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President Joseph Peteroy makes his way down to the ring with Sammy, Felecity, and Chae at his side. President Joseph Peteroy is boo'ed, but the three sexy ladies are cheered like crazy. The three ladies hold the ropes down for President Joseph Peteroy as he climbs into the ring and grabs a microphone. President Joseph Peteroy welcomes the Anaheim crowd to the "HO TRAIN!" President Joseph Peteroy then addresses the UWO Tag Team Champions, Leather and Lace, counting down the days to UWO NO FEAR where he and his three mistresses will compete against the two amazons. President Joseph Peteroy even called both Leather and Lace "steroid freaks". After he was finished talking about Leather and Lace, President Joseph Peteroy said that he loved the Aneheim crowd in California so much, that he would have Sammy, Chae, and Felecity strip right now in the center of the ring. The three ladies happily started to undress themselves. But President Joseph Peteroy eventually told them to stop because the fat pigs in Aneheim didn't deserve to see such beauty. The UWO Fans then boo'ed President Joseph Peteroy out of the arena as he and the mistresses made their way back to the locker room area.


Flexx makes his way down to the first first. Flexx is boo'ed like crazy as he makes his way down to the ring. Flexx stops several times in the middle of the aisle to Flexx his muscles. Flexx climbs into the ring and flexes one last time as numerous garbage items are thrown at him. Leather makes her way down to the ring second. She charges down the aisle with no emotion and slides into the ring. Before the match started, "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider played as President Joseph Peteroy made his way down the aisle with his three ladies and did guest commentary at the announcing table. The bell sounded as Leather and Flexx exchanged lefts and rights. Flexx went for a left but Leather blocked and took him off his feet with a hard right. Leather then whipped Flexx to the ropes and took him off his feet with a clothesline followed up with an elbow to the chest. Flexx retreated to the outside. Leather followed in hot pursuit but as she came around the corner, Flexx clotheslined her off her feet. Flexx then threw Leather into the steel steps and dropped her on the ring barrier several times. Back in the ring, Flexx had control of the match. Flexx lifted Leather up over his head and slammed her down hard into the camvus. Flexx then threw Leather into the corner and to the pleasure of Peteroy, repeatedly hammered away on her face. The ref tried to break it up, distracting Leather. Leather then grabbed Flexx from behind and threw him into the corner. Leather then began to repeatedly hammer away on his face. Just as that happened, President Joseph Peteroy hopped out of his seat and ordered the time keeper to call for the bell. President Joseph Peteroy then got on the microphone. "I hearby disqualify Leather for using illegal bare fists!" President Joseph Peteroy and his three ladies then retreated to the backstage area. A frustrated Leather kicked Flexx in his gut and drilled him head first into the camvus with a DDT.



Anonymity makes his way down to the ring first. The fans are shocked to see him because he has been gone for so long. He receives a mixed reaction as he makes his way down to the ring. Kevin Courageous is the next one to make his way down to the ring. He receives a chorus of boo's as he climbs into the ring. Kevin Courageous swung at Courageous but Anonmity blocked and took him off his feet with a hard right hand. Anonymity then threw Courageous into the corner and repeatedly nailed him in his face with hard right hands. Anonymity then whips Courageous to the ropes and takes him off his feet with a right clothesline. Anonymity climbs ontop of Courageous and begins to repeatedly hammer away on his face. Anonymity then picks Courageous to his feet by his scalp and throws him over the top rope, sending him to the outside of the ring. Anonymity climbs to the outside and goes to whip Courageous into the steel steps but Courageous reverses and Anonmity is sent into the steel steps. Courageous then grabs Anonymity and throws him face first into the ring post, knocking him off of his feet. Courageous then picks Anonmity up over his shoulder and drops him face first onto the ring barrier. Courageous grabs Anonymity and sends him bouncing off the concrete with a snap suplex. Courageous picks Anonymity to his feet and goes for a pile driver but Anonmity reverses it into a back body drop. Anonymity then picks Courageous to his feet by his scalp and smashes his face into the announcer's table a total of four times. Back in the ring, Anonymity throws Courageous into the corner and repeatedly stomps away at his mid section. Anonymity the backs up and hits Courageous with the Avalanche. Anonymity then lifts up Courageous and nails him with the Angel Hell for the 1-2-3.



Backstage, Izzy is in her locker room. She is watching what is going on while watching the TV monitor. She has a cup of coffee in one hand and the UWO Flyweight Title in the other hand. All of the sudden, there is a knock on the door. Izzy answers the door to reveal Jason Dearborn with a boquet of roses in his hand.

IZZY: Oh my god!
JD: They're for you.
Izzy takes the flowers and smells them.
IZZY: You shouldn't have.

JD: Well I just wanted to give you these flowers just in case Gemini cripples me tonight. Just promise me one thing, you'll help me if things get out of control.

Jason Dearborn turns around, waves Izzy goodbye, and leaves while Izzy takes another long smell of the flowers and smiles.


A table is seated in the center of the ring. Commissioner Tony Cruz makes his way down to the ring, receiving a good pop from the fans. Commissioner Tony Cruz climbs into the ring and grabs a microphone. Commissioner Tony Cruz then hypes up the main event for the PPV, saying that the battle between OG Dawg and Super Gemini will be an incredible match. Commissioner Tony Cruz then introduces the OG Dawg. OG Dawg's music blares as he makes his way down the aisle, receiving a thunderous ovation. OG Dawg gets on the microphone and says that tonight, he is on his turf, the West Side, and he is going to sign a contract with Gemini, which will enable him to break his foot up Gemini's foreign ass at NO FEAR. OG Dawg then tells Super Gemini to get his ass down to the ring. Super Gemini's music plays as he makes his way down to the aisle with Jimmy Fry at his side and the UWO Title around his waist. Super Gemini gets on the microphone and speaks several minutes of fluent Japanese. Jimmy Fry translates for Super Gemini. Fry tells OG Dawg that Gemini only wants to do two things at NO FEAR. Retaining his UWO Title and crippling OG Dawg. Commissioner Tony Cruz takes out the contract and places it on the table. OG Dawg quickly signs it as fast as he cans, not being able to wait to get his hands on Gemini. When OG Dawg turns around, Super Gemini cracks the UWO Title over his head! Commissioner Tony Cruz tries to hold back Gemini but Jimmy Fry holds back Tony Cruz. A busted open OG Dawg climbs to his feet only to receive a standing sidekick to the face from Gemini. Super Gemini then signs the contract and throws it down onto the bloddy body of OG Dawg. Super Gemini and Jimmy Fry make their way back to the locker room area to a chorus of boo's as Commissioner Tony Cruz helps OG Dawg to his feet.


The Maniac maks his way down to the ring with Julliet first. Both the Maniac and Julliet receive a mixed reaction from the Aneheim crowd. Lace makes her way down to the ring second, receiving a decent pop from the fans. The match started off with Lace and the Maniac locking up. Lace put the Maniac in a side head lock. The Maniac went to whip Lace to the ropes but Lace held on and the Maniac ended up bull dogging himself face first into the camvus. Lace then picked the Maniac to his feet and tossed him into the corner. Lace stomped away at the mid section of the Maniac. Lace whipped the Maniac to the ropes and hit him with a back body drop but Maniac landed on his feet. When Lace turned around, she received a standing sidekick to the face from the Maniac. The Maniac then bounced off the ropes and nailed Lace with an assai moon sault, but only got a 2 count. When Lace climbed to her feet, the Maniac took her off her feet with a drop kick to the face. The Maniac came off the top turm buckle, looking for a flying leg drop, but Lace rolled out of the way. When the Maniac climbed to his feet, Lace hopped up onto his shoulders and nailed him with a hurracanranna for a 2 count. Lace charged at the Maniac but the Maniac flipped Lace over her back, sending her over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. The Maniac then bounced off of the ropes and nailed Lace on the outside of the ring with a suicide dive. The Maniac threw Lace back into the ring and then climbed to the top turm buckle. The Maniac went for a flying body press but Lace caught him and nailed him with a power slam. The Maniac climbed to his feet but Lace kicked him in his gut and nailed him with an inverted DDT to the 123.



The Slayer made his way down to the ring with Jessica at his side and the UWO National Title around his waist. The Slayer held down the ropes for Jessica as she climbed into the ring. The Slayer then climbed into the ring and grabbed a microphone. The Slayer announced to the crowd of Anaheim that he proposed to Jessica, and she accepted. The Slayer then announced that they will have their wedding at UWO NO FEAR. The Slayer also announced that he will be in action against Kevin Courageous as well. The music of Tommy Knuckles cut off the speach of the Slayer as he made his way out onto the UWO Stage with a dumpster? Apparently, the dumpster was filled with weapons. Tommy Knuckles pulled a chair out of the dumpster and made his way down the aisle. The Slayer ordered Jessica to stay at ringside as he charged up the aisle at Tommy Knuckles. Tommy Knuckles cracked the steel chair over the head of the Slayer. The Slayer tried to climb to his feet but Knuckles smacked the chair over his back. Knuckles covered Slayer but Slayer kicked out. Knuckles picked Slayer over his shoulder and dropped him face first onto the ring barrier two times. Knuckles then grabbed the Slayer and whipped him back first into the ring barrier. Tommy Knuckles charged at Slayer but Slayer flipped him over his back, sending him over the ring barrier and into the crowd. The Slayer then hopped over the ring barrier and clotheslined Knuckles from behind. The Slayer picked Knuckles over his feet and slammed him down into the concrete. Slayer grabbed Knuckles and pulled him deeper into the crowd. Slayer grabbed Knuckles and whipped him back first into the concescion stand, knocking the concescion stand over. Slayer grabbed a bag of pop corn from the concescion stand and dumped it over Knuckles. Knuckles grabbed a cup of beer from a fan and threw it into the eyes of the Slayer. Knuckles then grabbed the Slayer and smashed him face first into the fallen concescion stand. Tommy Knuckles then picked the Slayer up over his shoulder and slammed him back first into the cold concrete. Tommy Knuckles grabbed a steel chair from a fan and cracked it over the head of the Slayer. The Slayer was bobbling on his feet but did not fall down. Knuckles then cracked the chair over Slayer's head again. The Slayer dropped down to his knees. Knuckles wound up and smacked the steel chair across the face of the Slayer. The Slayer dropped down to all fours, but refused to go down. Knuckles then smacked the steel chair across the back of Slayer. The Slayer finally went down. Knuckles covered the Slayer but only got a two count. At this point, the Slayer was busted wide open and covered with blood. The Slayer climbed to his feet but Knuckles smacked the chair over his head again. Once again, the Slayer did not go down. A dizzy Slayer charged at Tommy Knuckles but Knuckles smacked the chair over hi shead, forcing him to drop down to his knees. Tommy Knuckles wound up and smacked the chair across the BACK of Slayer's head! The Slayer dropped down to all fours again and Knuckles once again cracked it across the Slayer's back. Tommy Knuckles laid the chair over back of a busted open Slayer's head. Knuckles backed up and hit a leg drop ontop of the chair, sending it into the back of the Slayer's head! Knuckles covered Slayer, but the Slayer got a shoulder up. At ringside, Jessica was in tears. A frustrated Tommy Knuckles dragged the Slayer through the crowd and tossed him over the ring barrier, sending him falling onto the aisle. Knuckles went to pick Slayer to his feet, but a busted open Slayer nailed Knuckles with a low blow, and sent Knuckles head first into the concrete with a DDT. A busted open SLayer dragged Knuckles up the aisle and threw him into the dumpster. The Slayer had Knuckles where he wanted him, but a busted open Slayer decided to climb up the MEGA TRON! When the Slayer was half way up there, Tommy Knuckles followed in hot pursuit with a chair in hand. A minute later, Tommy Knuckles and Slayer were ontop of the MEGA TRON, exchanging rights and lefts! Knuckles grabbed the chair and went to hit Slayer with it but the Slayer kicked Knuckles in his gut. The Slayer then grabbed the steel chair from Knuckles and smacked it over his head! Knuckles started to stagger. The Slayer smacked the chair over the head of Knuckles once more, sending Tommy Knuckles off of the Mega Tron, sending him into the dumpster! The crowd went crazy. A busted open Slayer then leaped off of the top of the MEGA TRON and into the dumpster, nailing Tommy Knuckles with a frog splash for the 123!

After several minutes, there was no movement. Neither the Slayer or Tommy Knuckles got out of the dumpster. Eventually, security guards and officials ran out from the backstage area. Jessica, in tears, ran up the aisle with the Slayer's National Title in hand. With some help from officals, the Slayer, covered in blood, pulled himself out of the dumpster. Jessica and about six officals carried the Slayer to the abckstage area. However, Tommy Knuckles was placed on a stretcher and rushed backstage into an ambulance.



Sammy is alone in the locker room of President Joseph Peteroy. She is currently looking in the mirror, putting on some make up. All of the sudden, Leather and Lace enter the locker room, looking for President Joseph Peteroy, but all they can find is Sammy. Leather instantly grabs Sammy by her hair and yanks her head back. Just when Leather and Lace are about to pound on Sammy, Izzy enters the locker room and demands that they let go of her hair. Leather and Lace reluctantly unlease Sammy but Lace smashes a lamp over the back of Izzy's head from behind, sending her falling down to the floor unconscious.


Jessica, the brand new fiance of the UWO National Champion, the Slayer, is alone in the locker room of the Slayer, because the Slayer is still receiving medical attention. President Joseph Peteroy enters the locker room, looking for the first ever UWO National Champion, the Slayer. but instead, President Joseph Peteroy discovered Jessica who is all alone, doing her make up and looking in the mirror. President Joseph Peteroy jumps at the oppurtunity and tries to make a conversation with the valet of the National Champion. However, Jessica seems disgusted by President Joseph Peteroy because she remembers the last time he hit on her. President Joseph Peteroy continued his failing attempt until the Slayer entered the locker room in crutches. President Joseph Peteroy played it off like he was congratulating Jessica on the engagement and quickly scurried out of the locker room door.


Suicide Note Part I begins to blast over the speakers of the Arrowhead Pond as Jason Dearborn makes his way down the aisle. He has a look of pure determination on his face as he makes his way down to the ring without stopping. His eyes can be seen constantly looking at the structure that has been built for this match. He enters the ring and immeadiatley begins to climb the scaffold as he awaits his opponent. Super Gemini's theme starts to play as the fans give him a neutral reaction. Gemini is in a mad dash to enter the ring and climbs the scaffold. The two combatants meet face to face as the bell rings to start the match.

The two start to talk stuff to eachother and Gemini is the first to throw a punch. The two start a fist fight that gets the crowd going. Gemini gets in a quick kick and throws Dearborn off the scaffold. After waiting a few seconds Gemini jumps off the scaffold and hits Dearborn with a Double-Pump Five-Star Frog Splash as the crowd goes insane. They start a "holy shit!" chant as the two men get up and continue their fight. The two start to mat wrestle a bit showing their wrestling prowress when Kevin Courageous makes his way down the aisle. The fans start to boo as Courageous grabs a mic and begins to talk about how he should be the one fighting Gemini and NOT Dearborn. Gemini and Dearborn fly over the top rope and hit Courageous with a double-clothsline before getting back into the ring and continuing their mat wrestling. The two no sooner get started up again when Izzy makes her way down the ring. Jason sees this and jumps out of the ring and demands that Izzy go back to the locker room. Gemini seizes the opportunity and connects with an Asai moonsault from the apron. Gemini quickly climbs to the top of the scaffold before coming down onto Dearborn with a Suicide Dive. 1.2..Thr...KICKOUT by Dearborn! Super Gemini signals for the Falling Star Driver but gets swept by Dearborn as the fans start to chant his name. Dearborn delivers a stiff scoop slam before climbing to the top of the scaffold. Gemini starts to get up but Dearborn hits Gemini flush in the chin with a Missle Drop Kick. OG Dawg runs in the ring and nails Dearborn from behind with a clothsline followed by the Mack Drop. OG Dawg grabs Super Gemni and hits the UWO Champion with the Mack Drop as well. OG Dawg then calls for the Origional Elbow. OG Dawg climbs to the top turm buckle, launches himself off, and nails Gemini with the Origional Elbow! OG Dawg then makes his way back to the locker room area. Both men are down. Dearborn climbs to his feet and tries to pick Gemini to his feet but Gemini nails Dearborn with a low blow followed by a DDT. Gemini then picks up Jason Dearborn and sends him back down to the mat with a blindingly fast Snapmare Suplex. 1.Tw..Kickout by Dearborn. Dearborn starts to fight back as he whips Super Gemini off the ropes and tosses him out of the ring with a back body drop. Dearborn goes to the outside and rolls Gemini onto a table. Dearborn then climbs up to the top of the fifth-teen foot scaffold and comes crashing down onto Gemini with a Swanton Bomb that sends both men through the table! The ref utulizes his 10 count and gets to 7 before both Gemini and Dearborn get up. The fans start to boo as the rest of the UWO's roster comes out to interfere in the match including Maniac, Flexx, Xtreme, Faith, and President Peteroy. The two fight off the attackers until only Peteroy is left with the two. Dearborn and Gemini get a grin on their face as they deliver a double powerbomb to the man in charge.

Gemini and Dearborn are now in the center of the ring as they shake each others hand and start to ascend the scaffold. They meet in the middle talk some smack and start a fist fight. Dearborn gets a good blow to the midsection in as Gemini is hunched over. Dearborn picks up Gemini and sends both of them down to the mat with a SUPERPLEX! Both men look to be out cold. The ref gets to 9 before Dearborn gets up. Dearborn DDT's Gem to the mat. The two both roll out of the ring and brawl on the outside. Dearborn grabs a chair, tosses it to Gemini (who catches it), and Dearborn kicks the chair sending Gemini into the crowd. Gemini struggles to get up as Dearborn climbs to the top of the scaffold, and comes down onto Gemini with a cross body block into the crowd. Both men are dazed but get up at the 7 count. Gemini gets up a bit faster and hooks Dearborn's arms and connects with the Falling Star Driver. 1.2..Thr...KICKOUT! Gemini argues the call with the ref giving Dearborn time to recover. Dearborn grabs Super Gemini by the shoulder turns him around and connects with the Fear Effect. 1.2..Thre...KICKOUT by Gemini! The two shake hands again. Gemini gives Dearborn a swift kick to the ribs and drops him with a Piledriver. Gemini looks up and starts to climb the scaffold. He reaches the top, looks up and talks to himself for a split second before coming down with a 1080 SPLASH! 1.2..Thre...AND DEARBORN KICKS OUT! The crowd starts the "holy shit!" chant again. Gemini has a bewildered look on his face but quickly puts Dearborn back out with a brainbuster. Gemini once again climbs to the scaffold. Dearborn is just starting to get up as Gemini comes plummeting down with a Double Corkscrew Moonsault onto his opponent. Dearborn kicks out again! Super Gemini becomes irate at this point and starts arguing with the ref again. This time Dearborn comes from behind with a backslide for the 3 Count with Gemini kicking out just after the bell is rung. The two get into another staredown in the centere of the ring as the crowd all stands up and give the men a standing ovation as the two hug. Super Gemini makes his way back to the locker room area with the UWO Title as Jason Dearborn stays in the ring and celebrates.