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Friday Fury

From: Glasgow, ShinraArena

On Hand: 10 ,003

Date: 01 November 2002

Friday Fury Card

1. Katherine Vick defeated Zofia by Pin (Crowd: 5, Match: 3, ToM: 10min.)

2. UnTrusting defeated The Lightnin Squad (Crowd: 9, Match: 6, ToM: 4min.)

3. Trevor defeated Isaac Applegood by Pin (Crowd: 12, Match: 6, ToM: 7min.)

4 Interview: Tabatha (Crowd: 6, Match: NA)

5. Wildthing def Arual,Mort for the WLW INTERNET CHAMPIONSHIP (Crowd: 9, Match: 7, ToM: 7min.)



 [Pyrotechnics blast the first edition of White Lightning Wrestling Television to life, and the CEO of the Shinra Corporation, parent company to WLW, makes his way out to the ring to the tune of the Imperial March Rage Mix, the fans in this sold out arena cheering in enthusiasm and anticipation. He steps through the ropes, raises his hands in the air, and speaks into a glistening golden microphone handed to him by the lovely ring announcer, Rinoa. The CEO flashes a huge grin at the cheering crowd, and issues them with an equally warm welcome.]

Michael J. McDonald: Welcome everyone… to White Lightning Wrestling! And welcome to our first ever recorded event… a very special card indeed… Friday Fury! Tonight, you will see the first ever White Lightning Wrestling Internet Champion crowned on this mat, and since you came here to see wrestling, the triple threat match for that title shall be a submissions match! The only way to win, is to make your foe give in! And not only that, but we shall have talent old and new competing in a variety of match ups, and, of course, we shall start with the ladies first.

[The CEO hands back the microphone to Rinoa, and struts to the back, pausing to shake hands with several fans on the way.]


Rinoa: Now in the ring, weighing 120 lbs., standing at 5' 6", coming down the aisle to the sounds of Oops I Did It Again by Britney Spears, and hailing from New Haven, Katherine Vick! ....

And her opponent, weighing 135 lbs., coming down the aisle to the sounds of Red Rain by Peter Gabriel, and hailing from Moscow, Zofia! ....

Aeris: The action is underway

Sabrina: Anthony Loane, one of our many well trained officials will be refereeing the action for us tonight!

 [The bell rings, and White Lightning Wrestling's first ever recorded match gets underway.]

Aeris: Zofia dominates the early going.

Aeris: Zofia blocks the Tirtawhirl Slam with a move of her own!

Aeris: A big Head Scissors by Zofia!

Sabrina: Sloppy Body Attack From Top by Katherine! Or was it a fall?

Aeris: Katherine is certainly not the most gifted wrestler here.

Aeris: Forearm blow by Katherine Vick.

Sabrina: Another Forearm. Well, sort of.

Aeris: Katherine drives Zofia's head into the buckle, not once, not twice, three times!

Aeris: Zofia attempting a small package..

Aeris: Zofia is using the ropes for leverage!

Aeris: 1...

Aeris: Katherine escapes the pin. She almost was cheated out of this match right there! Zofia looks furious about Katherine's poor offence!

Aeris: Zofia capatilizes on a mistake by Katherine Vick

Aeris: A Chop by Zofia

Aeris: Zofia has quite a serious attitude problem, and if you ask me, she needs it readjusted.

Aeris: Zofia delivers a powerslam, and is going for the pin...

Aeris: A Sleeper with authority from Zofia

[Katherine Vick stumbles towards the ropes]

Aeris: Oh! Good Night Nurse!!! Zofia has just been nailed by the Career-Ending Elbow!

Sabrina: Are you sure she meant that? Looks like she tripped over her own bootlaces to me.

Aeris: Katherine Vick attempting the pinfall ...

The ref starts counting 1... 2... 3...Zofia tried to kick out but was too late!

Rinoa: Your winner… Katherine Vick!

Katherine Vick defeated Zofia by Pin at 10 minutes and 34 seconds

Aeris: Katherine Vick chalks up a win in her first ever match! And Zofia is livid!

Sabrina: Well, wouldn't you be after losing to someone who won by accident?

Aeris: Still, that fact doesn't seem to be stopping Katherine from celebrating. She's posing for the crowd, she seems quite pleased with herself.

Sabrina: Meanwhile, Zofia's found that whip she brought to ring-side with her.

Aeris: What? Why is she allowed to bring that thing out here. This is a wrestling ring, not a circus! Oh for cryin' out loud, she just cracked that on Katherine's Vick's back. Zofia's whipping Vick viciously!

Sabrina: Ha! Whipping her like a civil service donkey!

Aeris: You're not clever, you know, sis. And thank goodness, there's some officials out here to break this up. Get that weapon off her! We're going to a break, that was nasty. Zofia completely lost it with Vick.

Sabrina: Alright, diet coke break!


AOL: Join and slow down your computer today!


Aeris: You're back with us as this tag team match is just getting underway. Symbol and The Mike, the team of UnTrusting, are going up against The Lightning Brothers, Luke and Hopkins. Leverage advantage to The Mike.

Sabrina: The action is now outside of the ring

Sabrina: Impressive Karate Kick To Thigh by Mike! Not quite as impressive as Symbol's thigh in general though, of course.

Aeris: Lightnin' Luke tries to tag in Hopkins, but get's a right hand for his efforts!

Sabrina: I think Luke is coming to life...he's doing his best to block a Swing Neckbreaker

Aeris: A swinging neckbreaker takes its toll on Lightnin' Luke.

Aeris: Luke going for a Back Bodydrop. I can't believe this! Mike is reversing it!

Aeris: The Mike kicks Luke soundly in the stomach!

Aeris: Mike jumps up into the air, and comes down crashing with an elbow on Lightnin' Luke.

Aeris: The Mike attempting a Standing Moonsault... Blocked! Lightnin' Luke counters

Aeris: Luke raises the knee on Mike.

Aeris: The action is now in the ring

Aeris: Mike crawls between the legs of his opponent, and tags in Symbol!!!

Aeris: The Bodyslam just barely missed the mark

Sabrina: Sabrina: Symbol saw the Head Scissors coming, and blocked it!

Aeris: A Head Scissors by Symbol! What a move that was!

Aeris: Luke tries to tag in Lightnin' Hopkins, but he's chattering with the fans!

Sabrina: Symbol punishes Luke with a European Uppercut

Aeris: Symbol hesitated just a bit too long before delivering a Hurricarana

Sabrina: Luke underestimated Symbol

Aeris: Oh, Good Lord! Symbol just rifled Lightnin' Luke head first into those solid steel steps!

Aeris: I knew the ref would call it for Symbol

Aeris: Luke blocks the flip out with a move of his own!

Aeris: Big kick by Luke! Thundering into Symbol's skull! Going for the pin…1, 2, no, The Mike comes to the aid of Symbol just in time!

Aeris: The Mike now tagged in...

Aeris: Mike goes for a Slingshot LegDrop but there is no one home!

Luke makes the tag over to Hopkins! Hot tag!

Aeris: Here comes the team up...

Aeris: Lightnin' Luke and Hopkins team up and nail a Headbutt on Mike!

Aeris: Luke slowly backs out of the ring.

Aeris: Hopkins going at it with Mike

Aeris: A Chop by Lightnin' Hopkins

Aeris: Hopkins attempts a ViciousUppercut but The Mike slips the hold

Aeris: Big kick by Mike!

Aeris: The Mike drives Hopkins's head into the buckle.

Mike makes the tag to Symbol.

Aeris: Here comes the team up...

Aeris: What a Throw To Rope by Mike

Aeris: A Dropkick... Symbol telegraphed that one!

Aeris: Mike finally leaves the ring...

Aeris: Symbol now opening up on Hopkins

Aeris: Symbol jabs a thumb in the eye of Lightnin' Hopkins. A huge closed fist, Hopkins is down on the mat.

Aeris: Cheiko is showing leniency to Symbol! Don't get jealous now, Sabrina.

Sabrina: Yeah, right, like, whatever. Oh! Good Night!!! Hopkins falls victim to the Symbol of Greatness of Symbol!

Aeris: Symbol attempting the pinfall ...

Symbol goes for the pin...1...2...3.. That's it!

Rinoa: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners… UnTrusting!

UnTrusting prevailed by Pin at 19 minutes and 5 seconds


Rinoa: Now in the ring, weighing 213 lbs., coming down to the beat of Ace of Spades by Motorhead, led by the beautiful Flying Finoa, representing the Anti Gravity in this contest, and hailing from Long Island, Isaac Applegood! ....

And his opponent, weighing 303 lbs., coming down to the beat of REM's Everybody Hurts, and coming from San Antonio, Trevor! ....

Aeris: The match gets underway

Aeris: Anthony Loane is going to find it rough going calling this match! From what I've heard, Trevor is a bit of a hot head.

Aeris: Trevor is dominating the early matchup.

Aeris: Trevor slams Isaac across a table! This is getting out of hand! Get out of here!

Aeris: Trevor does whatever he pleases, and will run over anybody who gets in his way. Applegood on the other hand is just as experienced and decorated in his career but he doesn't think that makes him better than the rest of the roster. At least he has some respect.

Sabrina: A dynamite Thrust Kick by Isaac! Yeah, Isaac Applegood is a bit of a wuss, these days. He's taken those Lightning brothers under his wing too.

Sabrina: Yet another thrust kick!

Aeris: Isaac Applegood doesn't care about the risks. He just wants to do his best for the fans. Not that he's reckless, I heard him lecturing Lightning Luke backstage earlier in the day about taking unnecessary risks.

Aeris: A Karate Kick To Thigh just wolloped Trevor! What a move that was!

Aeris: Towering Trevor is trying to fire back...

Aeris: High Impact vertical suplex on Isaac!

Aeris: Action now outside of the ring

Aeris: Incredible Top AxeHandle Smash by Towering Trevor!

Aeris: Isaac 's head is smacked against the ringpost..

Aeris: Isaac measures Trevor with the big elbow!

[Trevor grabs his opponent like a rag doll]

Sabrina: Shock Drop!!! It's gotta be all over now for Isaac! What a press slam, Isaac dropped flat on his face from like eight feet in the air!

Aeris: Trevor attempting the pinfall ...

Its over

Rinoa: The winner of this match… Towering Trevor!

Trevor defeated Isaac Applegood by Pin at 7 minutes and 25 seconds

Aeris: Trevor gets an impressive win in his debut match! Even if he was a bit rough.

Sabrina: That's not fair! He was just doing his job.

Aeris: Ha. Like Trevor knows the meaning of the word.

Aeris: Wait, some fan has jumped the railing! What's he doing. Security!

Sabrina: Oh no, that's Lightnin' Hopkins. Someone get this maniac out of here! He's old! He should be retired!

Sabrina: This doesn't look good..look who else is here!

Aeris: Looks like Lightnin' Luke is going to be involved as well!

Sabrina: Flying Fiona too! This looks bad! She looks bad. No I am not jealous!

Aeris: Lightnin' Hopkins just waylaid Towering Trevor with a 2 by 4!

Aeris: Hopkins knocks Towering Trevor down with a running football tackle.

Aeris: Hopkins kicks Towering Trevor soundly in the stomach!

Sabrina: A Flying Jumping DDT That just creamed Towering Trevor!

Aeris: Big kick by Luke!

Aeris: A Suplex rocks Towering Trevor!

Sabrina: Whoa, he got up!

Aeris: Trevor grabs a hold of Luke and applies a Torture Rack!

Sabrina: Whoa, hurls him down! F-5!

Aeris: Hopkins, Fiona and Luke split after that huge show of strength. They help Isaac to the back. What a show of support this is for their mentor. Thank goodness they were here, Trevor might've went overboard after this match.

Sabrina: Yeah, and he would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those pesky kids.

Aeris: Oh, knock it off! Come on, Isaac was helpless! He took such a pounding in that match. I think he's injured.


We have a special interview with Tabatha.

Tabatha: It's great to be here in front of the thousands of fans in Glasgow!

I heard WLW has the greatest wrestlers in the world, and I am here to prove myself the best!

Sabrina: Here comes trouble...

Aeris: Myss White! This doesn't look good.. What does she want here?

Sabrina: Oooh, Myss White isn't alone!

Aeris: Is she ever? Slu.. uh-oh, looks like Arual is going to be involved as well!

Aeris: Arual sneaking in from behind... Tabatha doesn't see it coming... Oh my!!! Nailed from behind with the handcuffs! Using them like mini-num-chucks!

Aeris: Arual whips Tabatha over to the turnbuckle with authority!

Aeris: Myss delivers a shoulder to the gut of Tabatha!

Sabrina: A Tiger Driver left Tabatha disoriented!

Aeris: Myss White comes off the metal turnbuckle support and lands an axehandle smash to the back of Tabatha! They won't even let her stand! Where is security when you need them?

Sabrina: Arual delivers a Springboard Bulldog to Tabatha! Ha, her pretty face got smeared all over the canvas!

Aeris: Oh, please… And now Arual is setting her up for something else!

Perfect Piledriver! Come on! Don't do this!

Sabrina: Oh, great, here we go! Mort to the rescue!!

Aeris: An explosive DDT by Michael Mort to Myss! Arual breaks off his hold, he's going after the newcomer!

Aeris: Michael Mort rushes into Arual with a huge gore!


Aeris: And now officials hit the ring, they're prying Mort off Arual! Holding them apart. This could've turned ugly, thank goodness Mort came out here when he did.

Sabrina: Yeah, but why Mort, why not Tabatha's… er, client? The Mike?

Aeris: Oh, I'm sure he has a good reason for not making it out here. Maybe he was showering after the tag match. Arual and Myss White probably thought this was a great opportunity to get at Tabatha without Mike being able to stop them. Why they're after her, though, I don't know.

Sabrina: I can't stand that little stick's voice. I was about to go up there and pound her myself.


British Telecom: It's expensive to talk!


Sabrina: Welcome back to this special premier of WLW, here at Friday Fury! It's a triple threat match for the Internet Championship, and with Mort and Arual already out here, the other competitor is on his way.

Rinoa: Making his way to the ring, to the strains of The Game by Motorhead… Wildthing!

Aeris: Michael Mort going at it with Arual already!

Aeris: Arual is sent careening into the guardrail by Mort.

Aeris: Michael Mort receives a solid chop to the chest. You could hear that one in the stands!

Michael Mort in complete control of Wildthing

Aeris: Mort gets his hands on a Parking Meter. What's he gonna do?

Aeris: Wildthing steals the Parking Meter!

Wildthing stuffs Michael Mort into the Parking Meter

Aeris: Wildthing with a terrific bulldog! What force!

Aeris: Michael Mort in complete control of Arual

Aeris: Michael Mort comes crashing into the corner with a running elbow.

Sabrina: Look at that! Wildthing grabs Mort! Michael Mort has just been nailed by the Wild Side! He's outta it.

Aeris: And Arual flops to the canvas, and just right into the WildTamer! Arual's struggling. No, he taps!

Rinoa: Your winner… and NEW White Lightning Wrestling Internet Champion…Wildthing!

In a Submission match, Wildthing prevailed by Pin at 7 minutes and 46 seconds

Aeris: Wildthing makes an impressive showing in his debut match here in WLW.

Sabrina: Hahahaha! This is the best day in my life! Wildthing showed both their asses how to fight!

Aeris: Well, I have to admit, Wildthing has almost always been able to back up his cockiness throughout his career. But that was a tremendous effort from all involved, a great main event for our opening show!

Sabrina: And a great champion to represent the people, don't you think?

Aeris: Well, the jury's still out on that one. But you're right, Wildthing is the first ever White Lightning Wrestling Internet Champion! Oh, look out!

Sabrina: Ooh, hey, sore loser! Mort's attacking him!

Aeris: Huge kick in the side of the head by Mort! Wildthing hits the canvas, Mort hits the ropes… Slingshot leg drop! He drove the air right out of his throat with that one!

Sabrina: And thank goodness Arual's back in the ring! He's restraining Mort with that strong waist lock!

Aeris: I think you'll find that's a bear hug, sis. Oh, no, look at that! A huge over-head belly to belly suplex, Mort went crashing down over the ropes and to the outside! Wildthing pushes himself to his feet. Mort's up! And Arual and Mort just stare each other out.

Sabrina: Nah, he's had enough, Mort's heading backstage. What a coward!

Aeris: He still hasn't taken his eyes off Arual and Wildthing. This match may have sparked a rivalry and a relationship all at the same time!

Sabrina: And we're outta here.


Copyright Shinra Corp. 2002

CEO Michael J. McDonald