Review by: Miss Ris
Well, he may be "The Most Electrifying Man in Sports-Entertainment,"
but his book isn't. This book came out shortly after Mankind's book,
but I can't say that it was as interesting or written as well. I think
a book on The Rock is way too premature, his career is still very young
and fresh and something like this should be done more towards the end of
your career. What happens when, ten years from now, Rocky has some of his
most memorable matches? Are you going to write a new book? He hasn't really
had any memorable matches yet, just a lot of stuff with the same guys.
He just hasn't been around long enough, and I found it very hard to even
finish this book. There is a lot of information about his family and their
heritage, even a foucking family tree! Do we really need that much information
about him, I don't want to marry the guy. Overall, if you're a huge Rock
fan, which I am not, you will probably like it. I totally respect the man
and what he does, but it's too early for a book! Leave that to the veterans
of the wrestling industry.
This album gets: 2 StarsBUY IT NOW