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WWF No Mercy (Nintendo 64)
Created Wrestler HTML Template Design Version 1.0
HTML layout designed and updated for No Mercy by Frank James Chan
Based on the Fire Prowrestling S: 6Men Scramble Template by The Mysterious Kagura, used with permission.


Pictures aren’t available

WRESTLER NAME: Jason Vorhees
ORGANIZATION: Horror Monster

Created By: James Johansen
Date of Template: ????

[ Profile/Music | Appearance | Moves | Fighting Style | Parameters | Ally/Enemy ]


1st Costume
Name Jason Vorhees
Short Name Jason
Alias None
Picture Edit 13
Height 7’5
Weight 399
Music Orginal 7
TitanTron Undertaker

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NOTE: To use multiple costumes, simply make the Type 1 (first costume) version and save it first. You can then go back using "Edit a Superstar", choose another costume (C-Left and C-Right to choose at the select screen) and change them as necessary.

(D-Pad Left/Right at Body/Face to choose)
Male Color 1
If Applicable
Color 2
If Applicable
Body Thick 2 Color 5 n/a
Head Male 1 n/a n/a
Face Male 67 n/a n/a
Hair Bald n/a n/a
  Front Hair Front Hair 00
Facial Hair (Male only) None n/a n/a
Masks/Etc Masks - Hockey n/a n/a
Hats/Caps None n/a n/a
Ring Attire Long - Cactus Default Black
Upper Body Sleeve L - Turtleneck Default n/a
Tattoo None n/a n/a
Gloves DirtBike Black n/a
Wrist Band Wrist Ban 1 Default n/a
Elbow Pad L None n/a n/a
Elbow Pad R None n/a n/a
Knee Pad L Supporter 1 Default n/a
Knee Pad R Supporter 1 Default n/a
Feet Boots 1 – Boots 01 Black Black
Entrance Attire Accessoreies – Shades 2 n/a n/a
Weapons/Props (Carried during entrance) Barbed Wire 2X4 n/a n/a

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Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Front Weak Grapple Front Weak Grapple [A] Club to Neck  
  Front Weak Grapple [D-Pad Left/Right + A] Scoop Slam  
  Front Weak Grapple [D-Pad Up + A] Eye Rake  
  Front Weak Grapple [D-Pad Down + A] Elbow Strike  
  Front Weak Grapple [B] Headlock Takedown  
  Front Weak Grapple [D-Pad Left/Right + B] Hip Throw  
  Front Weak Grapple [D-Pad Up + B] Jawbreaker  
  Front Weak Grapple [D-Pad Down + B] Falling Powerslam  
Front Strong Grapple Front Strong Grapple [A] Body Press to Front Slam Fav
  Front Strong Grapple [D-Pad Left/Right + A] Tilt A Whirl Piledriver  
  Front Strong Grapple [D-Pad Up + A] Bearhug Fav
  Front Strong Grapple [D-Pad Down + A] Giant Headbutt Fav
  Front Strong Grapple [B] Fire Thunder Driver Fav
  Front Strong Grapple [D-Pad Left/Right + B] Snap Powerbomb 03 Fav
  Front Strong Grapple [D-Pad Up + B] Fisherman DDT  
  Front Strong Grapple [D-Pad Down + B] Strong Sambo Suplex Fav
  Front SPECIAL Move [Analog Stick any direction] Tombstone Piledriver Fav
Back Weak Grapple Back Weak Grapple [A] Back Drop Fav
  Back Weak Grapple [D-Pad any direction + A] Pendulum Back Breaker  
  Back Weak Grapple [B] Spinning Back Drop  
  Back Weak Grapple [D-Pad any direction + B] Sleeper Hold Fav
Back Strong Grapple Back Strong Grapple [A] Big Clothesline Fav
  Back Strong Grapple [D-Pad any direction + A] Torture Rack Fav
  Back Strong Grapple [B] Half Nelson Suplex Fav
  Back Strong Grapple [D-Pad any direction + B] Full Nelson Suplex  
  Back SPECIAL Move [Analog Stick any direction] Impaler Fav
Reversals Back Weak Grapple Counter Counter Groin Kick  
  Back Strong Grapple Counter Counter Groin Kick  


Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Weak Striking Weak Arm Striking [B] Straight Punch  
  Weak Arm Striking [D-Pad any direction + B] Hook Punch 03  
  Weak Leg Striking [B] Front Kick 05  :
  Weak Leg Striking [D-Pad any direction + B] Middle Kick 02  
Strong Striking Strong Striking [B] Big Boot Fav
  Strong Striking [D-Pad any direction + B] Bradshaw Hammer Fav
  Strong Striking [A + B] Shouda 02  
Recovering Attack Ducking Attack Body Tackle  
Counter Attack counter punch Counter Headbutt  
  Special counter punch Front Special Grapple  
  counter Kick [A] Back Kick Sweep Counter  
  counter Kick [B] Sidewalk Slam Counter  
  Special counter Kick Counter Stunner  
Walking Moves Walking Moves (Entrance walking style) Gangrel  


Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Running Attack Weak Running Attack [C-Down, B] Spear Fav
  Weak Running Attack [C-Down, A + B] Clothesline from Hell  
  Strong Running Attack [D-Pad any direction + C-Down, B] Jumping Karate Kick  
  Strong Running Attack [D-Pad any direction + C-Down, A + B] Clothesline L 02  
Running Grapple Running Front Grapple [C-Down, A in front] Chin Breaker Fav
  Running Back Grapple [C-Down, A behind] Two Handed Facebuster  
Running Ground Attack Facing Up (B while running) Big Splash  
  Facing Down (B while running) Stomp  
  Sitting Up (B while running) Stomp  
  Sitting Down (opp on all fours; B while running) People’s Elbow  
Evasion Evasion (R while running) Roll  


Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Upper Body Submission Facing Up (A) Head Pound Fav
  Facing Down (A) Camel Clutch  
  Sitting Up (A) Dragon Sleeper  
  Sitting Down (opp on all fours; A) Camel Clutch  
  Facing Up[Special] (A while in SPECIAL) Goku-Raku Stretch  
  Facing Down[Special] (A while in SPECIAL) Crippler Crossface  
Lower Body Submission Facing Up (A) STF  
  Facing Down (A) Boston Crab  
  Facing Up[Special] (A while in SPECIAL) Walls of Jericho Fav
  Facing Down[Special] (A while in SPECIAL) Boston Crab  
Ground Attack Facing Up (B) Jumping Body Splash  
  Facing Down (B) Stomp 01  
  Sitting Up (B) Stomp 01  
  Sitting Down (opp on all fours; B) Double Axe Handle  


Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Turnbuckle Attack Turnbuckle Attack [B] Big Boot Fav
  Turnbuckle Attack [D-Pad any direction + B] Hard Headbutt 03  
  Running Turnbuckle Attack [C-Down, B] Clothesline From Hell  
  Running Turnbuckle Attack [C-Down, A + B] Spear  
Corner Counter Irish whip to Corner Counter Boot to Face  
Tree of woe Attack (Turnbuckle grapple L) Tree of woe Attack [B] Ear Slap  
  Tree of woe Attack [D-Pad any direction + B] Jab L 01  
  Running Tree of woe Attack (C-Down, B) Spear  
Front Turnbuckle Grapple Front Weak Grapple [A] Flury  
  Front Weak Grapple [B] Big Chop  
  Front Strong Grapple [A] Super RB  
  Front Strong Grapple [B] Hard Knee Strikes  
  Front Special Grapple [Analog Stick any direction] Diamond Dust  
Back Turnbuckle Grapple Back Weak Grapple [A] Forearm Smash  
  Back Weak Grapple [B] Forearm Smash  
  Back Strong Grapple [A] Superback Drop  
  Back Strong Grapple [B] Superback Drop  
  Back Special Grapple [Analog Stick any direction] Super German Suplex  
Counter Grapple Front Counter Grapple Throw  
  Back Counter Grapple Super Back Drop  
Flying Attack Standing Opponent Big Chop  
  Standing Opponent to outside Elbow Strike  
  Standing Opponent[Special] Double Axe Handle  
  Laying Opponent Benoit Diving Headbutt  
  Laying Opponent to outside Benoit Diving Headbutt  
  Laying Opponent[Special] Benoit Diving Headbutt  
Turnbuckle Inside Attack Turnbuckle Inside Attack (D-Pad toward corner + B) Bounce Sling Splash  
Turnbuckle Taunt Corner Taunt (D-Pad toward corner + Analog Stick) Taunt 009  
  Turnbuckle Taunt (Analog Stick on top turnbuckle) Taunt 001  


Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Grapple to Apron Weak Grapple to apron Club to Chest  
  Strong Grapple to apron Suplex to Inside  
  Special Grapple to apron None  
  Counter Grapple From Apron Suplex Reversal to Inside  
Rope Inside Attack Rope Inside Attack (Opponent down, D-Pad toward ropes + B) None  
Flying Attack to outside Flying Attack None  
  Running diving Attack [A] Baseball Slide  
  Running diving Attack [D-Pad any direction + A] Baseball Slide  
Running Diving Taunt Running Diving Taunt (Run toward opp outside, hold Analog) None  
Rebound Flying Attack Rebound Flying Attack Back Elbow  


Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Apron Attack Apron kick to inside Elbow Smash  
  Apron kick to outside Strong Kick  
Grapple from apron Weak Grapple from apron Suplex to Outside  
  Strong Grapple from apron Suplex to Outside  
  Special Grapple from apron Powerbomb to Ouside  
  Counter Grapple from apron Suplex Reverse to Outside  
Flying Attack from apron Flying Attack Dropping Elbow  
  Running Flying Attack Diving Elbow  
Flying Attack to ring Standing Opponent Shoulder Block  
  Laying Opponent Slingshot Leg Drop  
  Standing Opponent[Special] Shoulder Block  
Apron Taunt Apron Taunt Taunt 005  


Irish Whip
Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Irish whip Attack Irish whip Attack (opp running, B) Hard Headbutt 03  
Irish whip Grapple Front Weak Grapple (whip with C-Down alone, A) Back Toss 01  
  Front Weak Grapple (whip with C-Down alone, D-Pad + A) Faarooq Spinebuster  
  Front Strong Grapple (whip with D-Pad + C-Down, A) Faarooq Spinebuster  
  Front Strong Grapple (whip with D-Pad + C-Down, D-Pad + A) Lou Thesz Press Knuckle  
  Front Special Grapple (Analog) Lou Thesz Press Knuckle  


Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Taunt (In-match) Taunt1 [Analog Stick UP] Benoit  
  Taunt2 [Analog Stick LEFT] DX 02  
  Taunt3 [Analog Stick RIGHT] Taunt 192  
Special Taunt Special Taunt (Analog during and to get SPECIAL) Taunt 031  
Ducking Taunt Ducking Taunt (Analog Stick DOWN or any direction while getting up) Benoit  
Celebration Taunt Celebration Taunt (Post-match win pose) Taunt 019  
Entry Way Taunt Entry Way Taunt (Pre-match pose at the entrance) Taunt 029  


Double Team
Category Execution Method Move Favorite
Double Team Grapple Front Grapple (A together, both in front) Tossing ¾ Neck Breaker  
  Back Grapple (A together, both behind) Neck Breaker Backdrop  
  Sandwich Grapple (A together with 1 in front, 1 behind) Double Powerbomb  
  Irish whip Grapple (opp running, A together) Dudley Death Drop (3D)  
Double Team Attack Double Team Attack (when partner back-grapples C-Up inside, climb corner) Doomsday Device  
  Attack to outside (when partner back-grapples C-Up outside, climb corner) Doomsday Device  
  Attack to ring (when partner back-grapples C-Up inside, D-Pad and A at apron) Missile Dropkick  
Reversals Counter Attack Punching Reversal  

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Stance Wrestling
Ring Entry Over the Top
Counter/Reversals Heavy
Speed Normal
Submission Skills Expert
Irish Whip Evasion yes
Recovery Rate Fast
Bleeding Often
Reaction to Blood Aggression
Endurance Strong
Turbuckle Climbing Jump
Jumping Distance Normal
Specific Weapon Kendo Stick

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Offensive Strength Defensive Strength
Head 3 Head 3
Body 3 Body 3
Arms 4 Arms 3
Legs 4 Legs 3
Flying 2 Flying 2
Remaining Points  

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Rival 1 (50%) None
Rival 2 (30%) None
Rival 3 (20%) None
Accompanied by Freddy

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