aJR: Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Raw is War live in Austin Texas. Home of the Rattlesnake & HBK, Shawn Micheal's!!! We're about to get underway with our next match, and what a match it will be!!


Eddie Guerrero Vs Chris Jericho (European Title)

("Mamacita" blast's out through the PA system as fan's jump to their feet to see Chyna and Eddie)

Garcia:Making his way to the ring,along with the 9th wonder of the world.From El Paso,Texas.Eddie Guerrero!

King:Hey,Eddie's from Texas too and look what Chyna's wearing!!!!

JR:calm down King,there's no need to wet your pants...

(As Garcia per-pair's to call out Chris Jericho Lita music play's and she come's down to the ring with a mic)

Lita:And now,from Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada....

(05.......04......03......02......01......."BREAK THE WALS DOWN" play's on the PA as the fan's chant for Jericho)

Lita: Your WWRF European Champion..Y2J,Chris Jericho!

King: WOW!That explosion always get's to me Jr!

JR: European title match here tonight and I geuss Lita's gonna be in Y2J's conner tonight.

King: I guess it's only far that Lita's out here,Eddie has Cyhna in his conner

King: I didn't say it wasn’t far, beside's I hoping for a little cat fight.

JR:The bell has rung and that mean this match has started.Both men hand in hand,each trying to over power the other.Eddie seem's to be over powering Chris,Chris with a kick to the rib's and counter's with a bull dog!Two risk taker's out here King,you have think of the danger these two women ringside are in.

King:Let me correct you,Lita's a risk taker also, so maybe Mamacita better come over here and let me keep her safe

JR:King,your a married man!Chris going up top,Eddie's up .Whatch out Eddie and what a hurracanrana from Y2J!!Eddie's down and Chyna,the 9th wonder of the world trying to pump up the crowd and get Eddie up.Jericho pulling Eddie up.Whip to the rope's,Eddie come's back and duck.Eddie looking for a clothesline but Y2J duck's,Eddie come's back with another clothesline and Jericho was going for a clothesline as well,now both men are out!

King:Com'on Eddie!get up!aww look at Mamacita over there looking worried.Eddie...Eddie!!

JR:Jim wight counting both men out.Chyna and Lita are bothing cheering ringside. Eddie's getting up,and stomping Y2J with the littel pwoer he has left!!!Eddie pulling Jericho up by his hair and what's this?A running power bomb,given perfectly to the European champion.Eddie's going up top for the frog slpash and we can have a new European champion here tonight!!!Y2J,getting up in time enough to push Eddie down to the top rope!!

King:I dont thing we're gonna be seeing any Eddie Guerriero jr's.

JR:Chris climbing to that top rope wear Eddie is,and what a suplex of the top!!Jericho's going for the moonsault now.Chyna!!!just pulled Jericho'a leg as he went for the moonsault on the ropes!

King:That's what he get's for not doing the moonsault of the top rope like everyone else.ooh no,Lita dosent look to happy with Mamacita!!!ooh no,Lita go back to your side of the ring!!!

JR:Lita's int Chyna's face,This could be heating thing's up and Jim Wight is trying to control thing's outside the ring.These two look like their about to go at it!!Eddie's on the top in the ring!!!!1...........2..........3..........4.........5.......the ref's attention is all to those two young ladie's out there

King:Mine attention is all to those two young ladie's two

JR:Eddie's looking confussed,as his Mamacita just smacked Lita!Lita's up and she smacked Chyna back!!This isnt good,Chyna and Lita are going at it!!!!

King:Eddie's enjoying the fight and I am too

(Mean while in the ring Y2J role's Eddie up and the ref trun's around)

King:Now the ref chosse's to turn around!!!!

JR:this can be all.1!............2!............3!. Jericho's still the champ,Y2J's still the champion!!!!

Garcia:Your winner and still European champion.Chris Jericho!

(Jericho slide's out the ring as Lita walks too him and raise's his hand,as the screen fade's away to an Smackdown advirtisment)



Bulldog Vs Perry Saturn Vs Crash Holly



JR: We're back and what a night it has been....

Garica: This next Match, determines the number one contender for the World Wrestling Roleplay Federation Hardcore championship.

(The bulldog's music play's as The Bull Walk's down the ramp to an arena full of boo's)

Garcia: Now weighing in at a total of 270 pounds, from Manchester,England. The British Bulldog!

King: These fan's have no respect for this guy.The need to get up and shut up!

(Perry Saturn's music blast on as he walks to the ring and Terri run's behind)

Garcia: And Now,along with Terri,making his way to the ring.Perry..Saturn!!

King:This is my pick right here!

JR:I though Bull dog was your pick

King:He's who I pick to win the match,Im talking about Terri

JR:You honestly need to get some new hobbie's!!

Garcia:Now Making his way to the ring,at a total of 400 pounds ?!?.From Mobile,Alabama.Crash Holly!

JR:hahaha,Crash went up to the WWRF main office and got his card changed to 400 pounds & his height 6'6"

King:Ok you can calm down Jr.!!

JR:the bell has rung which mean's we're ready to get the match started.Staurn & Bulldog both irish whiping Crash into the ropes,Crash come's duck's .Run's back and give's a hurracanrana to Bull dog!Crash's back up and another hurracanrana to Saturn!!!!What speed from little Crash

King:Yea,too bad he's not fast enough to stay on Bulldog,look he's up!

JR:Bulldog getting up from that hurracanranna.Crash look turn around,Bulldog from the bulldog!!!!Bulldog tosing Crash out side the ring and now he's getting out.

King:Is'nt Terri something else tonight?Com'on Perry!!!!

JR:Saturn slowly getting up,Bulldog's getting something from under the ring!!it's Ladder.I huge ladder!!!!

King:He just tosted it in the ring,must not be what he's looking for.

JR:Your right,Bulldog still diging.He Has a,a role of barbed wire that came from under the ring!!!!!This isnt good.Bulldog putting the barbed wire in the ring!!Get em Crash!!!

King:Crash taking it to Bulldog and that's the only way he's gonna he's gonna walk outta the arena tonight!!

JR:Crash with a ddt to Bull dog!Saturn has that barbed wired sick,and thats not a barbed wire bat it's a stick with a whold lotta barbed wire around it.Crash is in a very bad way here.Perry swung that stick at Crash and he ducked just in time!Crash with a kick to the rib's of Saturn and Another ddt!

King:just Like I said JR. I've got my money on little Crash.Ooh no,Crash's setting up that table in the ring!!!

JR:He is,But what's he gonna do with it?Bull dog's tryin to get back in the Ring,Starun's out and Crash's seting up that table!!

King:Crash's looking for that barbed wire and I hope he dosent find it.I spoke a little to soon,look JR!he has the barbed wire!

JR:Crash is raping that barbed wire around the top rope.but for what?Bull dog is in the ring.Whip by Crash to bulldog,Bulldog counter's with a bulldog!!These young men are putting there body's on the line to be number one contender' for the HaRdCoRe championship.Bulldog placing Saturn on that table and Bulldog's going up top...

King:Where's Terri going?Ahhh,Terri pushed Bulldog and he landed right on that top rope of barbed wire.

JR:I dont think we're gonna be seeing any Bulldog jr's.Bull dog private area landing on that uh top rope that has been raped around in barbed by Crash Holly.I think Bulldog is out of this match all together.Terri,sliding that chair into the ring for Saturn,but Crash getting to it befor Saturn could!!!!!Saturn's back out cold again!!!!!

King:No,just what I feared!!!!

JR:The EMT's out here taking Bulldog away and Crash has'nt covered yet,but has went up top and countered with a moonsault!!!!this could be it,1!..............2!.............3!!!Crash is the new number one contender!!

Garica:The winner and number one contender for the WWRF hardcore championship,Crash Holly!!! King:No!!!!!!!!Crash is the number one contender for the hardcore title

JR:Well Crash's able to grab the win and make it up the ramp,but we cant say the same for Bulldog and Saturn. We'll be right back after these message's


                                  Triple H vs. The Undertaker

Garcia: This next match up is a standard match.

(Triple H’s music blasts over the speakers as he appears under the titantron with a bottle of water. He takes a drink and then spits the rest out. He throws the bottle into the stands as he walks down to the ring.)

Garcia: Making his way to the ring from Greenwich, Connecticut. Triple H!

JR: What a pop! I think he’s turned face because he joined The Rock and Jericho!

King: Whatever you say JR! This is going to be a huge match!

(“American Bad Ass” hits the speakers as The Undertaker appears on his motorcycle. He drives down the ramp and starts circling the ring. He parks it and climbs into the ring.)

Garcia: And now from Death Valley, Califonia. The Intercontinental Champion, The Undertaker!

JR: These two men hate each other!

King: The two men are staring at each other.

(Bell rings)

JR: Undertaker goes for a scoopslam, but Triple H reverses it into a vertical suplex.

King: That’s not a very powerful move. This feud between the Corperate Ministry and the newly formed Alliance is continually growing.

JR: Undertaker whipped into the ropes. Triple H goes for a back body drop, but Undertaker manages to stop and kick him in the chin!

King: These guys keep reversing the moves.

JR: That is true King. Triple H is getting kicked down in the corner. The Undertaker is going to ringside.

King: This is not a hardcore match, and Undertaker is getting something from under the ring!

JR: If he hits Triple H with anything, this match is over. Undertaker is setting up a table right here at ringside.

King: This match is going to far!!

JR: The Rock just jumped out of the stands with a chair and he’s hit The Undertaker with it!

King: Oh my God! Undertaker is bleeding all over!

JR: Now Triple H is at ringside! Undertaker sits up and throws Triple H into the steps!

King: The Rock is mad, but there’s nothing he can do. The ref is watching now!

JR: Undertaker is kicking Triple H in the ribs. The Undertaker is now laughing at The Rock!

(The Undertaker rolls Triple H into the ring.)

JR: They are now kicking each other in the gut.

King: Undertaker is wearing down Triple H again. Undertaker now flips the bird at The Rock!

JR: Triple H is slowly getting up. Undertaker turns around and gets nailed with a facebuster!

King: This is one hell of a match.

JR: This is definatly a slobberknocker! Undertaker sits back up. He’s going after Triple H again.

King: Come on Hunter! Do your part for The Alliance!

JR: Triple H gets up and a big knee to the face of The Undertaker! Now Triple H is going to ringside! He’s just stacked another table on top of the first one!

King: Is he going to put Undertaker through those?

JR: I don’t know King.

King: The ref is trying to get Triple H back into the ring! The Rock’s in the ring! Rock Bottom to Undertaker! He rolls out right before the ref can catch him.

JR: Triple H finally goes back it! Undertaker is out cold! Can this one be over?


King: Triple H has beaten the American Bad Ass!

(Triple H’s music plays and The Rock slides into the ring.)

Garcia: Your winner, Triple H!

JR: What a match this was! The Undertaker gets back up!

King: What’s he going to do?

JR: Undertaker grabs Triple H! Last Ride! He turns to The Rock, but The Rock starts laying the smackdown on him! He spits into his hand and knocks Undertaker over the top rope and through the two tables!

(The refs try to break them up.)

King: The refs are trying to hold back The Rock.

JR: The Rock is out of the ring and stomping on The Undertaker! He’s showing The Taker who’s boss!

(The ref’s finally manage to pulls The Rock off him before it goes to a commercial.)

                       X-Pac vs. Rikishi (Stinkface/Bronco Buster  Match)

JR: What a match we have had on Raw!

King: Now we have X-Pac facing Rikishi in a Stinkface or Bronco Buster match!

JR: This is going to be one hell of a match.......

(X-Pac’s music hits the P.A. and the crowd stands to see X-Pac.)

Garcia: First up X-Pac!!!

(X-Pac walks to the ring and gives three “Suck It” signs with pyro.)

JR: Rikishi is no where to be seen.

King: Rikishi has just come out of the crowd and got into the ring. X-Pac doesn’t even know it! Rikishi spins him around and is bashing him in the head with forearms.

JR: X-Pac starts kicking him in the stomach. X-Pac goes for a spinning heel kick, but Rikishi blocks it and throws him into the corner.

King: Come on X-Pac!

JR: Rikishi is punching him in the gut, but X-Pac counters with a dropkick and then and sweep to Rikishi’s legs taking him down.

King: X-Pac pulls him up by the hair and hits him with a spinning heel kick. Cover 1…….2……Rikishi throws X-Pac off of him.

JR: This one was almost over right there. X-Pac whips the big man in the ropes. Rikishi stops and hits him with a Rikishi Kick. X-Pac falls down into the corner. This one might be over!

King: Rikishi is going for the Stinkface!!

JR: No! X-Pac moves and throws Rikishi into the corner. He delivers a combo of kicks and Rikishi sits down!

King: I knew that this match belonged to X-Pac.

JR: X-Pac spins around. Bronco Buster! This one’s over!




Lita Vs Trish (Womens Title)


Jr: Well we all know that this is gonna be a good 1 King, Lita and Trish for
the Womans title!
King: You got that right. The puppies vs. The princess. This is gonna be a
god 1!
*Trish Stratus makes her way to the ring. She is wearing a black body suit
and a black trench coat and jacket. The fans go wild as she walks to the ring*
King: Thats the puppies I was talking about,Wow look at Trish!
Jr: Well we could be looking at the next WWF Womans Champion King! What do
you think.
King: Yes we very well can,I gotta go with Trish as well! Lita has too much
on her mind as of now. She is to distracted and thats gonna be her downfll
Jr: Here she comes!
*Lita runs to the ring with the Womans title inher hand. She runs to te
second turnbuckle and the crowd goes wild! She waves to the fans as the match
Jr: What a cheap shot by Trish!
King: Lita should have never turned her back ! Now Trish throws her to the
ropes she misses a clothesline and Lita with a high cross body ! 1...No
Jr: Lita almost had this match won. Now she picks up Trish and wow what a
bodyslam by Trish! Lita now picks her up again ,Throws Trish to the ropes and
a Hurricanrana,Hurricanrana King ! This 1 is history 1....2...My god! Trish
Kicked out she kicked out! What now. Lita pissed of climbs the turnbckle and
Trish shoves Lita out the ring.
King: Talk about a fall! Trish is going out after her. She doesn't wanna win
by countout, She'll be going home with nothing.
Jr: Trish now kicks Lita twice in the lower abdoman  and OH come on ref shes
got the cable cord and Trish chokes out Lita.
King: This is bad for Lita! (Laughing) Trish is doing whatever she wants in
this thing! Now she throws Lita back inide and a bulldog by Trish, Covers
1...2...thre no !
Jr: You don't come much closer then that! Trish argueing with the ref, Lita
with a schoolboy 1...2...and Trish kicks out. Man these 2 are showing me
something here tonight King! Wait now both woman arrive to their feets and
here comes that son of a bitch excuse me Test! He runs down to the ring and
he hands Trish a what is that!
King:Its a chain, Wait who is this !
Jr: King it's Jericho, He just nailed Test and Trish in the ring just nailed
Lita with the chain 1...2....and Jericho pulls Trish's leg
King: Come on we had a new Champion! Trish smacks Jericho and the ref is
distracted by Test. Jericho kisses Trish and throws her  back into the ring.
Jr: Lita from behind and a slop drop on Trish. Test from behind on Jericho
and those 2 fight towards the back. Lita climbs the ropes and a Moonsault!
Moonsault ! She got it 1..2.......3!! Lita is still the Womans Champion
thanks to Jericho!
Benoit Vs Austin

JR: It’s 2 of the greatest Superstars in the WWRF going head-to-head NEXT! The Rabid Wolverine versus the Texas Rattlesnake!


King: That’s right, JR! It’s going to be great!


(The arena goes dark and blue lights flash as Benoit makes his way to the ring)


Garcia fi: The first of tonight’s opponents, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Chris Benoit!


King: The guy’s got it all, JR. He’s destroyed some of the best wrestlers in the WWRF and he never quits.


JR: He’s a machine, King…


(Glass shatters and Stone Cold’s music plays as the Rattlesnake makes his way to the ring)


King: Look at that JR! The bell hasn’t even rung and these 2 men are already at it!


JR: Both men in the ring now. Stone Cold with some right hands to Benoit, and throws him to the ropes. Clothesline by Benoit. Austin’s right back up though, he’s got Benoit in a turnbuckle, and he’s stomping away on Benoit.


King: Benoit scares me, JR. He’s cold, cruel and he’d maim you if he had have the chance. That crippler cross-face of his is deadly. I doubt even Stone Cold could survive.


JR: Stone Cold’s has had years in this business, King. Austin knows all the tricks and you can be damn sure he’s going to use them! Benoit’s got the upper hand in this match. Chops to the chest of Austin, and now the Wolverine is going to work on that knee of Stone Cold’s…


King: How much can Stone Cold take, JR? That knee of his can’t hold out for long!


JR: Well, Stone Cold’s got Benoit now…they’re coming out of the ring, uh oh, they’re heading this way. Watch yourself, King…


King: Wow, Stone Cold just gave right hand to Benoit and knocked him flying to our table. Stone Cold’s got one of our monitors now…Oh man, he just whacked that monitor on Benoit’s head! He must be out cold! Stone Cold! HAHA!


JR: Shut it, King! Austin’s going for the pin…1…2…Benoit barely kicks out!


King: The Referee is calling for both men back in the ring. Stone Cold with a few right hands, and Benoit’s off the ropes.


JR: A kick to the chest and STUN…NO! Austin was going to the stunner, but Benoit counted! He’s got the crippler cross-face locked in! My god, he’s going to snap Austin in half!


King: Stone Cold’s trying so hard to reach those ropes! Just one more centimeter! Yes! He’s got the ropes!


JR: I tell ya, King, you got to give Stone Cold credit for that! Many WWRF superstars would’ve tapped out a long time ago!


King: Sure would’ve, JR. Stone Cold’s back up, he goes for another stunner!!! NO! Benoit counters AGAIN! German suplex on Austin, and the Rattlesnake is in agony!


JR: Uh oh, Benoit just said that’s it! He’s going to the top rope! Christ! A head butt right onto Austin’s chest! It’s over!!


King: Benoit’s got the pin…1…2…no! Stone Cold kicked out AGAIN! Wait a sec, The Rock! The Rock’s coming out! He’s in the ring! Spine-buster on Benoit! No, it’s the most electrifying move in sports entertainment today! The People’s elbow!!!!


JR: Rock’s just laid the smack-a-down on Benoit! Austin’s up! STUNNER!!! STUNNER!!!! STUNNER ON BENOIT!!! Austin’s got the cover…1…2…3!!!

Austin wins!!!


King: Benoit gonna be pissed when he finds out what the Rock just did!!!



Kane Vs The Rock


JR.: Welcome back, WWRF fans, and do we have a match lined up for you! All hell is going to break loose when Kane goes head to head with the People’s Champion, The Rock!


The King: That’s right, JR! The Big Red Retard V The People’s Champion, it’s going to be HUGE, I tell ya!


(Red fireworks flash, and the arena goes dark, as Kane makes his way to the ring)


Garcia: Introducing the first of tonight’s opponents, weighing in at 326 pounds, KANE!


JR: This is going to be tough for the Rock. Kane never quits, he just sits right back up, and carries on fighting…


King: Yeah, but he’s facing the Rock this time, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment.


(The Rock’s music blasts out from the speakers as the Brahma Bull makes his way down to the ring.)


King: Look at Kane, JR. He wants the Rock bad and you can feel the tension between these two men. It’s going to be an all-out war!


JR: Damn right, King. And this match is underway. Rock immediately giving Kane a few slaps to the face, and throws him onto the ropes. Kane reverses and a big clothesline from Kane there. Kane throws Rock into the turnbuckle, and gets to work on that chest.


King: Kane’s a monster in the ring. He’s got the edge on this match since he’s 7 foot tall. But Rock is fighting back. OH! DDT on Kane! Kane is down. The Rock goes down and starts kicking Kane in the chest.


JR: Wait, Kane’s got the Rock by the throat. It could be the choke slam! NO, a kick to the chest and a spinning neck-breaker on Kane. Both men are down!


King: I’m going to make a bold prediction, JR, and I’m going to say down Kane will win this match. Hey, Kane just sat up! But the Rock’s up too…Ohh, power bomb on Rock. Wait a sec, Kane’s going up to the top rope…


JR: Ohmygod, Kane with a flying clothesline that nearly took the Rock’s head clean off! Kane’s going for the pin…1…2…Rock barely gets the shoulder up!


King: Watch it, JR, Kane’s coming over here…he’s just ripped one of the monitors off the table. He’s gone back into the ring. Kane takes a swing at the Rock, but Rock ducks!

Rock bottom!!! Rock bottom!!! Rock Bottom on Kane!!! But Rock’s too tired to make a pin.


JR: Jesus, Kane just right back up! That Rock Bottom did nothing! He’s got that monitor again. Rock ducks yet again! Rock is laying the smack down on Kane, Kane’s off the ropes. But Kane’s got Rock by the throat, what a devastating choke slam on the Rock! I tell ya, King, you got to wonder if that’s the end of the Rock!


King: I think Kane’s got one more trick up his sleeve, the Tombstone! Rocks going to have a bit of a headache after this!


JR: What the hell? HHH just came down! A low blow on Kane! Pedigree!!!! Pedigree!!!! Pedigree on Kane! HHH just put onto the pin-fall position. 1…2…3…Rock wins, ROCK WINS!!!


King: What a guy HHH is! But look at Kane, just staring at HHH and The Rock! He wants revenge bad! And boy, may he get it!



Tag Team Battle Royal for the No1 Conterdeship for the Tag Belts

Every team apart from the champs Outlaws



Lillian Garcia: Our next match is a six team battle royal to determine the No. 1 contender for the WWRF Tag Team Title.

JR: This should be one hell of a match up King, the teams are already in the ring and this one is about to get under way.

King: Let me get this straight JR, if one meber of the team gets thrown over the top rope, the whole team gets eliminated?

JR: Thats right King and it is bedlam in the ring at the moment, Buh Buh Ray Dudley and D-Von are double teaming the Googfather.

King: Test is in trouble here, The Acolytes are trying to push him over the top rope....

JR: But here comes Albert, massive clothsline on Farooq has eliminated The Acolytes.

King: But Albert's momentum has carried him over as well and now T&A are eliminated, Grand Master Sexay is trading blows with Christian and The Dudleyz have Val Venis in some trouble.

JR: D-Von whips Val into the ropes and this doesn't look good....

King: 3D!  3D from the Dudleyz and Val is in a world of hurt.

JR: King, 2 Cool have just been eliminated.  Edge has just thrown Scotty Too Hotty over the top rope.

King: We're left with R.T.C, The Dudleyz and Edge and Christian

JR: And R.T.C. are still in trouble after the 3D from the Dudleyz.

King: Edge whips The Goodfather into the corner and it looks like he's going for a superplex....

JR: My god that had to hurt, The Goodfather is being whipped like a government mule King.

King: But Val is in real trouble both the Dudleyz and Christian are trying to push him over the top ropeJ....

JR: He's gone, Val Venis is over the top rope and R.T.C. has been elimenated, and now it's just The Dudleyz and Edge and Christian fighting it out for the number one contenders spot.

King: Both teams are looking real tired now, and D-Von has just hit Edge with a belly to back suplex.

JR: Buh Buh Ray is trying real hard to push Christian over the top rope and D-Von is going for a suplex on Edge.....

King: Edge reverses and hits a suplex of his own on D-Von.

JR: Edge is now trying to help Christian, Low blow by Edge on Buh Buh Ray and they whip Buh Buh into the ropes..

King: Buh Buh has become tied up in the ropes, he can't get free...

JR: What are Edge and Christian trying here....

King: They have got hold of D-Von, it looks like they are going to be able to throw him over the top and D-Vons out.  The Dudleyz are eliminated and Edge and Christian are the No. 1 contenders.


JR: That means Edge & Christian get their shot @ Smackdown!!! Tune in on Thursday night!!!