Welcome to WWRF Unforgiven, and what an event it is going to be!!



Big Bossman Vs Steve Blackman (Hardcore Championship)




Garcia:This next match up is for the World Wrestling Roleplay Federation HaRdCoRe championship.

(The Big Boss Man music start's to play as fans boo)

Garcia:Making his way to the ring from Cobb County,Georgia.At a total of 315 pound,The Big Boss Man!

Jr:You can just feel the hate that the fans have for this man

King:Im not his biggest fan either but you gotta confess,he might be walking out here the Hard

core champion

(Steve Blackman's music plays asm the fans raise to their feet)

Garcia:And now from Annville,Pennsylvania.Your HaRdCoRe champion,The Lethal Weapon Steve


Jr:Hard core match King,No telling when and how this match will end.

King:Your right about that,because nobody dose Pay-per-view Like the WWRF.

(Bell rings)

Jr:Steve Black is gonna start this match off with a head lock maneuver and Bossman Counter's

with a head lock of his own.

King:Blackman looks hurt,See Bossman came in this ring tonight with a plane and thats to

eliminate Blackman.

Jr:Maybe so.Black in to the ropes,Big boot from Bossman ,Blackman ducks and ends with a

spectacular ddt to the Boss Man!

King:These guys have alot to gain by winning this match Jr.

Jr:Your right about that King,HaRdCoRe championship on the line here.Blackman has Boss man in the conner and serving a series of kick's to the Boss man.Blackman going out side the ring


King:There's no dq,Im just hoping Boss man can get back up!

Jr:Absolutely no disqualification.Black has chair from under the ring!

King:You better belive that some one's gonna be leaving here with mager injury's!!

Jr:Steve Blackman swing at Boss man with that Chair and Boss man is trying to get outta there!

King:This Blackman is crazy!

Jr:Boss man is looking for something under the ring ,but watch out!Blackman just Slamed Boss man head firt into those steel steps!

King:Like I said,Blackman's crazy and thats why he's gonna keep the title!

Jr:I though you said,forget it King.Blackman is stomping away at Bossman.This dosent look good

Boss man!

(Blackman walks Boss man up the ramp and drop's him)

Jr:Boss man and Blackman up by the stage we ghave biuld up there.No telling were this match is



King:Uh jr,Boss man is getting up,Blackman spent's way too much time pumping up the fans.

Jr:Your right about that KIng,Boss man slowly getting up,The Boss man Delivered a drop kick to

the back of Blackman and both men are down

King:What a fight,Boss man is giving his all for that HaRdCoRe belt.

Jr:Seem as if Boss man is getting up,yet very weekly.What a slobber knock this is right here

tonight Live WWRF Unforgiven!Boss man's up!He's up and is gonning after Blackman.
King:Like I said Bossman is gonna win this.Come on Boss man!


Jr:Boss Man is up and is kicking Steve down the ramp!uh oh,Boss man looking under the ring for

something....it's a table!

King:can you say new HaRdCoRe champion Jr?

Jr:Maybe,maybe!Boss man has that table set up out side the ring.
King:That ref need's to move out the way befor he get's hurt!


Jr:Boss man on the top!boss man off the top and landed through that table with blackman.Boss

man's over Blackman can this be?1...........2.........3!
King:New HaRdCoRe champion and I knew it all along!

(Boss man's music plays as the ref's try to get both men up and back to there locker rooms)

Garcia:Your winner,and new HaRdCoRe champion,The Big Boss Man!

Jr:Blackman and Bossman both very hurt here.Look it's crash! little Crash!

King:what's he doing out here?

Jr:Crash attacking Boss man and Black man,This thing is outta control!

(The Emt's take Blackman away as the ref's try to control Crash and Boss man)

King:ok everything's under control now

Jr:you spoke to soon!Crash and Boss Man going at it!We need some help out here!

(Both men are tooken back to their locker room's as Jr and King pre-pare for the next match)



Hardyz Boyz Vs Too Cool (Tag Team Championship)



(The fan's calm as King & JR put on their head phones and pre-pare for the next match)

Garcia: This next bout is a for the WWRF Tag Team Championship)


(An explosion goes off on the stage as too cool's music plays)


Garcia: Now, making their way to the ring at a total of 324 pounds. Scotty Too Hotty and Grand Master Sexay, Too Cool!
King: These guys have the skill's, the guts, and the know how to become the WWRF tag team champion's. Don't you think so JR?

Jr: Yes, they do. But the Question is, can they beat the Hardyz tonight to become the Champions....

(The Hardyz music booms out the PA system as Matt and Jeff make their way to the ring with Lita)


Garcia: And now, along with Lita. Your Tag team Champions, Matt and Jeff.The Hardy Boyz!

King: These Hardyz, they have the advantage over Too Cool with Lita out here

JR: Your right about that, Lita by ringside. Only God know's what running through that young girl mind right now.

(Bell rings)

JR: Matt and Sexay are gonna start this match off. Sexay into the rope by Matt, it look's like a face buster coming from Matt but Sexay manages to give Matt the bull dog.

King: You know  Grandmaster is championship worthy, He has what it take's to beat the Hardyz. You know I like the way Sexay keep's Matt in his corner.

JR: Yes King, Matt's out in the corner as Sexay take's control

(Lita and Jeff get the Fan's chanting for Matt to get up)

JR: Jeff and Lita pumping up the fan's here but Matt's still down

King: You need to stay on him Sexay, You never know what those Hardyz are gonna do!

JR: Sexay made the tag to Scotty. Scotty with punch's to the face of Matt. This isn’t looking to good for the Hardyz, King!

King: Yea, I know. If Too Cool keep's this up their be leaving here the Champ's

JR: Scotty just whipped Matt into the rope's, Matt just ducked Scotty and comes back with a bull dog of his own !Both men

down now and each trying to make the tag.

King: Come on Scotty! You can do it.

JR: Both men inch's away from their partner, anyone can make the tag first. Who will it be??

King: You know that Too Cool Ha.....Oh Know!

(Matt tag's in Jeff as Scotty reach's up for Sexay but Jeff run's over to Scotty and pull him back into the centre of the ring)

JR: Jeff has just been tagged in!

King: Look at him JR!!!!!!!!

Jr: "Laughs" Jeff Hardy mocking Scotty Too Hotties face when he does the worm. Oh no king a look, Jeff's gonna do the

worm" laugh's"

King: This isn’t funney JR.I bet he cant even do it!

JR:Well we'll see.W.....O.....R.....M! WHOISH,WHOISH, Look out Jeff! Sexay's behind you! The Grandmaster with the dropkick knocking Jeff down, and what is this?? We are going to see the real worm!!

JR: Matt's in the ring, he clotheslines Grandmaster and…….. the TWIST OF FATE on Scotty!

JR: Matt's out the ring and Jeff on top of Sexay. We have the ref back!1..........2.. but the Grandmaster kicks out!!



JR: Sexsay from the top rope down to Lita and Matt on the floor.All three of them are down and Scotty's up in the ring.He's

going for the Worm on Jeff.

King: Now this is how it's supose to go!.W...O...R...M,Whoish,Whoish,Whoish!Jeff just got the Worm Jr

JR: Here we go,1..........2..... what a close call!We coulda had new tag champ's.Scotty's out side the ring now and he's pulling

something from under the ring!

(Scotty take out Two Table's as the Ref try's to control Matt and Sexsay on the other side of the ring)

King: This is great!The Hardyz are going on their last ride!

JR: Scotty has one of the table's set up in the ring.Lita's getting something from under the ring as well!Its a ladder!

King: I though she didnt wanna cheat!you two timer!

JR: Lita's in Scotty face and The ref is trying to get her outta the ring.Oh my god,Lita just jacked up the ref and droped him through that table Scotty had in the ring!

King: Scotty is arguing with Lita, Matt swings him around and TWIST OF FATE!! TWIST OF FATE!!!


JR: And now Jeff is up top!! SWANTON BOMB on to Scotty Too Hotty, Jeff goes for the cover 1…………..2………………3…


Garcia: The winner's and still your tag team champions, The Hardy boyz

(The Hardyz take the title's and Limp up the ramp with Lita as the screen fades away into a promo of the next match)



Chris Jericho Vs Kurt Angle (European Belt)



JR: What a start we have had at Unforgiven!

King: Next up we have a European Title match! “Y2J” Chris Jericho will be facing “The Olympic Hero” Kurt Angle.

JR: This is going to be a great.......

(The countdown starts on the titantron. “Break Down The Walls” hits the P.A. and the crowd stands to see the “Savior of the WWRF”.)

Garcia: First up and weighing in at 231lbs and holder of the WWRF European Champion “Y2J” Chris Jericho!!!

(Jericho appears on the entrance stage with his arms out like a T, and walks down to the ring. Kurt Angles music plays and he runs out of the crowd. He slides into the ring and hits Jericho with a shoulder block.)

JR: Kurt Angle wants his belt back from Chris Jericho.
King: That shoulder block took Chris off his feet. Now Angle’s stomping away on him.

JR: Jericho jumps up, and now he’s kicking Kurt in the gut. Jericho throws Angle into the ropes and follows it up with a dropkick.

King: Let’s go Jericho!

JR: Kurt keeps on punching Jericho in the face, but Jericho reverses it with a chop to Angle’s knee and now Chris has jumped onto the top of the turnbuckle.

King: Jericho with a huge moonsault off the top, that’s the end of the match right there. Chris covers him 1...2...Angle gets to the ropes.

JR:I have to say, it did look like it was over. Jericho forearms Angle and throws him into the ropes, but he grabs the ropes as Jericho dropkicks the air.

King: Kurt now has Jericho and is going for the Olympic Slam!!

JR: But Jericho blocks it, and he hits a big powerbomb. He raises him and powerbombs him again!

King: I knew that Kurt Angle couldn’t beat him.

JR: Jericho throws Angle into the ropes, Jericho ducks to try and trip him up, but Kurt stops and spins Jericho around. Olympic Slam. Kurt pulled off the Olympic Slam!!!

(Suddenly, The Rock’s music blasts over the speakers, and the “Great One” runs to the ring.)

King: The Rock is going to ruin it for Angle again.
JR: Angle looks straight at him.

(Angle walks toward The Rock as he slides into the ring, Chris Jericho is still motionless in the ring. )

JR: The Rock and Kurt Angle are looking each other in the eye, and The Rock just wrapped his arm around Kurt’s chest.

King: Angle gets Rock Bottomed, and the ref is saying this one is over. The Rock stands over him. There goes the elbow pad.

JR: It’s the People’s Elbow! The Rock has destroyed Angle again. Jericho still has his title though.
Garcia: The winner by disqualification, Kurt Angle!!!

(The Rock talks trash to the fallen Kurt Angle)


Austin Vs Benoit Vs Undertaker


JR: Next up we have a true Slobberknocker, it will be very hard to top what we are about to see right now.
King: Beniot is about to walk out of here the new Intercontinental champion Jr, Austin and The Undertaker don't stand a chance.
JR: Beniot is good King, but he is up against the toughest SOB on the whole planet here in Stone Cold.
King Yeah, yeah, but Beniot......

Just then American Badd Ass by Kid Rock blasts out over the packed arena's PA system.

Lillian Garcia: Now introducing from Death Valley, weighing in at 328lbs THE UNDERTAKER.

The Undertaker rides his bike down to the ring, he gets off and climbs into the squared circle over the top rope.

JR: Taker looks in good shape tonight King.
King: I have told you allready JR, Beniot will win this one.

Beniot's music blares out and the Canadian Crippler trots out to the ring, he slides under the bottom rope and starts laying into The Undertaker.

King: Told you JR, Beniot is really taking it to The Undertaker.
JR: Beniot with the big right hands, the Undertaker is reeling from that. Beniot locks it up, but wait Taker throws Beniot accross the ring........

"CRASH" The sound of broken glass, the crowd all rise to their feet as The Rattlesnake runs down the the ring.

JR: It's Austin, Austin is finally here. Beniot is out of the ring to greet him.....Big clothesling from The rattlesnake!!!

King: Get up Beniot!!!

JR: Austin has picked up Beniot and thrown him back into the ring. The undertaker has Beniot and runs him off the ropes.....oh my good another clothesline, Beniot does not look in good shape.


JR: Austin pounding away at The Undertaker!! But Chris Benoit has chair!!!! What is he going to do??


King: Aw….he just clocked Austin round the head with the chair!! He knocks the American Bad As to the ground and….look Benoit!!!


King: Benoit has got the Undertaker in the ‘Crippler Crossface’ This could be all! But what is this??


JR: It’s Shane McMahon!! What is he doing? He has a chair!! Oh my god!! He just whacked Chris Benoit with a chair, and the referee is back in the ring


King: Undertaker goes for the cover 1…………………..2……………3!! We have a new champ!!


Garcia: The winner of this match and the new Ic Champ….The Undertaker!!


King: Shane O Mac just helped out the Undertaker


Sorry about the length of this match but it gets the general point across!!

Main Event

Kane Vs Big Show Vs The Rock Vs Triple HHH

WWRF World Heavyweight Title


JR: And King…Now we have the main event. We have been waiting for this for ages.

King: Yeah JR! This should be one hell of a match, and of course the Winner will be the First WWRF World Champion.

( the lights go red and then Kane’s music begins to play… Kane then walks out…)

Garcia: Making his way to the ring, From Death Valley…Weighing in at 326 pounds… Kane!!

JR: Look at that machine…he could walk out the new WWRF Champion!

(1,2…is this on? Plays as HHH comes out from the back and stands under the Titantron…)

Garcia: Making his way to the ring…from Greenwich Connecticut, weighing in at 246 pounds…HHH!

(Well it’s the Big Show!! Plays as Big Show comes out with pyros going off…)

Garcia: Making his way to the ring, From Tampa Florida… Weighing in at 500 pounds…The Big Show!!

JR: Look…they have started… even before the Rock has come out!!

(If yaaa Smell!! Is heard as the Rock runs from the back)

King: He’s started as well…

JR: The Rock is going for HHH and Kane is going for the Big Show…

(No Chance In Hell plays as Shane makes his way out and Stands on the Ramp)

King: Things are gonna get a bit better!!

Shane: Ok… Now before you all beat each other up…I have a Stipulation for the match… The match is now NO DISQUALIFICATION!! That’s right… No Holds Barred. And I will no be…A Special commentator!

JR: It looks like Shane is gonna join us!

King: Yeah…Make room!!

JR: Welcome Shane!

Shane: Yeah…This is one hell of a match!!

King: Look at that, Kane is manhandling The Show…

JR: And he’s tossed him out the ring!!

Shane: Yeah what strength by the Big Red Machine…

JR: Now Kane and Rock are double teaming HHH!!

King: Now Shane… You have just joined forces with the Undertaker… What were your Motives?

Shane: Well Never you mind… all will be revealed!

King: Yeah it must be a Major Plan then!

Shane: It sure is!

JR: HHH looks out of it! Now the Rock is staring at Kane!

King: Right hands by the Rock!!!

JR: Kane’s not feeling it! Oh…He just hit the Rock

With a thrust to the throat!!

King: Kane is coming over here! He gets a chair…

JR: I think he’s going to hit the Big Show with it!

Shane: Look at that! Kane just knocked out Big Show!

King: No Rock is out!

JR: I think its HHH turn!!

(The lights go green as Road Dogg runs to the ring)

Shane: Bad mistake by Road Dogg.

JR: Kane just nailed him with the Chair!

King: HHH is trying to help!

Shane: …Kane just Tombstoned HHH! Kane is on fire!

JR: Now the Rock starts pounding on Kane! Oh! What a DDT on Kane!!

King: Kane’s head must have bounced of the Concrete!

JR: Now Big Show grabs the Rock!! He lifts him up!! He’s gonna Press Slam him through the Spanish Announce Table!

Shane: Ow! Rock landed face first on the Announcer Table!! Show just destroyed him!

JR: Know Kane comes… He Kicks him in the back! He is gonna Reverse brainbuster him on the concrete!!

Shane: No…it’s a reverse DDT!!

King: Look at the Destruction!

Shane: I think Kane has this won!

JR: Wait, Rocky is getting up!

King: So is HHH! Kane throws Rock in the Ring! And HHH.

JR: Kane throws Rock in the ropes! But Rock ducksthe Clothesline!

King: And Rock is Laying The Smackdown on Kane!

And he just DDT’d HHH!

JR: Look Rock Bottom!! Kane just hit Rock Bottom!

Shane: He is gonna do a double Peoples Elbow!!

JR: Look it’s the Undertaker!! He enters the Ring!

Shane: Haha this is the Master Plan!

JR: What? Look! The Last Ride on Rock!

King: Now HHH!! They’re out!

Shane: Watch this… Tombstone Piledriver on the Rock!

JR: He has it won thanks to The Undertaker!

King: 1………………2………………… 3!

Garcia: The Winner and First ever WWRF World Champion…Kane!

JR: Kane is the Champ!

Shane: Excuse me!

JR: Shane goes in the Ring…and Raises Undertaker and Kane’s hands!!

Shane: People!! You have just seen the Creation of the Corporate Ministry!!

JR: The Corporate Ministry!! Shane had one big trick up his sleeve for tonight!! He has the Undertaker, the IC Champ and Kane, The World Champion under his management!

King: There is going to be hell to pay on Smackdown!!

JR: Thank You for watching the first ever WWRF Unforgiven!!

If you wanted to know what happened to the other matches T&A Vs Outlaws and Lita Vs Trish, well:

Lita beat Trish as she did not roleplay!!

New Age Outlaws beat T&A because T&A did not roleplay!!

Sorry guys but I don’t feel like writing matches where the roleplayers don’t roleplay!!

Also there will be NO Smackdown as I have loads of school work to do, but there is a Raw next week on the 2nd October 2000.