I recently attended a taping of the new WWE Smackdown show. It occurred to me that what the organization did by taking the F out was to remove the FUN, and by adding the E it was for pure EXHAUSTION of the fan. It was a two hour show of marginal wrestlers, headlined by the great Terry "HULK" Hogan. I find it funny that on the other WWE show done on Monday the fans are treated to a little more story line, and the always good time of seeing Vince get hit with some kind of move. On the Smackdown show Vince did not even get a hair out of place. If charging an arm and a leg to watch little kids yell you SUCK at  Kurt Angle is what this is coming to---FUGETABOUTIT!!!! The other highlight was watching the WWE Divas come out and look totally bored parading around in bathing suits for the fans, hell there was a fat cow in the front who remove her size XXX cup and waved her puppies to the crowd that was having more fun then a more then sexy counterparts in Torrie Wilson and Stacie Keebler. And in closing please do not have the Undertaker if he can not perform come out out and talk for what seemed like 20 minutes letting people know that the Rock is coming back on July 11th, and to set up another boring match with Kurt Angle. I realize HHH is hurt, and Stone Cold had enough of Debbie which gave him CLUB GOLD in jail, but a couple more shows like this and the E will stand for Eulogy for the demise of the VINCE Empire.

Mr. Ric