over the former 2 time King of Cable. I'm going to go with Oliver here.

Buff Bagwell: And I'm gonna have to agree. Matt Cruz is one hell of a wrestler, amateur and professionally speaking. But Oliver has got something up his sleeve. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling even if he loses the match, he'll be standing tall at the end of the night... For once.

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: Oh baby will this one be good! Jason Oliver, a guy who has turned into somewhat of a submission artist as of late. Even using the Torture Rack! But, Matt Cruz is no newcomer to the mat either. With a little of my expertise I'll say this... Jason Oliver's gotta use power, which he does possess, if he wants to win this match. And that, that's why I'm picking him. Three for three, big J!

Money Mike w/ Stephanie McMahon vs Taz

Buff Bagwell: Bad blood? That's one way to put it. We've seen this reign of terror both men have been on since they each got to the TWF. Now, for the first time since the GSE days... Taz and Money Mike will square off. You can say the numbers game will play a role, but I'm not too sure. Back in GSE, Taz single handedly destroyed some of the top factions... No reason he can't destroy Mike. But, either way I'm picking Money Mike to somehow pull off the win as he always does.

Peter Cash: As you said... These two former GSE running mates have a hatred for one another like no other. It is also well documented. It was no doubt odd when they teamed up with one another at Anarchy Rulz, and they came out on the losing end which led to this match. Mike has led a vicious personal attack on Taz, which I believe has gotten in his head enough to allow for "The King" to pick up the victory.

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: Money Mike is the best thing to happen to Rampage in lord knows how long. Actually, he reminds me a lot of myself. Money Mike and Buddy Landel... We'll work something out. Anyways, Taz has no chance. He's been lucky with his thug-like attacks, and he'll pay the price!

TWF King of Cable Title Match: JJ "The Ram" Ramplin vs Ken Kennedy(c)

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: The X-factor in this match, boys... Where JJ's head is. If he's more worried about getting revenge on HBK and Jordan Rockwell, Ken Kennedy will walk out still the King of Cable. But, I think he'll be fine and win because, well... He's one of the most powerful men in that ring that the TWF has.

Peter Cash: The feud between these two had no doubt reached a boiling point, and Ramplin is hungry to get his title belt back. Kennedy won the title back at Anarchy Rulz, and has took it to his challenger ever since. But we must not forget the ECW contingent. Will the champion retain... I say no, and J.J Ramplin will walk out a 2 time K.O.C Champion.

Buff Bagwell: Hey, Ken Kennedy has something about him. He's got the look, and more importantly, he's got the skills. Somehow, someway, Kennedy retains. Misterrrrr Kennedyyyy.... God, I wish I could say my name like that. BUFFFFF BAGWELLLLLL! How does that sound? No? Okay.

TWF Title Match: The Rock vs Chris Masters(c)

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: The Rock. No reason needed, just The Rock.

Peter Cash: The TWF world champion has been attempting to avoid The Great One for months, but he has shown that he is not a paper champion as he has held the belt for quite a while. But The Rock is in tip top shape, and excluding interference from Mark Henry or any other outside circumstance...The Rock will lay the smackdown and take the TWF Championship.

Buff Bagwell: I don't know what you guys are watching, but... Chris Masters has been virtually unbeatable his entire career in the TWF! No matter what, this guy always seems to win... And I don't see it being any different at Meltdown. But now, let's move onto Primetime!

TWF Intercontinental Title Match: Kevin Thorn w/ Ariel vs CM Punk(c)

Buff Bagwell: Let me be the first to say... CM Punk is royally screwed. Kevin Thorn has gotten into the head of the Straight Edge Superstar, and I don't think there's any chance in Punk winning. Especially when Thorn is as good as he is without mind games!

Peter Cash: It was a picture perfect night for Punk back at Payback a few months ago, but all of a sudden that perfection could become very dark thanks to his challenger who is out for blood... pun intended. But CM Punk had been on a HUGE roll as of late, and Kevin Thorn is a definate threat to his championship reign. When all is said and done though, I think Punk will make his challenger GO TO SLEEP!

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: This is gonna be a great matchup. Seeing as I myself am a legend, it's great to see the new guys who are coming in here to try and make a name for themselves. While Kevin Thorn may have more experience than CM Punk does, these two are each young guys who have bright futures. But tonight, it's Kevin Thorn. This guy's got size, got power, and he's got more than just a will to win... He's got a mental advantage!

TWF Tag Team Title Match: Jordan Rockwell and Shawn Michaels vs The Blood Brothers(c)

Peter Cash: What a great tag team match this should be, as the champs are quite obviously one of the most dominant tag teams in TWF history. On the other side of the ring however, two of the greatest the TWF has ever seen. We have seen over the last month or so this get very physical and personal. As much as I'd like to go with HBK and Mr. Showtime, I think this will be the night where the Blood Brothers silence any doubters they may have left.

Buff Bagwell: I'll agree that this match could be great, but may disagree with who wins... Because revenge is in the air. Wait, what? Just listen. Jordan Rockwell and Shawn Michaels have been embarassing The Blood Brothers and the rest of ECW for a long time now, and I have a feeling that will change at Meltdown.

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: I don't know if they'll have the titles after Meltdown, but I have a feeling Jordan Rockwell and Shawn Michaels will win. And that reason? Simple. You don't mess with guys heads like that, and then expect to not get a severe ass kicking. I don't think it's The Blood Brothers who HBK and Rockwell should be watching out for... I think it's the rest of ECW as well. J.J. Ramplin especially.

Randy Orton vs Edge

Peter Cash: It seemed inevitable that this feud would come to a head, and it will at MeltDown. For months these two have had an on again, off again tag team/partnership, but they had some bumpy times without a doubt. Either man is capable of taking the victory here, and it should be a great match. But in the end, I don't think it matters if Edge is Rated R, because he is going to fall victim to the R...K..O!

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel:

Buff Bagwell: I'm with you guys, this one should be incredible. These are two of the top stars in the TWF today. I have a very strong feeling we might just see the match of the night in this one. My opinion, Orton just has something about him. I don't know why, I don't know how, and I don't know how long it'll take him... But I think Orton is going to squeeze out a win in this one, one way or another.

ECW World Title Match: Bobby Lashley vs "The Show" Joe Corey(c)

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: Oh daddy! This one should be a good one! Bobby Lashley is going out there to hurt Joe Corey, and Joe Corey is going out there to retain his title at any means neccessary! We all know Joe Corey is one of the greatest Kings of Cable of all time, if not the greatest, but as a World Champion, he's panning out to be pretty good as well. Lashley's strength, or Joe Corey's ECW advantage? Honestly, I don't think Corey needs ECW for this one. We've seen Corey beat the best of the best, and Lashley will be another notch on his belt!

Peter Cash: You said this about Orton versus Edge, Buff... But this is the match I can honestly say interests me the most on the entire card. It could actually be summed up as the unstoppable force hitting the immovable object. Will it be Bobby Lashley's impressive streak of victories, and destruction of any and all opponents in his path, or Joe Corey's nearly 8 month reign as ECW Champion that prevails here? A win could end all dispute of ECW's dominance, and a loss for him could send the group crumbling. But even I can't bet against Bobby Lashley with the roll he's on.

TWF Universal Championship: "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs John Cena(c)

Buff Bagwell: This is what you call a dream match. John Cena, love him or hate him, is the biggest superstar in the world today. That includes Rampage, Primetime, SlaughterHouse, and Badlandz. Ric Flair, he is the greatest of all time. Whether it ends with an F-U, the STF-U, or the Figure Four Leg Lock... Hell, it could end with a damn school boy for all I care! I've seen Ric Flair wrestle up close, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. John Cena may be better now, but being better or worse isn't what this is about... This one is going to be a classic regardless! I think Ric Flair is going to go out on top, fellas.

Peter Cash: Hey, I'm with you on it being a classic... Who would have thought that Flair would be in position to become World Champion at the age of 58?! He has shown a great deal of heart and fight throughout the past few months, and has shown that he definitely still has it. On the other hand we have John Cena who took all the former champion could throw at him and then some. Ric may be the dirtiest player in the game, but I think he's going to have to be way more than that to beat John Cena. So, I'm taking the Doctor of Thuganomics... Which I'm sure you're glad to hear, Buddy.

"The Real Nature Boy" Buddy Landel: I know you're all expecting me to come on here and rant and rave about Ric Flair getting his ass handed to him, and Ric Flair being a phony while I'm The Real Nature Boy... But nicknames aside, personal feelings aside... Ric Flair is a man I have a great deal of respect for. John Cena has everything it takes to be the biggest star in history, but there is only one Ric Flair. And I hate to say it, but there's only one Nature Boy. And The Nature Boy is the man who is going to win the Universal Championship at MeltDown... Ric Flair.